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Kirkland Kibble


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I believe my doggies are getting bored with the Kirkland brand food.

Any suggestions as to a food that is compatible in price and goodness?


I even add real chicken in food and they aren't thrilled.



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Guest goofydog

I have fed the Kirkland Chicken & Rice for years. I do dry in the AM and in the evening I add some warm water and let it sit for 5 minutes to make the gravy. Get Em hasn't refused a meal (except at SP this year). I used to add plain or fruit on the bottom yogurt, whatever I had on hand, and he enjoyed that too.


I hope you find the right additions for your pup.



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We've been using ProPlan Shredded Lamb and Rice for three years. Three dogs on this kibble have had perfect poops! :)


Tricia with Kyle, our senior mutt dog 
Always missing Murray MaldivesBee Wiseman, River, Hopper, Kaia, and 
Holly Oaks Holly
“You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.“          -Bob Dylan

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I don't know if you have tried yet, but maybe you could just switch the protein type but use the same food?


A dog's sense of smell is way better than their simple taste buds, so they normally eat food based on smell and not so much taste (dogfood isn't too flavourful if you have ever tried :unsure ). Sometimes just rotating with a small amount of some different scents (liver powder, fish oil, sprinkled parmesan cheese etc.) works perfectly to keep their interest in a food. Some dogs become less enthused over time if they have the same food, same smell at every meal.

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Guest Iluvmygrey

I was having the same issue with my girl. She ate the Costco brand for the past 10 months since we've had her and now past two weeks didn't want to eat. Only wanted her peanut butter kong at lunch and cookie at bedtime. We were adding chicken broth or warm water and before we switched we started added some wellness canned food. The canned food worked a little, but then she didn't even want that. We swithced to Innova and she is loving it! I've heard that they can get bored of eating the same thing.

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Guest D_MansMommy

i've fed the boyz EVO for years. they luv it. i do change up the treats in their kongs tho. everyday when i leave for work they are like "what's in there today?" they need variety. and we give them left overs from our dinner also in their bowls so they associate their bowls with "yummy". i know people say "no people food" but i've had D-man 10 years and haven't killed him.

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