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Kibble Without The Four "d"s (Dead, Diseased, Disabled And Dow

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Guest FastDogsOwnMe

I don't like supporting the commerical meat industry at all, either- be it meat for humans or pets- but I don't see much of a choice currently, as I will never give up having dogs.

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In the wild, I would expect that sick animals get taken out relatively early as prey and they don't progress to the point that an animal could that is eventually destined for the slaughterhouse.

In the wild???? As in a ranch off Interstate 20 west of Ft.Worth?


I'm not catching this -- what does a ranch off interstate 20 west of Ft.Worth have to do with what I said?


There are no cows in the wild, only in feedlots. I think that's what the poster meant.

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Guest FastDogsOwnMe

I think MJ was referring to the fact that natural prey animals (not cows) die off or are picked off the herd long before they reach the state of disease they might reach in captivity. Could be wrong, though :)

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I'm not catching this -- what does a ranch off interstate 20 west of Ft.Worth have to do with what I said?

If a cattle ranch is in the wild, that must mean that I grew up in the Outback :blush. Most cattle start on grass in the wild then finish out at the feedlot.

I remember being told by a kennel owner that they had to start adding charcoal to the 4D meat delivered to the track for the dogs because the trainers would skim some off for themselves and their families. The government says 4D can't be sold for human consumption but that doesn't necessarily mean its not fit for consumption.

Back before they denatured it with charcoal the meat was dyed with that purple dye they used to use on steaks for the USDA seal.

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Guest FastDogsOwnMe

I always wondered what the charcoal was for in there. I can't remember if I ever asked my boss about it or not. I absolutely find all raw meat disgusting as hell, so mixing the dogs' food was pretty nasty to me- but their meat was no grosser than the meat we buy to make Hamburger Helper for ourselves.

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I think MJ was referring to the fact that natural prey animals (not cows) die off or are picked off the herd long before they reach the state of disease they might reach in captivity. Could be wrong, though :)


Thank you, yes that is what I meant.

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