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Meet Ross And I!

Guest Ross_a_Roo

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Guest Ross_a_Roo

Hey everyone! I'm sooo glad I've finally gotten on here. I've heard so much about this website!


Prima B Ross is our girl. She was born in March 2002. She's a sweet fawn retired racer. She doesn't have a mean bone in her body and does well with everyone. Feel free to look her up on greyhound-data.com. She is our first grey. My husband and I love her to death. Ross's Profile


My name is Alexus DeGraaf, I live in Wichita, KS with my husband Caleb. We have just recently joined the Greyhound Circle of Friends and are immensely enjoying their friendships and conversation. Feel free to find me on Facebook. My profile is Lex DeGraaf. You can also find Ross as Ross A-Roo.


However, I didn't join Only for the awesome stories and conversation. I really need some advice. Ross has a couple things we don't know how to deal with please reply if you have any experience in fixing these issues:


1. Ross whines a lot when we leave, she sometimes whines if i'm not in the same room with her or just before we go out for a walk. However, I'm most concerned about her whining when we are gone, we live in an apartment and have ppl living all around us except above us. We've tried the tight shirt and some herbal anxiety drops. The shirt didn't work and I don't want to make her dependent on the anti-anxiety medicine. Any suggestions? We are seriously considering a shock collar on a really low setting... and we are begging for alternatives...


2. My parents have 3 italian greyhounds, the oldest is 6 I believe and she is definitely a mommy dog. She just wants to lick Ross's ears. Ross really doesn't appreciate being mommy'd so she growls and sometimes snaps at the little mommy dog. We go over there about once a week and I was really hoping that they would warm up to each other enough that the little iggy would be able to lick her ears for her. I just don't want any broken skin to occur b/c the little iggy was just trying to be nice. Any suggestions?

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Guest PhillyPups

Hi and welcome to GT :wave


First, I would never use a shock collar on any animal, especially a greyhound. The shock hurts, and they are thin skinned. I, personally, feel they are like a taser. There are many ways to work through alone training/separation anxiety. I do not have experience in that area, as I have never had to deal with it, but I know folks will jump in.


Second, as to the issue with the iggy, Ross is letting the iggy know, in dog language, that she does not like that behavior. That said, I would get the iggy to stop with the ear licking. Why make Ross subject herself to something invasive on her body that irritates her just to make the iggy happy. Everytime the iggy goes for her ears, squirt the iggy with water. Water will not hurt the pup, but will get her attention.


Again, welcome to GT. :)

Edited by PhillyPups
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Hi Alexus! I'm Pat from the Circle of Friends group. Glad you finally found us here on GT. You'll just love this site, and there's absolutely nothing you can ask that you can't get help with! There will be someone on here who has dealt with whatever your question is. And, it doesn't always have to be about greyhounds either!!!


BTW, I just was just on FaceBook and watched your video of Ross rooing and talking to you and Caleb. My girls were very interested in listening to what she had to say!!! Just precious!!! I have a talker too, and as a matter of fact, she was just in here trying to talk me into going into the bedroom so she can get on the bed with me. :rolleyes:


I agree with Philly Pups about no shock collar. Have you tried leaving the tv or radio on while you're gone? I joke that mine can cook or decorate just about anything because I always have one of those channels on. Also, some dogs like the animal planet. If you have something you can make a recording with, you can see if she continues to whine the whole time you're gone. Also, if you're friendly with your neighbors, ask them if Ross's whining bothers them, and if it does, reassure them that you're trying to work with her. She's such a good girl -- you could take her with you when you visit with your neighbors. :) That should win anybody over. :lol :lol


Again, welcome. We do have a rule here though, and it involves lots of these: :digicam:lol :lol :lol


Edited to add: Tell Caleb hi for me, and give Ross a hug!!

Edited by pabozem



Waiting at the bridge: Blaze, Rodney, Lady, Spice, Sarahlee, Callie and Baby

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Guest zombrie

Welcome to GT!!


I also would never use a shock collar on a greyhound, especially for something that sounds like mild separation anxiety. It could lead to more anxiety and stress. Someone above said something about the radio, that has worked wonders for us.

