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Canine Chiroprator Around Boston

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Larry has healed OK from his problems of a fractured toe, leg joint issues, and branch thru the foot which all occurred in the latter part of last year but, all the inactivity may have caused some muscle atrophy at his rear end and it is a little worse on one side. We ended up going to a neurologist to confirm that it's not neurological and then just because I still had some worrying doubts so we went to another neurologist that also confirmed that it is not neurological. At this point, they seem to be in agreement that it is either age-related or maybe there was an issue earlier and it "went away".


I've asked my vet and the neurologists for recommendations for canine chiropractors and just like in regular medicine, medical professionals shy away from providing references to chiropractors.


Would appreciate it if you could share some names of chiropractors that you have used around the Boston area. Also, whether it helped your dog.

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Here is a list - maybe it will help.


[insert much told chiro story here].....

I took Rex to a guy that was not only an AVCA member, also a vet AND an instructor at the chiro college here. I regret the pain that I put Rex through on those couple of visits. Rex was so calm he was horizontal but that vet muzzled him both times as he was trying to bite him during his adjustments. It had to hurt him terribly.


My own vet at the time advised me to go with accupuncture instead of chiro as it had a better clinical track record. I didn't listen.


:kiss2 to Larry. Get better soon.

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Here is a list - maybe it will help.


[insert much told chiro story here].....

I took Rex to a guy that was not only an AVCA member, also a vet AND an instructor at the chiro college here. I regret the pain that I put Rex through on those couple of visits. Rex was so calm he was horizontal but that vet muzzled him both times as he was trying to bite him during his adjustments. It had to hurt him terribly.


My own vet at the time advised me to go with accupuncture instead of chiro as it had a better clinical track record. I didn't listen.


:kiss2 to Larry. Get better soon.


My vets have not really suggested a "next step" yet as Larry is doing OK. If he was in pain, then I wouldn't even consider going to the chiropractor but, I'm hoping some small adjustments would be beneficial and maybe even reverse the muscle wasting. I did find a canine certified chiropractor that is not too far and he even makes house calls.


You do bring up a good point about the acupuncture though, maybe I will go that route instead.


I know one in Framingham which came highly recommended although it did nothing for my greyhound.


I think I know the one in Framingham.



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