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Major Is A Bully

Guest zaylea

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I would muzzle both when you are not home! If there is nothing triggering the attacks you could come home to find him seriously hurt. It might even be safer to crate him for his protection. The only time I've seen mine get a little too rough is when playing gets a little rough but usually the one who is the more submissive will fight back. Does your boy ever stand up for himself?


I have been mildly concerned about something happening when I'm at work, but these fights seem to almost always happen in the evening and I've never seen any evidence of them fighting when I'm not home. It's 8 or 9 hours and they'd probably be pretty unhappy muzzled or crated for that whole time, even though I come home in the middle of the day for a walk. I tried separating them with a dog gate during the day, but Major just bulldozes the gate (not to attack him, just she gets upset when she's alone.) I live in an apartment, and the current arrangement keeps them quiet during the day, and I'm reluctant to change it in such a way that would risk making them whine/bark.


He does fight back a bit and has managed to nick her a few times, but he mostly just submits.


Please, please either muzzle or crate these dogs when you're gone all day.


What is better?

Upset dogs and marked up-walls?

Or a dead dog?


I have seen, first-hand, the results of dog fights.

It is not pretty.


Nancy...Mom to Sid (Peteles Tiger), Kibo (112 Carlota Galgos) and Joshi.  Missing Casey, Gomer, Mona, Penelope, BillieJean, Bandit, Nixon (Starz Sammie),  Ruby (Watch Me Dash) Nigel (Nigel), and especially little Mario, waiting at the Bridge.




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There was somebody on this board who had problems with her greyhounds. They didn't get along, then things seemed to settle down. She went out one night and one had attacked the other. He didn't make it. Nobody expected it to happen, but it did and the owner has never forgiven herself. Never, ever make the mistake of not taking this seriously. Scuffed up walls don't matter.

Xavi the galgo and Peter the cat. Missing Iker the galgo ?-Feb.9/19, Treasure (USS Treasure) April 12/01-May 6/13, Phoenix (Hallo Top Son) Dec.14/99-June 4/11 and Loca (Reko Swahili) Oct.9/95 - June 1/09, Allen the boss cat, died late November, 2021, age 19.

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Guest PhillyPups

I would muzzle both when you are not home! If there is nothing triggering the attacks you could come home to find him seriously hurt. It might even be safer to crate him for his protection. The only time I've seen mine get a little too rough is when playing gets a little rough but usually the one who is the more submissive will fight back. Does your boy ever stand up for himself?


I have been mildly concerned about something happening when I'm at work, but these fights seem to almost always happen in the evening and I've never seen any evidence of them fighting when I'm not home. It's 8 or 9 hours and they'd probably be pretty unhappy muzzled or crated for that whole time, even though I come home in the middle of the day for a walk. I tried separating them with a dog gate during the day, but Major just bulldozes the gate (not to attack him, just she gets upset when she's alone.) I live in an apartment, and the current arrangement keeps them quiet during the day, and I'm reluctant to change it in such a way that would risk making them whine/bark.


He does fight back a bit and has managed to nick her a few times, but he mostly just submits.


Please, please either muzzle or crate these dogs when you're gone all day.


What is better?

Upset dogs and marked up-walls?

Or a dead dog?

I have seen, first-hand, the results of dog fights.

It is not pretty.


My thoughts exactly. I would start muzzling now. Walls can be re-painted, dead is forever. When I work, or go out, mine are all muzzled (muzzle one muzzle all)and mine all get along, no one attacking anyone. Trust is a deadly disease. I also muzzle when traveling. A muzzle is not a guarantee that nothing will happen, but the damage could be a lot less. My job as the human entrusted with my hounds care is to protect them and keep them as safe as possible. Not to sound harsh, but knowing she is attacking him and NOT muzzling is not protecting your boy or keeping him as safe as possible.


Greyhounds for the most part are used to muzzles, they wear them whenever they interact with other greyhounds at the track.


Hoping you can work out her behavior, because going for the throat is serious business, have you ever heard the term "going right for the jugular">

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Folks, she's already said she's going to muzzle/crate, while she gets Major checked out. :)


Major is going to the vet on Friday morning to have her thyroid checked, and to just push the issue of her aggression more (maybe the vet can refer me to a behaviorist if she really can't find anything wrong.) Also, when I first got Major she had a bald butt, then it got really fluffy, and now it's balding again. I've been thinking it might be something medical because if it wasn't I would think her trigger would be more obvious. I'm going to try crating Bobo, because he's more mellow and will hopefully not get upset about it. I'll muzzle her in the evenings when I'm home, until this is figured out.


The plural of anecdote is not data

Brambleberry Greyhounds My Etsy Shop

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Guest BlackandBrindle

I'd definitely work with a behaviorist if you can. Your vet should be able to give you recommendations of certified behaviorists in your area. It can be a little expensive, but is so incredibly worth it. We worked with a trainer for Spud and it was worth every penny spent.


I'd also suggest keeping a journal about the incidents.

Write down dates, time of day, what you were doing, what the dogs were doing prior, etc... It may be helpful in establishing a pattern that isn't obvious at first glance. It will also help the behaviorist in determining what needs to be done. Try to be as objective as possible. Try not to interject too much speculation as to the why's and just record the facts. Obviously you don't want anything to happen or for Major to attack, but if you can get something on video that would probably also be very helpful to show a trainer.


Getting her checked medically is an excellent idea and should be the standard starting point, so I am glad you are going to do that. :)


In your original post you said there is a lot of high pitched screeching. Who is doing the screeching if I may ask?


This sounds like a situation that needs an objective third party who can observe and help you all. Please keep us updated about what your vet says. I'd ask the office to perhaps schedule extra time so you can discuss these issues in depth with your vet.


Muzzles, baby gates, crates, and separation are key until you get things figured out. I'm glad that you are going to trying crating and muzzling. I trust my guys 100% but if we have other dogs here I muzzle everyone when I leave. They don't love it, but they know it's the rule of the house. As someone else said, magic erasers are amazing in helping rub out muzzle marks. :)

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This sounds like a situation that needs an objective third party who can observe and help you all. Please keep us updated about what your vet says. I'd ask the office to perhaps schedule extra time so you can discuss these issues in depth with your vet.

Excellent advice.

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