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A Question About Natures Variety Instinct Raw.

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Is this the best I can do for prepared raw food? We are using the patties. Hester also gets a huge raw Turkey neck every day so he gets his chewing and crunching.


I looked into a regular raw diet but Hester refuses organ meats so that would have me chopping, blending, cooking, etc. Plus I would have to add a vitamin supplement.


The down side with the Nature's Variety is that he eats so much it will cost close to $5000 per year to feed the big boy. Is that insane? We have the resources but gosh darn, that is more than most people around the world get to eat.


But than I look at him and wonder how I can deny him anything that makes him healthier:


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Will he eat cooked organs? That might be easier than spending a bazillion dollars for pre made. Honestly once you get used to making up meals its easier than feeding yourself!


Or sometimes it's easier to get them to eat frozen organs. Changes the texture so it's not as slimy




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Mine won't eat raw organs either, pretty sure it is the texture. At various times I have cooked (briefly sauteed) raw organs, given freeze dried liver treats, and used the Nature's Variety as a supplement to the regular raw diet. I would give them about 1/2 patty a day. Depends on how lazy I am feeling :)

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I couldn't imagine feeding a large sized dog on any (store bought) prepared raw. I have a couple of local dog people who sell their own ground mixes which are around $1.50-$2.00 per pound (for good stuff, not much bone, more red meat). I am not a huge fan of Nature's Variety just because I find it has an odd brownish (not red) colour and smell for raw. Not saying it is a bad food, just that more "homemade" ground mixes sometimes are better quality for a cheaper price if you can find them. Where are you located? Have you looked into any co-ops in your area or smaller companies? Some of my U.S. friends swear by Eureka ground mixes. I know it is very reasonably priced but I just don't know where you can get it or where it is distributed.


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Thanks Redhead. Here in BC we have a local producer of raw ground mixes which are a reasonable price. But I am concerned that simply ground up veggies will not be absorbed properly. My understanding is that special processing is required for vegitable matter to be absorbed by a dogs digestive tract.


BTW I have spent a lot of time near Shelbourne. Nice spot. I used to have property in the Devil's Glen area.

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KickReturn, I've looked at your pictures and you live in my dream area of Canada.... Ahhhhh! Someday DH and I will live there and our dogs can have runs together.

I did the math on your $5000/year for food for your boy a few times to make sure it wasn't a mistake, but..... $400 a month on dog food?! :riphair INSANE!!!

We spend that much on ourselves for food! Surely there must be some better raw food options if you enquire with the local butcher. If you need suggestions in the Courtenay/Comox area PM me.



Bri and Mike with Boo Radley (Williejohnwalker), Bubba (Carlos Danger), and the feline friends foes, Loois and Amir

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The cost is silly. Over $40 for a bag of 12 patties so $3.40 per patty and he eats 4 per day = $13.40. 365 days and you have a grand total of $4964.


It's a shame because he loves it and after 3 day I can see a big difference in his fecal output. Two small perfectly formed poops per day and compared to multiple massive log piles followed by a mudslides that were impossible to clean up. I think I will have to make more effort for him and make sure he gets 100% raw but at a lower price. Just worried about getting the right balance of nutrients. The science behind the Natures Variety is impressive.


Yes Brianamac, it is really paradise here. I pinch myself every morning to make sure it's real.

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Nature's Variety is not one of my favorite premade raw foods. Premade foods are expensive. I do half myself, and if you pury the veggies that is fine, they still get the nutrients and they will eat it. Sometimes I make it like a salsa w/tomatos and use beef broth w/the veggies. There are a few websites ,and if you look on a thread here for raw or do a google search you'll find some recipes. I also will do crockpot cooking for the dogs. This way the nutrients stay w/the food for they get it all including the juice and veggies I add to the mix. I then just add bone meal or some form of calcium. One of mine doesn't like raw organs, the other could care less. So one gets it cooked if not ground already from the co I get pkg'd organs. I do prefer the good poops vs runny poops. Another thing you can try is Honest Kitchen or there is a new one from Michigan I can't remember the name that has pkged veggies and supplements and just add to raw meat. The honest kitchen also has it w/some meat in it, I don't find enough meat in them so I add that to the raw. There is also addiction that is a dehydrated raw that you can always add to the raw meat.

Good luck and he is a handsome boy!

Kathy, Bo (SK's Bozo), and Angels Storm (Greys Big Storm), Grace (Rise to Glory) and Sky(Greys Sky Dove),

My dog believes I go to work for their food and treats.

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