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Red Gums After Eating

Guest FlosMomma

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Guest FlosMomma

Is it normal that my Flo has red gums around her teeth after eating? Sometimes, she even brushes her face against me/things, paws her face, nits, and/or makes funny sounds. I feed her Dick Van Patton's Natural Balance Lamb & Rice with different garnishes: ham shavings, shredded cheese, mixed veggies, beef shavings, or sardines. The coomon denominator is the dry kibble. Could it be that? If so, what do I switch to and how fast?

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I think it sounds like an allergy -- but I'm no expert! I'd try her on an entirely different protein/carb combo (homecooked). If she's on lamb and rice you can try hamburger or chicken with noodles or potato. I'd also leave out the add-ins for a while. Wondering if she has the same reaction with treats/table scraps?

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I'm not sure why people are assuming it's necessarily abnormal. I haven't inspected Beth's gums after eating, but I can imagine they might be reddish just from the friction etc. of the kibble. And is totally normal for a greyhound to rub/wipe her face on things after eating (the carpet, a bedspread, whatever's handy :rolleyes: ). Pawing her face might be odd, but some of the behavior you describe just sounds excited. Do the gums go back to a normal pink color afterwards? Does she not do any odd behaviors with her face except right after meals? If so, I wouldn't worry that much about it -- she's not going to have a brief allergy and then be fine.

Edited by PrairieProf

With Cocoa (DC Chocolatedrop), missing B for Beth (2006-2015)
And kitties C.J., Klara, Bernadette, John-Boy, & Sinbad

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Guest FlosMomma

I'm not sure why people are assuming it's necessarily abnormal. I haven't inspected Beth's gums after eating, but I can imagine they might be reddish just from the friction etc. of the kibble. And is totally normal for a greyhound to rub/wipe her face on things after eating (the carpet, a bedspread, whatever's handy :rolleyes: ). Pawing her face might be odd, but some of the behavior you describe just sounds excited. Do the gums go back to a normal pink color afterwards? Does she not do any odd behaviors with her face except right after meals? If so, I wouldn't worry that much about it -- she's not going to have a brief allergy and then be fine.


Yes, about 30 min later they go back to normal. There are no poo problems either...all nicely formed. :rolleyes: Yes, she will do these things after hard chewing treats like dentabones.


I think it sounds like an allergy -- but I'm no expert! I'd try her on an entirely different protein/carb combo (homecooked). If she's on lamb and rice you can try hamburger or chicken with noodles or potato. I'd also leave out the add-ins for a while. Wondering if she has the same reaction with treats/table scraps?

Does the human food equal the amount of kibble food? She gets about a cup and a half of kibble.

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I'm not sure why people are assuming it's necessarily abnormal. I haven't inspected Beth's gums after eating, but I can imagine they might be reddish just from the friction etc. of the kibble. And is totally normal for a greyhound to rub/wipe her face on things after eating (the carpet, a bedspread, whatever's handy :rolleyes: ). Pawing her face might be odd, but some of the behavior you describe just sounds excited. Do the gums go back to a normal pink color afterwards? Does she not do any odd behaviors with her face except right after meals? If so, I wouldn't worry that much about it -- she's not going to have a brief allergy and then be fine.


Yes, about 30 min later they go back to normal. There are no poo problems either...all nicely formed. :rolleyes: Yes, she will do these things after hard chewing treats like dentabones.


I think it sounds like an allergy -- but I'm no expert! I'd try her on an entirely different protein/carb combo (homecooked). If she's on lamb and rice you can try hamburger or chicken with noodles or potato. I'd also leave out the add-ins for a while. Wondering if she has the same reaction with treats/table scraps?

Does the human food equal the amount of kibble food? She gets about a cup and a half of kibble.


I don't honestly know; I've never had to do it! Joe's meals always look huge (3-ish cups once a day -- he won't eat in the morning), Brees eats about that split into two meals, but she's really active. Depending on how big your dog is, I'd start with a decent "people sized" meal and see how she does. And, it might not be allergies, but she'll surely enjoy the special meals while you try to figure it out!

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Guest FlosMomma

I would imagine that if it was an allergy you would see her skin on the face, feet etc. becomee red too. She may have gingivitis How's her teeth- do her gums bleed when you brush her teeth??


No, they don't bleed and I brush them daily before bed. They had them cleaned before I adopted her in Nov. 2011, and my vet said her teeth looked great. Sometimes, her ears and belly are pink and seem hotter than normal.

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Pink belly is pretty normal -- they have such thin skin, that if they are a bit warm or whatever you see the blood through. I really wouldn't worry about this too much, maybe just ask the vet the next time you're there. I was a new greyhound mom too (well sort of still am after three years) and I remember freaking out (and, yes, going to the vet) about every little thing. OK, well I still do. :rolleyes:

With Cocoa (DC Chocolatedrop), missing B for Beth (2006-2015)
And kitties C.J., Klara, Bernadette, John-Boy, & Sinbad

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Guest verthib

Is it normal that my Flo has red gums around her teeth after eating? Sometimes, she even brushes her face against me/things, paws her face, nits, and/or makes funny sounds. I feed her Dick Van Patton's Natural Balance Lamb & Rice with different garnishes: ham shavings, shredded cheese, mixed veggies, beef shavings, or sardines. The coomon denominator is the dry kibble. Could it be that? If so, what do I switch to and how fast?


Try Dick's fish and sweet potato.


My girl rubs her face on things after eating and she paws her face. I liken it to how a cat washes his face after eating. She looks just like that. Mine also get periodic hot bellies and ears but it passes.

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