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Welcome! Ross is so pretty :)


The whining does sound like mild separation anxiety...it's very common with adopted dogs and greyhounds especially as they get acclimated to your routine. I'm not a fan of the shock collar in general, but it's especially not a good idea to use it here. Any time you're trying to change an underlying emotional state, you definitely don't want to use an aversive. Even if you could accurately time the shock collar so that she made the association between whining and getting zapped, it wouldn't eliminate the anxiety causing the whining in the first place, it would either suppress it or very possibly make it worse. Also, she would probably work out that she could still whine while you were out, and might even ramp that up even more. The key is to make her comfortable and confident with not being glued to your side all the time. There's lots of info here on the forums about that, elsewhere online, and there are also some books you can by that go into this in more detail, but basically you want to slowly increase the time that you're apart at a level that she doesn't find distressing, give her things to do while you're away, and make a point to give her "alone time" when you're together in the house. Also...herbal supplements are definitely not habit-forming, so if you do see success with those, I would go on using them until the situation is under control. I wouldn't expect that they would fix the problem, but if they alleviate her stress a little bit, by all means use them!


Likewise, with the problem with your mom's IG–Ross is communicating that she doesn't like to be licked on the ears. I know it's hard to try to referee little disagreements between dogs, and to know who's at fault and when it's appropriate to intervene (I especially have trouble with this)...but unless the IG is really not taking a hint or Ross is acting like she wants to bite, this is probably something they'll settle on their own. You definitely don't want to make Ross endure the unwanted attention, because you know it's not something she'll be enjoying. You might be able to get her to tolerate it up to a certain point, but when she's really had enough, she might do something much worse than growling. Lots of greyhounds are especially weird about their ears...could be that hers are just extra-sensitive and it makes her uncomfortable. Maybe in her own time she'll learn to enjoy it, or maybe not. Possibly she just doesn't know the dog well enough at this point. Either way, she can still enjoy spending time with your mom's IGs. :) Good luck!

Edited by mariah
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Guest jbbuzby

So, I just wrote a book to you in a message about everything, but it won't let me personal message you yet! Ha ha, is there an email or facebook contact so I could send it to you that way? Thanks!

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Guest Ross_a_Roo

Thank you so much for all of your wonderful feedback!


I've tried the music, but i'm not sure that helps, even when we have it on we still come home to her whining sometimes.


I agree, I do think it's separation anxiety and thanks for the warning about shock collars. I really didn't like the idea either.


As for the iggy, I would agree, I think the little dog should just learn that it's not ok to mommy the big grey. Thanks for you input!


Feel free to reach me on facebook at: www.facebook.com/alexusmae or www.facebook.com/primabrossy


I'll have to look for some books dealing with separation anxiety. However, my problem is that I don't have a job at the moment, so I'm always home, BUT, I've been applying for jobs and might get one here soon. Also, I'm a real home-body and don't go out unless I really need to or it's a date with my hubby. Should I still try and leave the house for increments of time to get her used to both hubby and i not being there?


Also, for the rule about lots of photos here are some of my hubby and Ross: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.2480670988271.127246.1597461860&type=3

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Guest Ross_a_Roo


Also, when I try and access a private message an error comes up saying that I can't use the private messaging system... Is that something that will be allowed after time?

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Guest Greytluv


Also, when I try and access a private message an error comes up saying that I can't use the private messaging system... Is that something that will be allowed after time?

Yes, you have to have so many post to be able to PM.


Welcome to GT :wave

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Guest 3GreytRoos

Have you considered a 2nd Houndie? They are pack animals, this worked for us. We only have seniors and our first Grey Schemp liked chewing the wood work, once we got our 2nd he stopped chewing. All he wanted was the company of another when we weren't home. Now we normally have 3-4 around. The music is always on in our home for them. We come home a lot to hear them singing along.

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Hi :) If she is only whining, it's a plus :rolleyes:


We are seriously considering a shock collar on a really low setting... and we are begging for alternatives...



I'm glad to see you want alternatives. This is what can happen with a shock collar:




This is the first time in her life she has been alone! Hopefully with time she will adjust. Some do and some do not.


Should I still try and leave the house for increments of time to get her used to both hubby and i not being there?



Yes. Start small & work up to big :)

Diane & The Senior Gang

Burpdog Biscuits

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Guest Ross_a_Roo

thanks everyone for their comments and advice.


