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Roxy Takes Forever To Go Potty!

Guest Roxysmom

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Guest Roxysmom

We adopted our first greyhound Roxy about six months ago. She is four years old. We just love her! But recently we have been having a small issue. She has not been pooping when she normally does. We don't have a fenced in yard so every time we take her out on a leash. She has a normal potty spot and usually goes poop once in the morning and once in the evening. After she goes then she gets fed.


When we first got her she wasn't used to pooping while on a leash but fairly quickly she got used to it. And for the next few months taking her out was a breeze! She would do her business right away and we would go back inside. Now she goes out at her normal potty times but has no interest in going potty. She mostly just stands and looks around. Sometimes we walk around out there for half an hour and she still doesn't go. We have just started taking her out and when she doesn't go putting her in the crate and then trying again in 15 minutes. Also now when she poops she gets a treat but none of this seems to make her go any faster.


I don't understand why she just started doing this! Any advice would be appreciated!

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I've only had Freddy for a little over a month now so maybe someone else can chime in with further details but my hound behaves similarly. What I've found is that he needs to get things moving before he takes care of business. We usually end up going on 3-4 walks a day which seems to help. Has your routine changed? When my work schedule changed a bit, he seemed a bit thrown off by that and it took him a few days of the same routine to adjust again.


Once he finally decides to poop, he goes through a ritual of finding the "perfect" spot. This can be tough, especially when it's cold out. I find it to be oddly charming however. :colgate


Good luck!

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Could it be she doesn't want to go back in and has associated her doing her business with a ticket back to her crate?


Edited to add: noticed that was your first post - how rude of me!! Welcome to Greytalk!! :colgate

Edited by Trihounds

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If she doesn't have to go, she doesn't have to go. :dunno I would just walk her on a regular schedule and let her poop when she does. Just make sure she is getting adequate walks, both shorter potty walks and longer walks for exercise (longer walks will get her system going). If she starts having accidents, then I would worry, but otherwise, don't sweat it. Just get her her regular walks and it will work out.


Jen, CPDT-KA with Zuri, lab in a greyhound suit, Violet, formerly known as Faith, Skye, the permanent puppy, Cisco, resident cat, and my baby girl Neyla, forever in my heart

"The great thing about science is that you're free to disagree with it, but you'll be wrong."

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My guess is she's a clever girl and you've actually accidentally trained her not to go! It's a mistake to take a dog inside immediately after they poop. A dog who enjoys walking learns that as soon as he goes, the walk is over, and where's the fun in that?


I read this in a training book, so I'm not just making it up--but it totally makes sense if you think about it!


What I've done since reading this is go to the designated poo spot, say, "let's go potty" (or whatever) and if they don't go, back inside and try again (you've got that part right). But when she DOES go, what needs to follow is a treat, and a lovely walk! She needs to relearn that producing a poop results in a nice adventure, and not a trip back into the house.


Disclaimer: I could be totally off base with YOUR dog, but this does happen.


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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