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What Words Does Your Hound Know?

Guest Jacks_Human

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Guest larock

Our dogs are not University Grads, thats for sure but they do great titly-head when you speak to them.


Ella thinks her name is "No, no bad dog, BAD! No barking" and Roodie knows "Are you hungry?"; and they both know "Where's Daddy!?!

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Maggie has quite a vast vocabulary of words she understands. B) And multiple words for similar meanings. ;) For instance the following list (not in any particular order)all mean "stop what you're doing".

- stop

- leave it

- seriously!

- seriously?

- what the heck!

- cut it out

- nononononono

- that's enough

-what the #$@%!!!!!

- what have you got?

- is it still alive?

- drop it

- hey!



Pure genius! :hehe

http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g240/mtbucket/siggies/Everyday-2.jpgJane - forever servant to the whims and wishes of Maggie (L's Magnolia of JCKC) and Sam the mutt pup.[/b]

She's classy, sassy and a bit smart assy.

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  • 3 weeks later...

¿No Kitty? ¿What is that exactly?


No Kitty! means leave that cat alone, NOW! Often used when a hound looks like it's considering chasing the kitty, or is forcing unwanted attention on it.

Kristen with

Penguin (L the Penguin) Flying Penske x L Alysana

Costarring The Fabulous Felines: Squeak, Merlin, Bailey & Mystic


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Their names


Sit (Still working on this with Cash)

Down (Ditto)

Foot (Shake - Again, all but Cash)

"Say Please" (Diamond only - she sits)






Go Pee

Go Poop

Back up

Is Daddy home? (They run to the front door)

Go lay down

Hop up

Get down

Come here

Valerie w/ Cash (CashforClunkers) & Lucy (Racing School Dropout)
Missing our gorgeous Miss
Diamond (Shorty's Diamond), sweet boy Gabe (Zared) and Holly (ByGollyItsHolly), who never made it home.

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We always said Milky Way was all looks and no books. He knows a few things but in general he isn't to bright :)

He seems to understand hand signals and visuals more than words. He knows signals for go, smile, lay down, eat your food, potty, stay, turn, come, etc... Word wise he knows

His name


Go potty

"Walk"(do not dare say that one unless you mean it),

Kissy- give mommy kisses



Now my english bulldog Sweet Pea, seems to know the entire english language and then some. Sweet Pea is super smart so we have to careful about what we say around her. She also seems to be able to understand sentences, spelling, words in context, and body parts.

Alicia and Foster Yoshi ( pit bull) 

Always in my heart: WV's Milky Way 6/25/2000- 4/22/2013, Hank ( St Bernard/Boxer) ???? - 10/3/2017 and Sweet Pea (English bulldog)  2004 - 6/19/2019


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Guest Gemma

Peyton knows:



back up




other paw

high five












He's also learned that when I say "Okay, love you! Bye!" it often means I am done talking on the phone/on skype and ready to take him out. He'll start prancing when I say this phrase even if I took him out just a few minutes ago.. :)

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Guest Jacks_Human

DBF and I recently discovered that Jack knows the word 'pub', because we often take him to a local place that has live music...and doggie biscuits. Jack loves flirting with the ladies and getting scritches.

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Guest FijiHound

I'm sure Nugget knows more words than I give her credit for...


But the tough decision making one she knows is 'in or out?' she has a choice whether she wants to spend the night inside with us or outside with the other dogs and when we go out she has a choice as well. She stands there and you can see the wheels turning lol she'll look in, then out, look in again and then makes her choice :). (You'd be surprised it's 50/50!)

'Uh huh' is our word for no or take gently... or don't even think about going near Scruffy's dinner bowl :D

'Let's go' is dinner for some reason haha

We don't have a word for the car though... as soon as her collar changes to her walking one she KNOWS it's car time and races there.

She knows her name though and has perfect recall even when zooming on the beach.

Oh yes - 'Do you want a biscuit' lol

Just thinking back now though a lot of our 'language' is body language rather than words.

