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How To Get My Grey To Eat Raw

Guest krussell

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Guest krussell

I am just starting my dogs on a raw diet, however one of my Greyhounds won't eat the meat. She will actually chew it up and then spit it out...I have tried cooking the meat, mixing it with wet food, and adding pumpkin, but she is still reluctant to actually swallow. Any tips on how to get a Greyhound started on raw would be great!

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:hehe What are you trying to feed? Beef? Chicken? Staring out with ground up stuff might be easier. Just cook it and see if she will eat it. If she does add in a little more raw each day. Once you move up to larger hunks you may need to sear the outside in a pan at first. My two don't like anything slimy! They refuse to touch raw eggs or thawed chicken. They eat cooked eggs and frozen chicken!




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Guest krussell

Right now they are getting local, all natural beef that I just cut up into chunks and boiled. Unfortunately I don't have a grinder, but I can try cutting it up into smaller pieces and see if that will make a difference. Thanks for the tips!

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Maybe try cooking in some butter in a pan? Try feeding partially frozen? You just have to keep trying different things to see what she likes. Maybe she would prefer chicken/turkey/pork? Also don't give her lots of treats or other options. A hungry pups is less picky ;)


My girls will be picky if we are feeding super yummy venison for a few days then try go go back to plain old chicken. It's too boring for them and they attempt a strike. :flip




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I will never forget I was making tacos and was making ground beef in a pan. I missed when trying to transfer some of the meat and about half of the contents of the pot fell on the ground. Kasey sniffed it and walked away. I could not believe he didn't make a run to eat any of it. Could have been cause it was hot, but then again he was never fond of food in general. Enter my other houndie Ryder and he eats food like it's going out of style. I think his devotion to food actually inspired Kasey to eat, because what he didn't finish he would lose to Ryder. That being said, Kasey being a non-food motivated dog did make it difficult to feed in general. I will still to this day give him raw and he will grab it so gently, and indecisively, that Ryder will just go and snatch it right from his mouth. That's just his nature. What i'm getting to is your pup might not be the biggest fan of it, especially initially.


I'd certainly try different meat to entice them to start. Also ensure that you are off kibble cold turkey. Our boys favorite is turkey legs and necks. Try not boiling the beef and feed it as is. Try bigger chunks, to get them to want to chew. Give chicken breast a try. Try some tripe. Don't forget the lovely organs to balance it all out - the stinkier=more enticing. Good luck.

Proudly owned by:
10 year old "Ryder" CR Redman Gotcha May 2010
12.5 year old Angel "Kasey" Goodbye Kasey Gotcha July 2005-Aug 1, 2015

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Guest memadeit

If yours is like mine (just like a kid), If I am eating it, then they want it. You can always put small pieces of raw on a plate besides your plate while youre eating something. Just might be willing to eat it if she thinks you are.

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Right now they are getting local, all natural beef that I just cut up into chunks and boiled. Unfortunately I don't have a grinder, but I can try cutting it up into smaller pieces and see if that will make a difference. Thanks for the tips!


If you have boiled the meat, then it isn't raw!!!


Try just feeding them a small piece of raw chicken....a leg or back and see how they like it.

My guys gobble it up and barely even chew it.


Nancy...Mom to Sid (Peteles Tiger), Kibo (112 Carlota Galgos) and Joshi.  Missing Casey, Gomer, Mona, Penelope, BillieJean, Bandit, Nixon (Starz Sammie),  Ruby (Watch Me Dash) Nigel (Nigel), and especially little Mario, waiting at the Bridge.




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Guest krussell

I understand what feeding raw is. I originally tried to feed my Greyhound just raw meat, but she won't touch it. Therefore, I tried boiling it to entice her to eat. I have no intention of continuing to cook the meat, but just until she gets used to eating raw.

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Karma was like that (and still is a bit). Liver powder worked wonders for us. Here you can buy it in little shakers and you only need a tsp or so and the smell really stimulates their appetites. If you can't find the powder you can grind up or mash up some of the freeze dried liver :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
I understand what feeding raw is. I originally tried to feed my Greyhound just raw meat, but she won't touch it. Therefore, I tried boiling it to entice her to eat. I have no intention of continuing to cook the meat, but just until she gets used to eating raw.

My apologies. I didn't intend to sound snarky with my previous post. I obviously did, and I'm sorry for that.


I guess I'm a good example of the advice I took long ago "use the posts that help and ignore the people that are irrelevant".


Again - sorry.

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