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Itch, Itch, Itch.....

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Hadji's been itching for quite a while now, more than a typical dog would seem to. He's on Revolution, but I still suspected fleas (he lies out in the sandy yard a lot). I gave him a flea bath last week, but he's still scratching. I've been combing him daily with a flea comb, but haven't found any fleas or flea poop, so now I don't think that's the issue. All of a sudden he'll start biting around the base of his tail, or start scratching his neck, typical of a flea bitten dog. His skin isn't dry, he doesn't have any rashes, but he has bitten so much around his tail there are a few small sores. I take his collar off when he's in the house, in case that was part of the problem, but he's still scratching there. His sister, Gila, scratches occasionally, but not nearly as much as Hadji. Is there something else that could be biting him that the flea comb or Revolution wouldn't get? Maybe lice?

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Sounds like a vet visit is in order to identify the source of problem around the tail. Could be sores from licking / chewing and not bites. Anything could cause that including allergies to food or treats, or other environmental allergies.


We spent all last summer going back and forth to the vet with Rocket for an unknown allergy. He was scratching from head to tail all summer. Over half of the dogs in our neighborhood had similar symptoms, and it was assumed that it it was related to large blooms of ragweed on vacant lots in our development. Rocket spent the whole summer taking Pred and some other things, as did many of the neighborhood dogs.


Camp Broodie. The current home of Mark Kay Mark Jack and Gracie Kiowa Safe Joan.  Always missing my boy Rocket Hi Noon Rocket,  Allie  Phoenix Dynamite, Kate Miss Kate, Starz Under Da Starz, Petunia MW Neptunia, Diva Astar Dashindiva, and LaVida I've Got Life


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I second a check for worms.


It's pollen season, so it is certainly not beyond the realm of possibility he is allergic to something. My last dog had terrible allergies that started up around now and went through October.


Have you tried giving him some Benadryl? If the itching STOPS then he's probably allergic to something. Which could also be flea bites! My vet said some dogs are horribly allergic to fleas so just ONE flea can cause them misery.


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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I second a check for worms.


It's pollen season, so it is certainly not beyond the realm of possibility he is allergic to something. My last dog had terrible allergies that started up around now and went through October.


Have you tried giving him some Benadryl? If the itching STOPS then he's probably allergic to something. Which could also be flea bites! My vet said some dogs are horribly allergic to fleas so just ONE flea can cause them misery.


No, he doesn't have worms, he was checked a week ago. I really suspected fleas because he's itching around his neck and but, where fleas tend to congregate (they need the moisture), but no sign of an actual flea. Thanks for the tip about Benadryl, I'll try that and see if it helps.

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