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Upper Canine Tooth Is Pink

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Sierra had a major dental done 2 months ago. She is a senior 12 years old now. The dental went well considering her age and losing 8 teeth. Her upper right canine I noticed is pink and her gum is swollen over the tooth. Will the vet consider extracting this tooth?

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She needs to be seen. Yes, the vet may decide to extract the tooth, but if he does, it needs to be gone.


Infections in the upper canine can spread into the bone, and also reach the nasal cavity. If the infection is deep seated and left too long - like my poor Jeffie - you can have ongoing problems for months after the tooth is removed. Jeff had an infection leading to a fistula just about into his nasal sinus and a huge ulcer where the tooth was taken out and failed to heal properly because of the damage to the soft tissue. Took about six months to resolve.


But try not to over-think this. It might be just gingivitis and if there's not too much gum recession, and they can deal with it with antibiotics, she'll probably keep the tooth. :)


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Paul has a purple canine. His tooth change also occured after a dental. When we brought him back to be looked at, the vet said that his root died. The tooth is in tight and that was about 2 years ago. Not saying that you shouldn't have it checked, of course, but, that it doesn't necessarily mean anything needs to be done. Good luck.

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