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Canned Food Question

Guest kaiandsam

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Guest kaiandsam

This question is not about a greyhound it is about a whippet, so I hope it's okay that I ask my question here as it is a general one.


We are trying to put weight on our 14 yr old Whippet, who has CHF. He has lost a considerable amount of weight since the disease started. The vet says it's a progression of the heart condition and to feed him extra protein. He is so skinny that people stop me when we are out and ask if he is sick.


We free feed (I know this is not a popular belief, please don't blast me for it, I have my reasons). He doesn't seem to be eating enough kibble, and when we do give him chicken with his pills everyday, he takes it like he's starving. My theory for him not eating kibble it that he has a broken canine tooth and it might be hurting him. We don't dare put him under anesthesia as he almost died when he got neutered. His heart wouldn't hold up for the surgery.


Anyway, long story short we decided to try canned wet dog food. I worked like a charm. He loves it and even looks like he has gained a little weight. We feed Merrick and Blue, because they're natural and they don't have that "wet dog food" smell. There are so many flavor varieties to choose from. Merrick has 10 or so, Blue about 6. What I want to know from those who feed canned food is do I give him a new flavor everyday so he has some variety? or Should I find one flavor he likes and stick with it? So far I've been giving him a choice everyday of what he wants to eat. I like to think he picks out his own food.



Also, he doesn't eat a whole can of food in one sitting. How do you store the leftovers? Put the can in the fridge? Transfer the food to a tupperware container and put in the fridge? Or Don't put in the fridge at all?


Thanks for listening to my story and to anyone who might be able to answer my questions.


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Guest RNJaney09

I'd say give that old man whatever he wants! Haha, just an opinion. I like to think they enjoy variety. I mix in a big spoonful of canned food in to Finley's kibble at every meal, and I rotate through all the different flavors they have. Just stick some foil on top of the can (or a fitted plastic top, they're pretty easy to find) and throw it in the fridge. No need to transfer it to a separate container. :gh_face

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When mine were eating canned as an add in I bought two or three kinds and just used them at random. I don't think mine cared in the least if they ate the same thing every day or a different thing. I bought some of those plastic can covers - sort of hard to find the ones that adapted to both big and small cans - and stored the leftovers in the fridge. My guys like the leftovers just fine cold the next day.

Edited by Hubcitypam
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You have to refrigerate your leftovers. There are dog food can covers or just use glad wrap or foil.

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Guest Scouts_mom

My concern with feeding the same flavor all the time is: what happens when they change the recipe or there is a shortage? Is he going to refuse to eat other flavors because they taste different? Needless to say, I use flavors randomly to put a bit on their kibble.

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Summer gets canned food for dinner. I have my preferred brand and randomly switch flavors every night. Her breakfast is kibble and it's always the same brand and flavor, so she gets her variety at dinner. She eats the whole can. However, if I'm doing anything different or I get the BIG can (rare to find), then leftovers get a can cover and are put in the fridge. ALWAYS refrigerate leftovers.


Lisa B.

My beautiful Summer - to her forever home May 1, 2010 Summer

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I have a 14 yr old whippet with a heart problem also. She was always a finicky eater since I got her at 14 mo. Had lots of gastro problems that `s why they gave her up. Anyway, She is holding her weight through thick and thin. Lots of patience goes into keeping her weight. She also has slight dementia and really tries to bury her food not eat it so I have to tap the bowl and remind her. The only way I get her to eat and keep weight is to put lots of good canned food in her wet kibble and mix it well. When she was sick long ago she lived on canned food. She kept her weight also. Good quality canned food can be a total sorce of nurishment . I also found at her age she does not like cold food. If the canned food was in the fridge over night, I put it in the microwave for a few second to make it room temp. Her teeth are great just does not like cold food. Just some thought about a 14 yr old whippet girl.

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