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What Is "long Term" Prednisone Use?

Guest driser

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Yes I did post yesterday, but today have a different question.


We took our GH to his vet today assuming he had a tooth ache because he's been having a hard time getting into meal and struggling with bigger biscuits. But after examining his mouth the vet didn't think it was a dental issue so he started checking his neck's range of motion. I wish he had warned me, I'd have closed my eyes. Right side fine. Left side fine. But when he moved his head up our GH cried out. I would have too, but the vet assured me that his neck should have been able to go much further. This vet used to work with track dogs when there was still a track in this neck of the woods and has had three of his own; that's why we chose him. He was recently on a steroid for 20 days due to some severe swelling and high fever that hopsitalized him for 4 days to what was assumed Erhlichia though that test came back negative; and then confirmed secondary Vasculitis. He responded really well to the steroid and continues to be doing well on the doxycycline to kill the assumed Erhlichia infection. Vet wants to do a very low dose of steroid for another week to see if he still has some swelling going on that is causing neck pain. He does still have one slightly swollen front "ankle" as well that he wants to see swelling free. But it's nothing compared to what it was when he got sick sick on 1/4.


But having just done 20 days I don' t know how I feel about doing Prednisone again when he is still eating and his hesitancy seems to be intermittent. Would anyone suggest we raise his already raised feeder slightly higher to see if that helps before doing drugs? It's been below 20 degrees for a month with snow that couldn't melt so he hasn't had regular walks for a spell post recovery from above, but today is 50 and SUNNY so we went on a brisk 25 min walk and he did splendidly despite remaining mildly swollen ankle. I'm a big believer that "motion is lotion" so with the weather warming up to safe and tolerable I'm also tempted to just see if some monitored increased walking would aid in his body mending itself.


Thoughts on holding off on Prednisone? Should I email vet clinic and tell them I'd like to wait; be "that client" who thinks she knows best. :)


always appreciative of everyone's advice.




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Kasey is on a very low dose of prednisone for the rest of his life....we started using it in 2007 and gradually weaned off a higher dose to what he is on now. In the case of Kasey, it is to help his allergies, and not necessarily chronic pain. I do know that it can do wonders, however it is a drug to be used with caution and have a great respect and understanding of it's proper use.


I'm sure my comment pales in comparison to others experiences but I'd consider Kasey a long term user, even if he's on a low dose.

Proudly owned by:
10 year old "Ryder" CR Redman Gotcha May 2010
12.5 year old Angel "Kasey" Goodbye Kasey Gotcha July 2005-Aug 1, 2015

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You DO know best. NOBODY else knows your dog or loves and cares about him as much as YOU. IMO do what YOU feel is best. Intuition(energy) can be very good the best medicine. (More than likely I too would hold off on the pred for the time being. I will never forget how even 10mg/day made Aggie slowly and pitifully dissolve away right in front of my eyes. I think it is very good medicine when absolutely required but should be used very sparingly as its effects good and bad can be very strong.) JMO.

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Guest DragonflyDM

Long term prednisone in animals has the same risks as humans (namely diabetes and Cushings disease). Weight gain could be a possible effect from the increased appetite. Of those I would personally worry most about cushings disease before diabetes,


I would talk to your vet about continuing with episodic uses compared to the chronic use of that medication-- and perhaps get a second opionion from another vet specialist.

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After wondering why his neck would be sore I had an epiphany yesterday! Our GH is STELLAR on a leash. He does not pull on his leash, is not allowed to walk ahead of us, and like a dream walks by our side. BUT after he goes potty in the backyard (on leash; we don't have a fenced back yard) we have this game where once I have the poop bagged (he's shimmying and leaping with excitement while he waits) we RUN back to the front door. And though we run "together" he's so far in front he's actually pulling me to an extent though I'm running all out to keep tension on leash at a minimum.


DUH!! Though I'm a very petite woman, this game has him using his neck muscles as if he were a draft horse. So I don't think we'll jump to prednisone I think we'll a) nix this fun little game or B) get a harness for potty outings so he can still do this occasionally.

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