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Dr Couto In Mfa Animal News

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There's a small article in the Morris Animal Foundation newsletter: Animal News.


For dogs

Drug decreases

postoperative bleeding

in Greyhounds

Dr. Guillermo Couto

The Ohio State University

More than 25 percent of retired racing

Greyhounds experience abnormal bleeding

after routine spay/neuter surgery. In people,

the drug epsilon aminocaproic acid (EACA)

has been used to decrease the need for

blood transfusions during certain surgeries.

The drug works by strengthening and

accelerateing clot formation.

Because oral EACA is known to be safe

for dogs, reseachers wanted to see if it

could help stop postoperative bleeding in

Greyhounds. With funding from Morris

Animal Foundation, they studied the

effects of EACA on Greyhounds that

underwent routine spay/neuter surgery.

Study results indicate that giving dogs

EACA before surgery decreased their odds

of postoperative bleeding by 79 percent.

The findings have the potiential to

significantly decrease the likelihood

that a Greyhound will suffer from

postoperative bleeding.

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