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Couple Of Questions

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Today we had a run in with an off-leash staffie. She belongs to a neighbour and never really gets walked. She got out today and we saw her. All was well and it looked like DH would be able to catch her but she then saw the girls, barked and came barreling towards us. Paige ramped up and went for her, Brandi backed off, and the staffie kept coming. So I had two leashed greys and a staffie. DH ended up kicking at the staffie to drive her off and neighbours came from all directions. No injuries but a lot of adrenaline and apologies.


So, questions. The staffie isn't actually aggressive but is quite unsocialized. Paige doesn't do unsocialized and is happy to discipline. Obviously this isn't much fun but am I right in thinking that, actually, there's not much I can do to desensitize thd girls to this behavior and that what they're doing is ok.


Second, what do you do? Brandi managed to keep me between her and the other most of the time and ideally that's what Paige would do. However, she always kept between me and the other, and I suspect was trying to protect me. Any tips? Both girls are muzzled by law.


Third, I've got a boo boo. :(. Rope burn from one of the leashes. So, do leather leashes give fewer burns? If so, which are your favorites?

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How scary. Glad it worked out OK.

If your dogs won't tolerate others running up at them like a torpedo then you did just about the only thing that could be done. Maybe pack some Mace spray in your pocket (if allowed there) or walk with a stick. I found an aluminum one that folds into 4 to put in the pocket - it is connected with a bungee cord - and makes a formidable prod when necessary; it just shakes out straight.


Leather leashes are less prone to serious rope burns but are not as safe long term and need regular checking; I had one break once when walking my dog along the road.

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So sorry. That had to be really scary. Have you talked to the neighbor to see if you can help to socialize the dog? that is if they are even interested. Sometimes the best way to avoid that problem in the future is to be part of the solution. Good luck and I'm really glad that the worst injury was your rope burn; ouchy but not as expensive as a visit to the vet.

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Thanks for the responses. I'd ask about helping with the dog, but I suspect they won't be all that receptive. We're military families, so he's away a lot, and she's home with two kids and a third on the way. I don't think they're much for responsible pet ownership, and believe it's 'his' dog which she puts up with. And, honestly, I just don't have the energy to deal with a third problematic dog. Both of mine are leash reactive and Paige is medium/ high prey drive. Which makes me sad, as I really don't think the dog has an especially happy life.


I'm considering Mace or Pepper spray. My husband may like me to carry that anyhow, so I'l discuss with him, and check the legalities.


Otherwise, I guess it's back to retraining the girls. They'd gotten much better about other dogs but this incident has put us back several steps.

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Report the incident to your local authorities. Start a paper trail now.




What if your DH had not been there?

What if there had been small kids around?


Nancy...Mom to Sid (Peteles Tiger), Kibo (112 Carlota Galgos) and Joshi.  Missing Casey, Gomer, Mona, Penelope, BillieJean, Bandit, Nixon (Starz Sammie),  Ruby (Watch Me Dash) Nigel (Nigel), and especially little Mario, waiting at the Bridge.




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