Cassie out german shepherd has an extensive vocabulary and can even pick up sentences for her in the middle of a conversation.

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Guest PhillyPups

In order of age:


Moe - comes to MoeMoe Fancy Pants



(anything else scares her, she just follows the other hounds actions)





Want to go out?





Want to go out?

Hop up

Hop down

scootch over

And most anything else I ask her to do, she is my braniac






Want to go out?

Hey Goober (he comes to that too)

Most anything else, he just looks at me with those beautiful eyes and I melt :beatheart





Gizmo you little sh*t drop it


They all get up everytime I walk to the kitchen, and know when I click my glasses off that something is going to happen.


The universal word here is YO! They all hit the nearest bed, give me the cutest looks they can as if to say, "it wasn't me I swear"

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest LeanneSchatz

My girls know:

Let's go to bed

Be a lady (this means not to go crazy jumping on people)

Get dressed (this means attaching a leash for a walk-often followed by "Be a lady"

Backyard hose down (nightly ritual in Arizona)

Their names


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Come, wait, leave it, down, back, up, outside, walk, this way (follow me), let's go, food, milk, dinner, meatball, good boy, open (for pills), swallow (or I'll have to help you with that pill), leg (lift to get leash untangled), okay (get out of car), no, you're okay (nothing to worry about), and HEY (stop what you're doing and freeze). Spencer also is especially able, when motivated, to figure out what is being said using tone, context, and body language even if he doesn't know the words being used. But his genius is fading to the extent his geriatric status is advancing and leaving him more confused, bless his heart.

Mary with Jumper Jack (2/17/11) and angels Shane (PA's Busta Rime, 12/10/02 - 10/14/16) and Spencer (Dutch Laser, 11/25/00 - 3/29/13).

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Go get it

Go for a ride

Go for a walk

Chicken foot

Gimme your paw

Wait (he knows to look me in the face til i say go ahead)

Go ahead

Lay down

Hop up (to my couch/bed lol)

Lay down on your bed


"Do you wanna..."



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Guest 18tjettagrl

My question is since I'm a new adopted parent, is how long did it take for your babies to learn these words. I am lucky to get her to listen to come here or pee pee. She does know up and down. She just is so determined to not hear a word either of us say. Frustrating but maybe because its only been a little over a month and I know she's still trying to adjust to things. I've tried treats but she does what you want after a billion times of saying it then its like when you don't have a treat she just is like forget it...no treat no listen lol.

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Guest FastDogsOwnMe

My super senior knows a lot...










Leave It





Whisper (silent bark)





Van (get in)





Beef (jerky)





Bring It

Get it


Bunny (coursing)


He knows a lot of other random words through life, too... things like "bed" for example. None of my other dogs knows as much as he does, but they all know a lot of that


Oh yes


Go Potty he knows as well as



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Some of the phrases that Betty knows that I think are funny are:


"Do you know what time it is?" (ie "is it time for dinner?")

"Have you been a good girl? Do you know what good girls get?" (yummies!)

"They're not here to see you" (something my parents would say to our old Schnauzer)


and my new favorite:


"Are you hungry?"


Everything except "They're not here to see you" is typically greeted with the bow/stretch of agreement, also known as a "heck yeah!"


Betty "Beauty" Joan. 63B-21375. June 2003 - March 2015. Thank you pretty girl!

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Guest ShanYu

My question is since I'm a new adopted parent, is how long did it take for your babies to learn these words. I am lucky to get her to listen to come here or pee pee. She does know up and down. She just is so determined to not hear a word either of us say. Frustrating but maybe because its only been a little over a month and I know she's still trying to adjust to things. I've tried treats but she does what you want after a billion times of saying it then its like when you don't have a treat she just is like forget it...no treat no listen lol.


When I want Nike's attention I whisper "Nike are you listening?" really quietly. He always responds because it usually means a really good treat or walkies. I only do this when something wonderful ( as far as he is concerned) is going to happen and I don't do it too often. Try this once a day and see how long it takes him to get it.

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