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New Rescued Greyhound Won't Drink Water

Guest Beernardo

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Guest Beernardo



I just adopted yesterday a 2 years old male greyhound from my local racetrack, so I'm not getting te support from an adoption program to house train it. He's been doing great so far, the only thing is that he doesn't wants to drink water from his metal bowl which I placed in the living room, so far he's been going without water for about 18hrs. and I walked him for about 30 min this morning.


Should I be concerned?


I had a previous Belgian malinois 4month old puppy who peed where I placed the water and food bowls, will that have something to do?

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Hi! Are you mixing his food with water? This is how mine gets most of his water (other than a couple little laps throughout the day). I had one who wouldn't drink out of a metal bowl at first... Have you tried offering water out of a plastic bowl? Out of your hand?

Mom of bridge babies Regis and Dusty.

Wrote a book about shelter dogs!

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You can try some ice cubes, or maybe bottled water instead of tap, or you can move the bowl to a different location. Show him where the bowl is, dip your fingers in it and splash around so he knows it's there. Sometimes I get my fingers wet and and just kind of dab it around their muzzle to encourage them to drink. You can also try a plastic bowl instead of metal......he really does need to drink, is he eating? If he is eating and you are adding warm water to his food, he is probably ok.

Mom to Emmi (WM Lickety Split) & Asia (Devious Walker)
Waiting at the Bridge: Shadow, Willow, Tony, Nina, Reggie, Sunny, Webb, Rosie, Rowdy, Ivy, Smoke & Raina

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Try a plastic bucket. That's what is used on the farm and at the track. Not the most attractive thing but it will get him drinking. You can then introduce the bowl when he's been at your home longer and more adjusted.

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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Guest KatJon

We had the same problem with Rhythm when he first came home... Our adoption group suggested giving him chicken or beef broth to entice him to drink. He wasn't really interested but it could be worth a try. I would also try using a plastic bowl... he could be weirded out by the shiny metal.


Good luck and congrats on your new hound!! :)

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My greyhound doesn't drink water every day necessarily -- more in hot weather. I agree about the suggestions for different kinds of bowls/locations but I wouldn't stress about it. Adding some water to his food right before you serve it is a good idea -- ups the moisture level and also helps prevent chokiness.


It's going to take him time to adjust. Mine wouldn't even pee until she'd been home over 24 hours.

With Cocoa (DC Chocolatedrop), missing B for Beth (2006-2015)
And kitties C.J., Klara, Bernadette, John-Boy, & Sinbad

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Try setting the water outside when he takes a break. He might be use to just getting his water when he goes outside. Sometimes they do not keep water inside their crate.


Then God sent the Greyhound to live among man and remember. And when the Day comes,

God will call the Greyhound to give Testament, and God will pass judgment on man.

(Persian Proverb)

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Guest RaznNik

My new girl took about 3 days to start drinking from the bowl. She wanted to only drink from the toilet?? I did add water to her food so wasn't too overly worried. Once she felt more comfortable in the house she started drinking.


I am sure if you add water to his food and give him a little more time, he will drink.

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Guest Beernardo

I'm currently making te transition from canned food to kibble, I have him .75 lbs today 1/3 proplan and 2/3 pedigree canned meat (this is what he used to eat at the track) he ate it without a problem.


I tried lifting up the metal bowl to his head level, splashing my fingers in it and rubbing te water on his mouth, he's just not interested.


I'm yet to try the others methods, I'm getting the big plastic bucket to fill it up and make him drink it in te yard, I just find out that's how he's used to do it from the tracks.


Thanks everybody, I'll keep you posted

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Guest KsFrets

Our 8 year old male, who’s been with us for 4 years, STILL prefers to drink water out of the plastic bucket, that hangs from the railing on our front porch. We have a stainless bucket inside the house that he rarely uses. He prefers to stand by the front door, and wait for someone to open it, so he can go get a drink. I always thought he was just weird. Well, recently I toured some Greyhound farms in Abilene, Ks... and yep... all the runs and pens and kennels had plastic hanging buckets everywhere, for water.

