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Desi's Day At Osu = Hard On Us Both

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Desi is so fortunate to have you by his side, and sending you both all kinds of well wishes from here.


Maybe you've already tried these, but liverwurst, hot dogs or raw ground beef? And start with little bites with no pills, give a pill buried in a bite, no pill bite, two pills in two bites and so on? If Desi refuses everything, ask your vet about appetite stimulants. No idea why vets seem slow to prescribe them, but they can be lifesavers. Vet should also be able to give you and Desi something to calm his stomach down from the Tramadol.


Hoping you and your sweet hound can get some rest tonight.

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Guest grey_dreams

I'm sorry to hear that Desi lost his appetite. I would also guess it is because of the pills. If you could get something in to protect his stomach it might help. Sending lots of good wishes and prayers.

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Adding... my last resort for getting pills down my picky girl (and she is on NSAIDs at the moment) is pocketing them in raw tripe. I would rather have dog slobber up to the elbow, since the tripe smell is... ripe and hard to wash off. BUT the tripe is (apparently for her, not to me) so tasty it has to be swallowed whole immediately. If your local stores don't have raw green tripe, Hare Today and others will ship.


Cerenia was the anti-nausea med I was trying to remember. There may be a better/newer one now; hopefully a vet will help you with that.

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AH! Cerenia, how could I forget that? We use it frequently at my clinic. I just shoved a Pepcid down.


It just seems like a vicious circle.....need more Tramadol to control the pain.....Tramadol upsets tummy

and may be the cause of the panting & pacing as well......cut down the Tramadol, then comes more panting & whining.


Fired off a detailed email to Dr.Clemente.....hope he'll check it in a timely manner tomorrow & get back to me.


If we make it through the night, will get a dose for Cerenia tomorrow & maybe some Mirtazapine as well (appetite stimulant).

More pills to shove down his throat........think he'll ever forgive me for this?

Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog.

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Tramadol should not be upsetting his tummy. It's actually safe to give on an empty stomach. Do you think he's panting & pacing from the Tramadol??

Here's a trick for you-if you end up giving him a cerenia injection place the cerenia in the fridge first--chilling it takes the awful sting out of it.

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When Desi was here, he loved liver. I have some venison liver that I could cook up and bring over. In addition to the Cerenia and mirtazipine, you could add sucralfate in between meals/pills.


I also think it might be possible that he is having some cognitive stuff going on because of the amount of tramadol he needs.


Are we in a wait and see mode or does OSU want to do more tests trying to identify exactly what the mass is?




p.s. just read your original post saying that Dr. Clemente would like to do a biopsy. When Desi goes back to OSU would you like me to come also? If you would like, I can pick you guys up and take you there and back.

Edited by joejoesmom
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