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Brushing Teeth

Guest Yankeegreyhound

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Guest CharlEYp

After me saying Al had good teeth turns out i was wrong, he recently had to have 9 removed. :( The vet said it's because of what they feed them on when racing (a mix of honey flour mince and water) she said the damage was done before we got him and probably wasn't picked up on whilst he was in kennels as they simply have too many, so please please please get you adopted hounds teeth checked asap, we waited a month, if we'd waited any longer he would have lost all of his teeth. :(

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How hard was it to train for the Sonicare? We are bushing Bessie's teeth with a dog brush and she's pretty good with it, but the electric sounds even better. How did you introduce it?

Sorry just seeing this now. You need to obviously start slowly. What I do is turn the brush on and "pretend" to use it. Run it while on the outside of the mouth for a few days or until they seen relaxed with the sound and vibration then, slowly introduce it into the mouth if even for just one second. I find they do better leaving the incisiors last (those are the little front teeth). Some dogs accept the brush quicker than others but, with my last 7 hounds I think the longest it took was a couple of days.

What might help is having an extra helping hand to hold your pupper in the beginning. Once you master the electric brush you will be so glad you did--does an amazing job.

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Guest 2dogs4cats

Thanks tbhounds, his teeth look great otherwise and obviously i don't want him to have to have them removed.

The fact that he LOVES his minty rawhind now helps, although i still can't brush his whole mouth in one sitting. (Have to do it in bits.)



Dh was most upset when he saw their toothbrush put in its own holder beside ours.


This is brilliant! i laughed when i saw this, although you're braver than me i wouldn't put my grey brust with ours, he has his own seperate mug and everything. :)

(Just in case i accidently brush my teeth with his brush in my morning daze. lol)


I'm glad there are other on here that are as fussy over dental hygiene as me. :yay :yay

Ok- going to totally admit this----- I use a sonicare - bought one with two brush heads, one for me and one for the houndie's --knowing were I'm going with this???!!!





Yes, I used the dogs one by mistake one morning--obliviously I hadn't had my coffee yet!!!!


OMG, I'm sorry, but that made me spew my coffee!!!


I'm sorry but that is too funny!! I would definitely have to get my dog their own holder too. I'm a bit germaphobic.

I brush twice a day, but she'll only allow me a couple seconds. The electric brush is a good idea though!

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  • 1 year later...
  • 4 weeks later...

After me saying Al had good teeth turns out i was wrong, he recently had to have 9 removed. :( The vet said it's because of what they feed them on when racing (a mix of honey flour mince and water) she said the damage was done before we got him and probably wasn't picked up on whilst he was in kennels as they simply have too many, so please please please get you adopted hounds teeth checked asap, we waited a month, if we'd waited any longer he would have lost all of his teeth. :(

Honey flour mince and water? Huh? Are you SURE about that? That doesn't sound like anything I've ever read or been told. I thought it was ususally a mix of meat and dogfood. Perhaps with other stuff added in.

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Guest bennysdad

I had a proud moment at our annual vet visit this week. He was so impressed with Benny's health and appearance... then the moment of truth when he opened Benny's mouth and was just speechless with how perfect his teeth were... calling others in the room to look. What a great feeling! His teeth are pearly white, healthy gums, and no tartar.


Our routine:

Daily brushing every evening with CET Enzymatic toothpaste (tartar control beef flavor) with a soft-bristle double ended dog toothbrush. I spend enough time to get all surfaces brushed with the paste. Usually takes just a couple minutes. I learned that its not just the act of brushing but its also important to get the paste on each tooth so the enzyme action can work.


I also use two other products which take a matter of seconds to apply:

Petzlife oral care spray (sprayed along the gum line a 2-3 times a week)

Dr Foster and Smith Dental Clens Pads- these are great pre-moistened pads with chlorhexidine (I use one almost daily in morning or midday quickly swabbing all along the gum line)


**He is very prone to tartar, like most dogs. There was one point early on where I skipped a couple days and I could already see the beginnings of that yellow layer beginning to form. So for us we must do daily.


I would much rather spend these few minutes daily vs. spending hundreds on dental cleanings. Not to mention the health risks of tooth decay, gum disease, and that poor dental health can effect other bodily organs. Good luck and hope you find what works best for you and your hound.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a question - do you all do the outside of the teeth only? I only ask because I can only see a bit of buildup on the inside of Barbie's teeth, the outsides are pearly white as she had a scale about 4 months ago.

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Guest AngelPup

I have a question - do you all do the outside of the teeth only? I only ask because I can only see a bit of buildup on the inside of Barbie's teeth, the outsides are pearly white as she had a scale about 4 months ago.


We were told to brush the outside of the teeth only, since the toothpaste will get on their tongue and clean the inside. I don't think I'd be able to get Brady to let me brush the inside. After I'm done brushing his teeth, I let him lick some toothpaste off the brush, so hopefully that helps too.

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We were told to brush the outside of the teeth only, since the toothpaste will get on their tongue and clean the inside. I don't think I'd be able to get Brady to let me brush the inside. After I'm done brushing his teeth, I let him lick some toothpaste off the brush, so hopefully that helps too.


I guess I gotta find a toothpaste that she likes then!! the one I got she doesnt' even like the smell of :/

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Guest LazyBlaze


I guess I gotta find a toothpaste that she likes then!! the one I got she doesnt' even like the smell of :/


The favourite in this house - for the canines only of course! - is the poultry flavour Virbac/CET enzymatic stuff. They like it loads better than others we've tried and after we've finished brushing they like to lick what's left off the brush. It certainly makes the whole experience easier when they like the paste.


I've also been using Dorwest herbs' Fragaria for Blaze over the past month or so and it has made a difference, alongside the daily brushing. His teeth were okay but not great when we got him, and we've just been gradually getting them into better shape. The Fragaria has softened some of the worse plaque he had on the back teeth and overall his teeth are looking whiter. He got the Fragaria every day for a month and now we are on the reduced/maintenance amount of one pillule per week. I'm not sure if Dorwest herbs are available outside the UK but you might be able to get another brand of Fragaria. I was really sceptical that it would do anything at all, but it has certainly made a difference. We tried PlaqueOff as well but without success.

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Guest AngelPup


I guess I gotta find a toothpaste that she likes then!! the one I got she doesnt' even like the smell of :/


Definitely find one she likes--it makes all the difference. That, encouragement/praise, and a nice big biscuit afterward. The one Brady seemed to like the best is the CET Enzymatic toothpaste that the vet gave me a sample of. I've bought three other kinds at Petsmart and Tractor Supply, and CET is the one Brady seems to prefer. He doesn't like the one I got at Tractor Supply at all, even though it's supposed to be poultry flavored. I have one more tube of dog toothpaste that I'm going to try to use up that he didn't like initially, but is apparently much better than the Tractor Supply one--it's minty chicken flavored (yes, very gross). I recently ordered two tubes of poultry flavored CET toothpaste from Entirely Pets along with the CET mouth rinse and water additive, so hopefully, between all three products, we can keep his teeth and gums healthy.

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