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Late Night Licking

Guest PaulEmandStan

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Guest PaulEmandStan

Cripes our hound can make a lot of racket licking himself!


This happens throughout the day as he grooms which is never normally a problem but when he starts at 3am it can actually wake us up!


What's the best way to persuade him that darkness = no licky? Currently we grin and bear it until one of us gets up and puts something inbetween him and the park he is licking (ie a cuddly toy) but this is naturally a bit of a pain!!

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Guest PaulEmandStan
I just yell out "Buddy STOP IT!!!" Works for us. :blush


That works once or twice but eventually he ignores us, when everything else he is very well trained on! Usually if we seperate him from the bit he's licking (it's usually a foot or his "shoulder") then he stops. The sly little bugger sometimes does it really quietly after he's been told off, so quiet you don't know for sure if he is...they say greyhounds aren't the brightest, no-one told Stan

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Summit makes the most irritating noises licking his boy parts. Drives me nuts. I just say his name in a "tone". Sometimes I have to remind him 2 minutes later. Then that's the end of it.

Kristie and the Apex Agility Greyhounds: Kili (ATChC AgMCh Lakilanni Where Eagles Fly RN IP MSCDC MTRDC ExS Bronze ExJ Bronze ) and Kenna (Lakilanni Kiss The Sky RN MADC MJDC AGDC AGEx AGExJ). Waiting at the Bridge: Retired racer Summit (Bbf Dropout) May 5, 2005-Jan 30, 2019

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Lea, our girl, usually sleeps next to my husband's side of the bed. Sometimes she licks the wall - I think because our boy, Elliott is on our bed and she isn't, or maybe she gets cold or feels lonely or insecure ... who knows? I usually ask my husband to see if she is licking herself or the wall - usually, she stops once he turns the light on and gives her a couple of pets and a blanket. Elliott does this occasionally too ... His bed is next to a power outlet, so I put baby safety covers on the outlets ... he definitely does it when he is jealous that Lea is on the bed - he will also come and whine at us individually to let us know we should kick her off and let him up ... little stinker.

Theresa (Tess)

Mom to Elliott (Sol Flasher) and Lea (PTL Lea)

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Summit makes the most irritating noises licking his boy parts. Drives me nuts. I just say his name in a "tone". Sometimes I have to remind him 2 minutes later. Then that's the end of it.

Same here. I don't even raise my voice. In fact, it's softer than usual but it's serious, very, very serious. The difference in my voice &/or just having someone speak suddenly when we are normally silent seems to stop the activity immediately. Occasionally I need to give a reminder, usually with a new hound, but often one word is all it takes.

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Guest PaulEmandStan

He had a full health check about a fortnight ago and was in full health but we have moved recently. That said he's always been a licker as far as I remember!

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Potter does this too, but only at night. It's crazy how LOUD it is! If it goes on for more than just a few minutes I'll yell 'quit!' at him. He'll

usually stop, sigh *really* loud to get his point across, and then fall back asleep :)

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Guest kahjul

All 3 of mine do this on occasion. The lab is by far louder than the greys. I quietly say the culprits name and 'quit'. The 2 we've had for awhile stop immediately, the new girl still takes a couple reminders. Ive even tossed a stuffie toy in her direction for emphasis.

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I'm watching this topic to see what responses you get. I have an obsessive licker. She has no medical issues. I "think" it's a comfort thing for her- borderline OCD. She'll lick her leg, or the couch, or her bedding, or MY bedding as she's falling asleep - and keep licking in her sleep! To the point where there's a soggy spot - that made me think for a while she was peeing in her sleep and had a full vet check for that - to find out - no it was wetness from licking.

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Guest PaulEmandStan

We thought we had a patch of damp on the wall. But no, it's just where Stan had licked it. I think he was checking it wasn't food, he'll try again tomorrow no doubt...

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Guest grey_dreams

I'm watching this topic to see what responses you get. I have an obsessive licker. She has no medical issues. I "think" it's a comfort thing for her- borderline OCD. She'll lick her leg, or the couch, or her bedding, or MY bedding as she's falling asleep - and keep licking in her sleep! To the point where there's a soggy spot - that made me think for a while she was peeing in her sleep and had a full vet check for that - to find out - no it was wetness from licking.


Yes, this can happen. My new boy uses licking as a comforting thing, like a child will suck their thumb. Stan's licking the wall is a similar bahavior (no, he wasn't testing to see if it was food). Zhivaya has been home for seven weeks. He was an extremely shy/spooky dog. With time his nervousness/anxiety level is decreasing, and hopefully the licking will decrease too. He mostly licks after meals and in the late evening. We are also using redirection to help attenuate the licking.

Edited by grey_dreams
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Guest itsagreytlife

I would agree with those that say this is a comfort thing or tension reliever. My dogs can lick at night (ugh, the first night with Selah was a nightmare) so I either use light, easier-to-put-on jammies (the kind that drape over their backs & then velcro around or under), or just throw a light blanket on them. It stops them and if they manage to get around the blanket later, I throw it back on. Works everytime for me! Good luck!

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