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Guest saabqueen7

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Guest meggera

The first thing I did when I brought Vanille home was create a schedule. It looked something like this:

  • 6:00 A.M.: Potty break
  • 6:30 A.M.: Breakfast
  • 8:30 A.M.: Walk
  • 10:30 A.M.: Potty break
  • 12:30 P.M.: Lunch
  • 1:00 P.M.: Potty break
  • 3:00 P.M.: Potty break
  • 5:00 P.M.: Potty break
  • 6:30 P.M.: Dinner
  • 7:00 P.M.: Potty break
  • 8:00 P.M.: Remove water bowl
  • 9:00 P.M.: Potty break and crate for evening.


In addition to keeping a strict schedule I wrote down every time she eliminated. Over the first week I began to notice a pattern of when she needed to eliminate and began to decrease the frequency of our potty breaks and tailor our schedule around when she eliminated. So now our schedule looks something like this:

  • 6:00 A.M.: Potty break
  • 6:30 A.M.: Breakfast
  • 8:30 A.M.: Walk
  • 12:30 P.M.: Lunch
  • 1:00 P.M.: Potty break
  • 6:30 P.M.: Dinner
  • 9:00 P.M.: Potty break and bedtime


I think the key point anyone will tell you is to take your dog out as frequently as you can and give them high rewards and praise when they eliminate properly. Best of luck!




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the schedule looks fine, just keep her tethered to you when she is not going out or crated or in a room w/ you and gates up so you can read her signals....this way she will not have the opportunity to have a mistake in the house. remember praise and treat when she pottys outside.

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Guest saabqueen7

After years of having dogs that did not need housebreaking, I followed the suggestions you made, and for the little time we had the dog, he never had an accident. Thanks! If the next one needs it as well, I will know what to do. I appreciate all the good advice. No one is experienced in everything and this was one of my areas I needed help with. Thanks again :colgate

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Guest saabqueen7

I would love some suggestions on housebreaking a GH. My previous ones were already trained.


duct tape


Hahahaha :lol Not quite what was recommended above, but Red Green would love it!

Edited by saabqueen7
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Guest DragonflyDM

I would love some suggestions on housebreaking a GH. My previous ones were already trained.


duct tape


Hahahaha :lol Not quite what was recommended above, but Red Green would love it!


If the women can’t find you handsome…. they better find you handy!

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