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Food Recommendation

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Thoughts on food for a greyhound puppy? When Bella (grey) was a pup I fed Eagle Pac Holistic (puppy) and she did well on it. My current dog Keeva(grey/whippet mix) and Bella (prior to her passing) ate TOTW which I like very much. Any thoughts on protein levels for a growing pup? Thanks for any input.

Linda and Keeva

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Guest Lovey_Hounds

I have raised a few greyhound puppies over the years and i try to keep my protien levels below 33%. Puppies can develop bone/joint issues if they grow too fast.

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Guest greybookends

I got Ginny when she was 7 weeks old she is now 6. Until recently she had never eaten commercial food. Only raw. Due to costs I am now feeding half raw, half kibble. She has no problems.

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felix came to me at 7 weeks. basically my vet said the new findings are to feed a pup adult food. so, we went w/ holistic select adult, i forgot which variety. i also spoke to some large dog owners/breeders who always stayed away from "high protien" food and kept the protien around 24% or less for puppies. don't expect to keep weight on a growing puppy, be patient, slow and steady and enjoy watching them grow.



felix at 7 weeks, 5am enjoying some cottage cheese. we gave(still give) him a tad, as a friend who is a vet said,"it's the closest thing to mother's milk" (felix who was orphaned never had "mother's milk")

Edited by cleptogrey
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Guest WhiteWave

TOTW already has puppy food out. Riddick ate it for a while, but he couldn't keep on weight so we switched to Native level 3 puppy and was very happy with it. It is 30/20 but he was growing fine on it. Ronon is eating it too and his coat is beautiful and soft. Just put Rebel on it from dog chow and in 1 week his coat is already improving and he has gained 1.5lbs which was needed since he is under racing weight. I do rotate foods, but have been very happy with this food.

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Can't remember why I switched from Eagle Pac Holistic, something changed with the formula. I checked yesterday for TOTW puppy but not here yet. Will continue checking out foods. Yes, a puppy is coming. After Bella passed I could not ever imagine having another dog again, it was too hard. But you know how things work and a special boy needs a home, foster home for now.

Linda and Keeva

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