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Older Greyhound Getting Protective?

Guest zombrie

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Guest zombrie

I was just wondering if any of you have dealt with this. Lately, Mira has been becoming jealous and protective. If you are petting her and another dog comes over, you immediately feel her tense up. It has even escalated to her lashing out and snapping at the other dogs. It is something she NEVER would have done before, she is such a gentle soul and it is very shocking.
As background, she is 9.5 and she has been starting to slow down. We are still digging into the medical part, not sure what the problem is (hind end weakness, possible LS, accidents, weight loss..) But at the same time she acts like she feels pretty good. Does this new behavior have to do something with something medical? Or is she just getting older and having less tolerance? I have no idea :(

How do we handle it when she acts protective and jealous?

Edited by zombrie
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Hi Brie,


I think you're doing the right thing in checking out the medical, even though she seems to be feeling okay. She may be tensing up with dogs get close because she could be a bit sore someplace and doesn't want to get bumped or jostled. If medical comes back okay, she may be just wanting more one on one time with you and your Mom as she gets older.


Keep us posted.



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Brie I agree to continue to pursue the medical angle. As Pat said she may be hurting somewhere or her

vision may be compromised thus the dog approaching her startles her. All four of my original hounds lived to

double digits and none of them exhibited the behaviors you are seeing in Mira. Good luck!

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Guest zombrie

Thanks, I do believe it is medical too, especially since it came on pretty suddenly. The hair on the base of her tail is always standing up and seems to hurt, but nothing showed on the xrays...we will continue to try to figure out what is going on. I think part of me was just hoping she just needs more one on one time and that's why she has been acting like this :unsure

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I hope it is nothing serious! Recently Sallie had gotten grumpy when Molly wanted to lay next to her, and Sallie loves everybody. I knew she had some tooth issues, and after her dental (and the removal of 22 teeth!) she is back to her old sweet self, so it could be anything.

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