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Lp- Diet Restrictions?

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I am taking Fletcher back to the vet this afternoon, and one of the possibilities we will be discussing is LP. Last year two vets both said no LP, but I want him checked for it again. If it does turn out to be that, are there diet restrictions (long term) if he has the surgery? Fletcher is raw fed, because of his IBD, and can not eat kibble more than once or twice a week (meals, not days) and can't eat any of the commercially prepared raw diets either. If I have to grind stuff up at home, I will, of course, but just looking for some info. Thanks!

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my angle Darbee, had LP surgery and after she healed I really only worried about really crumbly treat/foods.

she ate what ever her little 14yr old heart desired! :)

lorinda, mom to the ever revolving door of Foster greyhounds

Always in my heart: Teala (LC Sweet Dream) , Pepton, Darbee-Do (Hey Barb) , Rascal (Abitta Rascal), Power (Beyond the Power), and the miracle boy LAZER (2/21/14), Spirit (Bitter Almonds) 8/14

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a good friend of mine had a saluki who in his elder years- around 14(he lived to 18.5!) had great breathing difficulties. it wasn't l.p. but food allergies. she had tried numerous specialist and spent a fortune and his labored breathing was not being pin-pointed by anyone. we have know each other for decades and discussed all the routes that she possibly could take. one day i finally convinced her to take him off of all commercial food and look for allergies. she put him on rice and turkey- a grain and protein which he was not consuming at the time. his labored breathing subsided. she kept him on the rice and turkey and then eventually tried turkey and pasta- no problems. so, he managed to live another 4 years on a basic no frills diet of very limited ingredients. i'm not saying that your dog has allergies, but after my friend exhaused just about every food and medical resource this KISS approach worked. dogs can live and do well on limited food sources, personally i have had 2 who lived on rice- one a survivor of parvo the other had addison's disease and his kidneys were in really bad shape at the end. both lived to 12!

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Actually, my vet feels it is probably allergies, airborne rather than food. This has been a very bad year for allergies, and he was already on allergy meds, but at a low dose. We are increasing that over the weekend to see how he does. I just want to make sure I have covered all bases, and to make him comfortable!

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