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Snapping Of The Jaws

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Molly moved in and began her takeover in October of 2011 and she is getting us trained pretty well. She has become much more confident and playful during her time with us. Molly (Life is so Good) raced her entire career, until April of 2011, at Caliente and the introduction to snow was memorable.


We have a large enough backyard (just 1/4 acre or so) that she can really stretch out and do zoomies big time. She does this little "thing" when running that has me just a little concerned. As she goes by me or my DH she snaps her jaws in our direction and if she runs up to us she does a little snap as she comes to a stop. I'm concerned that one of these days one of those snaps is going to connect and then "ouch"! Any suggestions as to how to curb her enthusiasm? She doesn't seem to do it to other dogs that I can hear...and believe me you can her the jaws clamp together. I would think that the discomfort of it all would make her stop, but apparently not.


Any ideas?

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Molly sounds lovely!! She's just air-snapping. No cause for concern, this doesn't result in biting, it's just an 'I'm so happy!' move, and to me it's really cute!


Some dogs are big air-snappers, others never do it. My biggest air snapper used to look soooo ferocious when she did it (I actually have a photo or two of her in action which scare the pants off some people because she looks like some kind of rabid alien killer monster) but she was the gentlest soul and a registered therapy dog. She never, ever air-snapped when she was working, only with the people she loved and trusted. And yes, her jaws would give a loud 'snap' when they shut - you could hear it across the room - but she never once even came close to connecting with human skin.


Some people don't like it and discourage it, but I don't and we've never had any trouble. They know where their teeth are, and it's intended only to bite the air, never to connect.


However, there is another 'happy dog' behaviour which can be a little bit painful and that's 'nitting', which is when your dog will do a little grooming-type rapid biting on your skin with the little front teeth - the incisors, NOT the big canines. I don't mind it, but I have had a couple of tiny bruises from when their teeth connect too hard, so I can understand if some do want to discourage this one. It's easy to discourage; just yelp like a pup. They get the idea, and the intention is never to hurt you, so they stop instantly.


Personally, I wouldn't discourage the air-snapping. She'd be a bit confused .. one minute (in her mind) you're all having a wonderful, big exciting game in the yard, and the next her people are unhappy with her and she'll have no idea why. Just my opinion. :)

Edited by silverfish


The plural of anecdote is not data

Brambleberry Greyhounds My Etsy Shop

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Well said, Silverfish! I don't discourage either behavior. Heisman is my nitter, and only to me. No harm intended.

I love to watch the dogs enjoy themselves.



Edited by Greydawg

Cheryl - "Mom" to RUNNER (Gunnah, born 6/15/2012) and FARGO (Ridin Shotgun, born 8/21/2015). Missing my Grey-Angels HEISMAN (RX Heisman) (3/29/2005-2/1/2016) and ALEX (Bevenly) (4/15/2005-6/7/2018).

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I have two air snappers here. They do it when they're really excited. They've never made contact with me or the other dogs.

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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Guest verthib

I have one air snapper, although I never knew what it was called, so thank you! And both of mine are nitters but only to themselves. Now my Mak fatty cat, he nits me ALL the time. :lol

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Molly sounds lovely!! She's just air-snapping. No cause for concern, this doesn't result in biting, it's just an 'I'm so happy!' move, and to me it's really cute!


Some dogs are big air-snappers, others never do it. My biggest air snapper used to look soooo ferocious when she did it (I actually have a photo or two of her in action which scare the pants off some people because she looks like some kind of rabid alien killer monster) but she was the gentlest soul and a registered therapy dog. She never, ever air-snapped when she was working, only with the people she loved and trusted. And yes, her jaws would give a loud 'snap' when they shut - you could hear it across the room - but she never once even came close to connecting with human skin.


Some people don't like it and discourage it, but I don't and we've never had any trouble. They know where their teeth are, and it's intended only to bite the air, never to connect.


However, there is another 'happy dog' behaviour which can be a little bit painful and that's 'nitting', which is when your dog will do a little grooming-type rapid biting on your skin with the little front teeth - the incisors, NOT the big canines. I don't mind it, but I have had a couple of tiny bruises from when their teeth connect too hard, so I can understand if some do want to discourage this one. It's easy to discourage; just yelp like a pup. They get the idea, and the intention is never to hurt you, so they stop instantly.


Personally, I wouldn't discourage the air-snapping. She'd be a bit confused .. one minute (in her mind) you're all having a wonderful, big exciting game in the yard, and the next her people are unhappy with her and she'll have no idea why. Just my opinion. :)


Exactly. Couldn't have said it better. It just means she is having fun and wants to share fun with you. She would be totally confused/sad if you "correct" her for it. I suggust you "snap" back at her. Talk about fun!

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Guest Greyt_dog_lover

We have some friends that adopted one of our fosters. They adopted another grey 6 months later. When my wife and I go over to their house the second hound (not our foster) gets so excited to see us that he gives us the "chompers". He comes right up to your face and licks your face, then air snaps like crazy, then licks, repeats. If you didnt know any better you would think he was going to rip your face off. I LOVE IT when he does that. Why? Because he only does it to three people. His people he adopted (mom and dad) and me. Thats it. I am honored that he will give me the "chompers".

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I LOVE IT when he does that. Why? Because he only does it to three people. His people he adopted (mom and dad) and me. Thats it. I am honored that he will give me the "chompers".


Aww that's so sweet!

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Guest Scouts_mom

Next time we have a play date, I'll have to watch closely to see this air snapping--It sounds very cute!


Say "Hi" to Miss Smarty Pants from me and my gang.

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Next time we have a play date, I'll have to watch closely to see this air snapping--It sounds very cute!


Say "Hi" to Miss Smarty Pants from me and my gang.


Next time you all come over and she is zipping around the yard I'll stand in your vicinity and I'm sure you'll hear it. Oh, and another name we have for our girl is Miss Sassy Pants, which describes her pretty well, I think you'll agree :D

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Guest Snazzy_Chloe

She is happy and communicating this to you -- just like a kid- saying - did you see my zoomie?--are you watching me run? -- aren't I awesum!! You are lucky to have such a happy pup - sounds like is is adjusting in perfectly.

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Guest firegypsy

She is happy and communicating this to you -- just like a kid- saying - did you see my zoomie?--are you watching me run? -- aren't I awesum!! You are lucky to have such a happy pup - sounds like is is adjusting in perfectly.



YES!!! I have an air snapper and he only does he when he's super excited about something. Like: "wanna go for a walk?" snap snap snap! "do you have to go outside?" snappity snap snap!


Never makes contact, but it's combined with a super cool wiggle that I just adore.

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Guest IndyHound

I actually taught Beckett to do this. Because he would nip me. Mostly to say hi dad im here love on me. So it sound menacing but its harmless and much better than the alternative. Them Nipping you

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As others replied, many hounds do this in happy delight during play.


Two suggestions if you're concerned about being nipped inadvertently by an air-snap:

Muzzle your hound during outside zoomie time when people are present, or try to stand in a safer protected zone (if there is one).


Many people with multiple hounds muzzle their hounds during play outings because many hounds run with their mouths open, or play like mouthy puppies, which can include happy air-snaps. Their teeth might inadvertently catch on hound (or human) skin simply by accident while they're having fun. A muzzle allows them to enjoy themselves and keep bystanders safer. (If more than one dog (e.g., in a Greyhound play group), all dogs get muzzled.)



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