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Could This Be A Uti?

Guest Trish66

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Guest Trish66

I've had Alex for 10 months and he's pretty well house-broken - until last Friday he had only had 3 accidents in the house. I don't have a fenced-in yard so I leash-walk him 4 times a day (early morning, mid-morning, mid-afternoon and before bedtime). I work from home twice a week and I have a dog walker come in 2 days a week. So, there's usually only one day per week where he's home alone for 7-8 hours, and he's never had an accident on those days. So I know he can hold it.


But in the past week he's had 3 accidents in the house - 2 on Friday and 1 today. And each time, it's been practically right in front of me. Most recently, about 30 minutes ago, I was working at the dining room table, he came over stood by me, didn't whine which he sometimes does when he needs to go out (like first thing in the morning). I petted him a few times and went back to my work. He then walked behind my chair and peed behind my chair.


He does seem to have been drinking more water in the past week and when he does go out to pee, he does so for a long time. Since this first started last Friday, I've tried to watch him more closely and have taken him out a few more extra times. But I don't want to keep doing this (particularly since he loves to be outside and would go out 10 times a day if I took him).


I am taking him to the vet in the AM. Does this sound like a UTI or something related?


Any advice would be appreciated - thanks!

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Sounds very much like Joe's UTI last winter. Glad you have a vet visit scheduled. My vet didn't think any of his blood/pee values looked like a UTI -- but was willing to dole out antibiotics anyway, cause greyhounds are weird! It got better after each round, came back right away after they were stopped. We finally kept him on 2 different drugs for 3 weeks (simultaneously) & no problems since. Good luck!

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Guest Trish66

Thanks for the responses. I'm still waiting to hear from the vet - they kept him so that they could get a urine sample. Didn't realize that the one I got at 5:30 AM this morning had to be refrigerated...:)

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Guest Trish66

Yes, he did make it home yesterday afternoon. The urinalysis results were fine, but the urine culture results won't be back until next week. The vet didn't think it was necessary to put him on antibiotics at this point. In the meantime, she said it was OK to regulate his water intake so that he's not drinking quite as much (and hopefully having fewer accidents). And I'll just need to be alert and watch him more closely.


I've also been talking a/ greyhound trainer (we took a basic obedience class from her during the summer). I mentioned to her that I did switch him from Nutro Lamb & Rice to Purina Dental Diet a few months ago, and she wondered if that might be somehow related; maybe the salt content in the food has affected him over time, causing him to drink more now. I'll mention it to the vet to see what she thinks.


Thanks again for the responses.

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