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Peeing In Other Peoples Houses!

Guest KatyC

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Guest KatyC

We are having a bit of trouble with Peggy weeing in other peoples houses, at first we just thought that it was just accidents as she did not know where to go to let us know she needed to go out. But my parents house (which we visit nearly every day) she will pee even if she has just been on a walk and pee'd 5 times on the walk. We will only be there for 10-15 minutes sometimes but she will still go.


Any ideas on how we can stop this?

It's not a big deal as my parents don't mind, but it would be nice to not have to worry about her doing it there.


Thanks in advance.


Katy :)

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Guest grey_dreams

That would be marking. And if she's doing it every time you go there, even if you go there everyday, the only way to avoid it is to formally housetrain her in your parent's home. This means that you have to keep her tethered to you at all times, and at the first sign (sniffing and squatting), whisk her right back outside. It may also be possible that she is stimulated by the smell of her previous markings. Those spots should be cleaned with an enzymatic cleaner to remove all traces of scent.

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This means that you have to keep her tethered to you at all times, and at the first sign (sniffing and squatting), whisk her right back outside.


Given Peggy's past behavior, I would guess it's nervous peeing. New sights, new smells. She's probably going into sensory overload like, "OMG, where are we?!" I agree with the suggestion above. I would also make your parent's house a very rewarding place to be. Is there a special treat (chewy, bone, kong) that you could reserve just for your parent's house? Or maybe try a DAP diffuser there?

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My bridge girl, Rascal, did that a few times. I took her to my friend's house, who was going to dogsit for us, and Rascal promptly peed on one of their dog beds. :shakefinger From then on, whenever we took the dogs there, we'd take her through the house and directly into the back yard. Rascal LOVED their backyard--1/2 acre, fenced--and she could sniff around there forever, marking to her heart's desire. :lol After she did that, she was fine in the house.


She also used to pee on other dog's blankets at meet and greets. She was a major 'marker', obviously. :lol Walks were always an adventure, since she had to mark everything.

Edited by rascalsmom

Phoebe (Belle's Sweetpea) adopted 9/2/13.

Jack (BTR Captain Jack) 9/28/05--11/2/12
Always missing Buddy, Ruby, and Rascal.

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It may also be possible that she is stimulated by the smell of her previous markings. Those spots should be cleaned with an enzymatic cleaner to remove all traces of scent.


Agree with house training 101 at each new location too. You have to 'appear' to be in total control too so being leashed near you to is a good idea as it says 'I'm taking care of everything today'. If she is anxious: licking and loocking away, then send back the calming signal "Quick lick towards your nose, YAWN, and look away'


It's not an unusual problem... a friend of mine has a little Westie who is apt to do that. Only allowed in the kitchen where there is wipeable flooring!

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Summer sometimes does this, too. Not at places where she goes a lot (like Grandma's) but at places that have dogs. She won't, for instance, mark in a hotel room. We visited a couple of Greytalkers and she peed at the first one -- I got distracted and wasn't paying enough attention. Very embarrassing on your first visit to someone but, thankfully, anyone with greyhounds can understand it. I was terrified she'd wander off and pee at the 2nd place, too, but she didn't. Peeing outside first doesn't change anything, she'll still manage to find some to squeeze out.


Lisa B.

My beautiful Summer - to her forever home May 1, 2010 Summer

Certified therapy dog team with St. John Ambulance

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Guest KatyC

Thanks for the advice. I don't think it's nerves this time, as she absolutely loves going to their house and pulls down their driveway!

They do have a dog, so maybe she is trying to mark. We do clean it but she does tend to go in the same places again and again.


I will take her out in the garden straight away like you say maybe if she can mark in the garden for a bit this will help.

Will just have to keep her close and watch her then!


Crazy girl!


She's had bad tummy today poor girl :( Going for a check up at the vets tomorrow to make sure she's ok and check her over generally.

What's best to feed when they have had a poorly tummy?

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What's best to feed when they have had a poorly tummy?>>


I boil up some Turkey breast (you don't want the greasy skin) and some white rice (15 mins so well cooked). Usually only have to feed it that night and in the morning - then she's better.

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White rice and boiled (boneless skinless) chicken breast. You can also do any variation of rice, oatmeal, cottage cheese, chicken, turkey, or hamburger. If you're cooking a meat that's on the greasier side, like hamburger, drain the grease off and rinse it first.

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It's marking. My daughter's grey Tee Cup, does it all the time when she visits, where ever she visits. She especially likes to mark dog beds.

Irene Ullmann w/Flying Odin and Mama Mia in Lower Delaware
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Guest KatyC


Thank you, but it wont let me read it! Says I need to be a paid subcriber :(


I gave her some boiled rice and yoghurt last night with some water to try and hydrate her a bit. She ate it waaaay to fast and then threw some of it up outside! The big D seems to have subsided now though. She's had a normal but plain breakfast today, so we'll see when I get home today!!

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