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Guest LindsaySF

I would mix water into his food for now. Like someone else said, usually they drink from plastic buckets in the outdoor turnout pens. A metal bowl, inside, on the floor, might be scary at first. :)

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Guest madredhare

Also, if he has tags on his collar now, it might be clanking on the bowl. I have had a couple here that won't eat or drink from metal with their tag/collars on. Bucket works best for us as I have a splasher when he drinks.

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Guest Beernardo

Success! the white plastic bucket method worked perfectly. He didn't drink too much but I'm sure he had just what he needed as he looked very peaceful whie drinking from it. Thank you all for your tips.


@KanJon Thanks, he's adapting quickly and it seems almost as if somebody house trained him on the tracks.

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Once he's used to living in your house you will find he'll start drinking from a bowl. These guys straight from the track are used to a certain routine and drinking from a bucket in the turn out is one of those. Glad it worked for you.

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest TeamLily

Glad to read this. We are brand new today and so far Lily hasn't wanted to drink anything...or pee! We'll try adding some water to her food in the AM.


Not sure what to make about the potty aspect. She's been home with us for 6 or so hours and we've taken her out several times with no luck! No accidents in the house though, so I guess she'll go when she needs to?!

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Guest Beernardo

Glad to read this. We are brand new today and so far Lily hasn't wanted to drink anything...or pee! We'll try adding some water to her food in the AM.


Not sure what to make about the potty aspect. She's been home with us for 6 or so hours and we've taken her out several times with no luck! No accidents in the house though, so I guess she'll go when she needs to?!


I've read that some gh don't go potty during to first two or three days, give her some time and keep an eye on her all the times so she doesn't do it on undesirable places. What we did is that before taking Stannis to the house, we walked him for about 20 min around the neighbourhood, then we we got home we showed him the place where we wanted him to pee, fortunately he did, then we went into the house to show him around an stablish the areas where we was and was not allowed. I would keep taking her out every 2 hours until she pees. Also ask the schedule she had back at the track and try to repeat it at home.


I would ask how they used to give her water back at the tracks and do the same. Stay with her while she drinks, I noticed that sometimes Stannis is still hesitant about drinking water if he feels we'll leave him while he's doing it.

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Guest TeamLily

Glad to read this. We are brand new today and so far Lily hasn't wanted to drink anything...or pee! We'll try adding some water to her food in the AM.


Not sure what to make about the potty aspect. She's been home with us for 6 or so hours and we've taken her out several times with no luck! No accidents in the house though, so I guess she'll go when she needs to?!


I've read that some gh don't go potty during to first two or three days, give her some time and keep an eye on her all the times so she doesn't do it on undesirable places. What we did is that before taking Stannis to the house, we walked him for about 20 min around the neighbourhood, then we we got home we showed him the place where we wanted him to pee, fortunately he did, then we went into the house to show him around an stablish the areas where we was and was not allowed. I would keep taking her out every 2 hours until she pees. Also ask the schedule she had back at the track and try to repeat it at home.


I would ask how they used to give her water back at the tracks and do the same. Stay with her while she drinks, I noticed that sometimes Stannis is still hesitant about drinking water if he feels we'll leave him while he's doing it.


She seems to be on an OK schedule now. Won't go right out in the yard where I'd like her to though! She wants to go for a short walk to the corner and back. Not too bad. I wish she would eat a little more now...I'm starting to worry like my mom!


Every time I read Stannis' name, I think of Game of Thrones!

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Guest GordysMama

When I first adopted Gordy he wouldn't drink water either and I was really concerned. One day I accidentally dropped a kibble in his water bowl and bam! He started drinking to get the kibble. Now that its warmer I "accidentally" drop a kibble in just so he drinks more :). I also mix his food with water so I know he gets enough every day.

Edited by GordysMama
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