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Guest FrankieWylie

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Guest FrankieWylie

Let me preface this by saying I have no problem using the search function on the forum. However, since you have to have a minimum number of posts to be able to do certain things, I thought I would ask this question openly :)



How often/how much are you giving your pups in the way of treats? Because we are just transitioning the boys into our home, I feel like we are using treats more than we will be in say, a year ;) But right now, we use them to show the "rules" of the house and reward following directions. We use anything from homemade treats (turkey, oatmeal and garlic) to string cheese (which is a favorite, for sure). We also give Milkbones in their crates when they get in, and once they get put down for the night, a Kong.



I am reading a lot about duck/chicken feet and things like that. Are those treats that are earned or that you give regularly for the sake of a treat? How much/many how often?


What else are y'all using to encourage good behavior? Magic, with his large overbite, and complete ignorance to "treats" has to have smaller things that we can "feed" him between the gap of his jaws.


Just looking for some ideas as to variety and amount. It's all so new. The possibilities are endless and the risk of over feeding high ;)

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the treasured treats around here are plain old cheapo hot dogs. I cut them up into small bites so even one whole hotdog will make plenty of treats for two hounds. I feed them cold but you can also nuke them in the microwave and make chewy treats with them.

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I give treats but in small pieces. I buy natural biscuits for small dogs and dole them out one at a time. Just one crunch but Annie Bella likes them. Very small pieces of sharp cheese (or American or Provolone) are much loved. Occasionally I'll give her a couple of Wheat Thins with just a touch of peanut butter on them. She loves PB (which I also use to give her pills). Annie Bella never begs for treats, and there is no "schedule," so when I pull one out, it's a big surprise.

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Oh, dear. Evidently Joe is waaaay spoiled! :P He gets something (duck jerky, milk bone, leftover breakfast) when we leave in the morning, something else when I leave after lunch, and many somethings at night (little biskie, more duck jerky, pizza bones, leftover dinner). Sometimes a pig ear, bully stick, or stuffed kong. Oh, and when we take him to an outdoor restaurant we usually stop at fancy pet store and get him a nice cookie. Then he shares our dinner. :huh Did I mention the occasional Mickey D's cheeseburger?


Despite our efforts, he's not obese. But he is a tyrant.

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I am reading a lot about duck/chicken feet and things like that. Are those treats that are earned or that you give regularly for the sake of a treat? How much/many how often?


What else are y'all using to encourage good behavior? Magic, with his large overbite, and complete ignorance to "treats" has to have smaller things that we can "feed" him between the gap of his jaws.


Just looking for some ideas as to variety and amount. It's all so new. The possibilities are endless and the risk of over feeding high ;)


Diesel loves treats! He too was ignorant of treats when I first got him, my trainer Marion, told me that warm treats smell more appealing, so to teach Diesel what treats were we nuked them a few seconds to make them smell yummy. This worked wonderfully, he was so cute, in the beginning he wouldn't take anything from your hand, but would look at your hand and then at the floor, then at your hand and back to the floor, until you got the idea that it should be on the floor. :lol


I started using dried liver treats, but found at training sessions, (we attend agility training once weekly) he would cough and choke on the dry treats, so I started making my own liver treats by cooking liver and cutting it up into small pieces. He still enjoys the occasional dry liver treat and some biscuit type treats too, but his favourite are the homemade liver!


He gets a treat every time we come in from a walk, and occasionally throughout the day for doing little training sessions - we're currently working on fetching a wooden dumbbell. :colgate


Hope this helps,

Tina & Diesel

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Mine get a variety of treats, but not many at a time. Usually they get 3-4 small treats (Science Diet Dental Bites) when they come in from last potty. Occasionally they get a Milk Bone biscuit on the weekend. They get the most treats when we do a meet n greet, fundraiser or go for a therapy dog visit. Treats also when training. Birthdays and baths get them a McD's McDouble. Not a lot of indiscriminate treats through the day though.


Two of mine seem to put on weight very easily and one of them has problems with her back legs so I really watch it.

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Guest Wasserbuffel

Like you, I used lots of treats initially to do a lot of training while Jayne transitioned into our home. Mainly we used pieces of kibble, she didn't know any different.


Now the only treat she's sure to get each day is the one I give when I crate her before I leave for work. She also generally has a bully stick laying around to chew on. Mainly we give treats when we feel like it, some days that means several and other days that means none.


All treats are relatively small, so she can have the excitement of a treat more often than if she got one big treat. She doesn't care if it's just a tiny piece of kibble, she's just happy to have it.

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Guest greyers

My husband thinks treats are to be given 18 hours a day... so I hide the treats from him! :colgate


I give treats randomly throughout the day. I usually try not to have the expectation of a treat (unless I am treating for a behavior or act and then I always treat consistently), and thus vary the times. every other day or so we have a bully stick or trachea or an antler. But as far as regular treating time The two constants are:


*When we all go upstairs to go to sleep for the night there is a treat and long petting time


*When Prudence finishes ALL of her food in her dish we get "dessert", which is a duck or chicken jerkey in a big bowl and she gets to pick out the one she wants. I started doing this to entice her to eat all of her food, and it has worked like a charm. She loves to go "fishing" in the bowl and grab the ones she wants. Its not just about the high value treat, its about the "game" for her.

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Guest FrankieWylie

Greyers....antler? What are those!?


Does anyone have any homemade treat recipes? My kids love getting involved with "making" things for the dogs! My 15 year old just crocheted one a sweater and is working on another. She also is making them toy! <3

The two younger ones don't have those particular skills so they like making the turkey treats with me. Any other recipes we can try?

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Annie Bella had her first Bully Stick last week and once she got the hang of it, she loved it. I gave her another one today. It's a lot of effort to chew and chew and chew, so she took a break. Right after this pic was taken, she fell asleep, the stick still hanging out of her mouth.



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Guest verthib

We give Charlee Bears now. They are small and low calorie and are great for rewards or when going into the crate. We give a kong when leaving for the day or an errand, but not at night. When we put them to bed, its sleepy time. No treats or toys.

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