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Yam Chews - Success!

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After my disastrous first attempt at dehydrating yams, I was ready to sell the just-out-of-the-box dehydrator when I came upon this recipe. I learned what I did wrong (like, everything! -- DUH, you mean I'm supposed to cook them first?)


So, behold the beauteousness of the dehydrated yam:




They probably cooked in the dehydrator for about 12 hrs (I fell asleep for the 8-hr check) and came out perfectly -- the pack heartily approved. :thumbs-up It's more time consuming than opening a bag of Sam's Yams, but it's way cheaper!


BTW - instead of hand slicing the yams, get a mandolin -- it makes slicing SO much easier.



Edited by greyhndz


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Guest BlueCrab

Thanks for the update and info. I received a dehydrator for Christmas that I have yet to take out of the box, and a handful of yams from last year's garden that need to be used. Been planning to try to make my own version of Sam's Yams.

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Guest BrianRke

I've been making these recently too. I slice them with the mandolin, blanch them for 4-5 min, then transfer to ice water for about 10 minutes. I fill up 5 trays in the dehydrator and it takes about 18 hours. Dogs love them!!

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If you have a convection oven you can use that, too. I slice some sweet potatoes, lay them out on a rack over a sheet pan, and put them in a 300 degree convection oven for about 4 hours. Then turn off the oven and leave them in there overnight. And actually, they're pretty forgiving. Last weekend I didn't cook mine enough and they were still moist the next day. So I popped them back in the oven for a few more hours.... perfection!

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Thanks for reporting back and sharing your tips for success. I think this recipe is enough to make me buy a dehydrator.


It was far cheaper than I'd expected. I bought this one for around $65.

Brian RKE, I haven't heard about icing the yams after blanching. Do you think this works better than cooking them before dehydrating?





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