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Alone Training - Guide To Print Out?

Guest KatyC

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Hi everyone,


I wondered if anyone had a guide or a link to a guide for alone training? A sort of comprehensive step by step guide on what to do from the first day with any tips to help along the way.


I have read lots of things from different places, books, on here and on the internet in general. But if anyone has a compilation of all the things to remember and think about doing I would be very grateful.

I'd like to print it off so I can keep reading over it and have it to hand.


Thanks! :)

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I very much recommend "I'll be Home Soon" by Patricia McConnell. You can buy it on Amazon. I don't know because I only have the hard-copy version but it may be available in Kindle. It's worth every penny. My group includes it in our adoption packets, it's THAT valuable!

Sharon, Loki, Freyja, Capri (bridge angel and most beloved heart dog), Ajax (bridge angel) and Sweetie Pie (cat)

Visit Hound-Safe.com by Something Special Pet Supplies for muzzles and other dog safety products


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Goal is to set a pattern of leaving the home without making a big deal.


Repetition, repetition, repetition.


For example: get dressed, but your coat on, grab your keys, put on radio, leave house. When you are starting your training, leave for 5 minutes. Come back in, take off coat, etc. Hang out for a while. Start process again. I would recommend a weekend when you are home and do it for 2 days.

Repeat again leaving for 10 minutes, come in house, stay awhile. Repeat again, leave for 20 minutes.

I found that confusing the heck out of these guys really helps. After awhile they will look at you with stink eye as to why you are disturbing their sleep. When you do come in house, make it no big deal.


You might have to do this for longer than weekend but with consistency it works.


I remember my neighbors looking at me like I was crazy, in out, in out!!!


I closed doors to bedrooms to make the house a little smaller and more sense of security for the doggies.


Good luck and keep us posted.

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Thank you msjpk, that is so helpful! I will remember repetition.

We have 7 days off when we first get her, then another week of half days and then I'll be coming home for an hour at lunch every day from then on. So hopefully we'll have some time to get the ball rolling!


I'm hoping she'll have no troubles, but I want to be prepared anyway :)

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Don't tempt us! We keep provisionally picking names for a second one before weve even got our first! We'll see how it goes with peggy, but I would love to have two. Although our bungalow is only little!

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Let her get used to her new home for a few months. THEN... totally get another one. They are so good together.

Sharon, Loki, Freyja, Capri (bridge angel and most beloved heart dog), Ajax (bridge angel) and Sweetie Pie (cat)

Visit Hound-Safe.com by Something Special Pet Supplies for muzzles and other dog safety products


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It's good to be prepared but Peggy may never have an issue. Annie Bella is an only dog and though she isn't happy when I leave without her, she protests only as long as she can see me (i.e., getting the car from the detached garage). Once out of sight, she stops whining. I know because I've returned to the house to listened, and she's quiet as a clam.

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That's good to hear of someone that hasn't had any issues. Hopefully she'll be the same as yours and not be too bothered when we go. Thanks for all your comments :) She's been spayed now and is living in the womens house until we get her in 9 days :) :)

My parents retriever has early stage kidney failure at only 5 years old, so it is going to bring absolute joy to him when we get her (they live around the corner) as he loves all dogs. So even if we do wait a while to get a second one, she'll have Barney as a close buddy :) and her litter brother Eli (SIL's grey) and MIL's Iggy Flynn! Will have to get a pic of them all together at some point!

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  • 4 weeks later...

So far they are going well thank you. She seems quite alright to be left alone. This week she has been left 5 hours a day. We did the alone training things when we first got her and as far as we know she doesn't mind us not being there so far :)

Thank you for asking :)

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Guest PaulEmandStan

After a few months we had Stan perfect and he'd often be sleeping when we got back in after several hours at a time. However my partner has been off work for a month so he has reverted back to being clingy, plus we are moving house in a month so think we're going to have to start again from scratch

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