I'm glad I know now not to use a shock collar! What a horrible injury! Poor thing!


Yes, I've considered another dog, but since we are in a small one bedroom apartment they would take up the entire couch not just 3/4ths of it. ^_^


However, we will be moving in February to a much larger two bedroom duplex where the other renters are great friends of ours. They have a senior, rescue great dane who is the sweetest and will just lay around with Ross when they are together. We were thinking that we would start bringing one over if the other couple is out so that they would have companions while the Hoomans are out...


I'll definitely start working on being out and about in increments. My only thought is, once she's used to that, if i don't have a job, she'll still see me a lot, so wouldn't that defeat the purpose?


Here's another photo of Ross. ^_^ she was silly and half on half off of the sleeping bag we had out at the time. ^_^


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Hi Alexus, welcome to GT, and the world of Greyhounds! Thanks for coming here to ask for help, sounds like Ross has some separation anxiety, and it is excellent that you are currently home, that gives you a chance to do some alone training. Look for the book "I'll be home soon!" by Patricia McConnell, it will explain it all better than I could. When we adopted Karma about 18 months ago, she had some anxiety at first, when my son left for school in the morning she would stand by the door and whine, she did the same thing when I left. She would do this even with another Grey and another human in the house, she had finally found her people, and she did not like anyone leaving. We made it a point to have very low key good-byes (like none, just took my purse and keys and left), and the same coming back. After a few weeks she stopped whining, then she no longer stood by the door, until one glorious morning, my son left and she didn't even get up!

Anyway, find that book, it is a very short book, with some very valuable advice. And, easy to implement.


Good luck, she will be fine :)


Ivon, Spud, Karma & Sasha

Missing Darla (05-22-96 03-01-2010)

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Guest Ross_a_Roo

Hey everyone! Ross, my girlie grey who has separation anxiety that is too extreme for an apartment complex is going to get a sister!!! We're going up to see her in Abilene, KS on Saturday! they are going to meet in a run up at the racing track and see how they do! And then if she works out, we'll be taking her home!!! ^_^


Wish us luck on the success of our most wonderful adventure!!!


Thanks to everyone who gave me advice on what to do with Ross's Separation Anxiety, know that I will work on the tactics in the book even when we get our sister grey for RossaRoo!



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Guest gurehaundo

Hi and welcome! We have IGs and Greys - it's like your house and your mom's all in one. :lol I have no advice, but it seems like you've found a solution anyway. I hope the meeting goes well! Ross is gorgeous, by the way!


PS - I'll hit you up on Facebook. My name is Liza Boris on there.

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Hi and welcome to GT :wave


First, I would never use a shock collar on any animal, especially a greyhound. The shock hurts, and they are thin skinned. I, personally, feel they are like a taser. There are many ways to work through alone training/separation anxiety. I do not have experience in that area, as I have never had to deal with it, but I know folks will jump in.


Second, as to the issue with the iggy, Ross is letting the iggy know, in dog language, that she does not like that behavior. That said, I would get the iggy to stop with the ear licking. Why make Ross subject herself to something invasive on her body that irritates her just to make the iggy happy. Everytime the iggy goes for her ears, squirt the iggy with water. Water will not hurt the pup, but will get her attention.


Again, welcome to GT. :)



Ditto. And please please don't use a shock collar. Nothing to be gained from that except causing more problems and hurting her IMO.

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Guest Ross_a_Roo

You're friended now Liza. :D Haha, i'll have to check out your pictures. and i'll have some of my own posted once we have the second hound and go over to my parent's house to see the psychosis. ^_^


Don't worry, No shock collars will be used on our greys!

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Guest Ross_a_Roo

This is Flying Downing who Ross and I will be meeting on Saturday. They were born at the same farm in Wheeling, WV. So they are familiar with each other. Can't wait! I really hope it works out! :D



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Guest gurehaundo

What a cutie! Good luck! Feel free to check out my pictures. I have some decent ones and some really crappy ones, but they're mostly all about the hounds. I was going to say something on your wall about Saturday, but I wasn't sure if you'd mentioned anything to your real friends and family. :lol I do hope everything goes well, though!

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