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Safe To Feed Raw Venison?

Guest BrodesMom

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Guest BrodesMom

Hi everyone! I'm so glad to have found this forum! I've had my boy Brode on a raw diet for 6 months now and I can't believe the difference! His loose poop issues have disappeared! His coat is soft and shiny and his teeth GLEAM from eating chicken backs and turkey necks. Anyway, I was wondering if it's safe to add raw venison to his diet? I buy a lot of my meat from a supplier who makes his own raw dog food, and he's having a special this month where if you buy any two cases of prepared diets you get 10 lbs. of venison for free--we have a lot of deer around here and he gets a lot from hunters. I was just curious because I worry about lyme disease. Would this be okay to feed my baby boy? Any thoughts would be a big help!

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Guest Swifthounds

Venison is perfectly safe to feed. Other than being perhaps a bit lean compared to beef or pork and thus needing to feed a bit more to maintain weight, it's species appropriate and a good red meat.

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We've been feeding raw venison to our IBD greyhound for almost three years. In fact, venison is the only protein he can have. But the raw venison we get is commercially prepared by Primal Pet. We tried a batch of venison through a local raw-feeding group a few months ago, which we shared with another venison-only IBD dog, and it gave them diarrhea for whatever reason. The other owner suspects it wasn't really venison, and that that was the problem. I don't know. But if I were ever getting something non-commercial again, I'd ask a lot of questions about where it came from and how it was handled! But then it's a life-and-death thing for an IBD dog. If he weren't sick to start with, I might not worry quite as much.


ETA: We gave some of our unused venison from the "bad" batch to a healthy boxer, and he had no problem with it whatsoever!

Edited by greyhead
Mary with Jumper Jack (2/17/11) and angels Shane (PA's Busta Rime, 12/10/02 - 10/14/16) and Spencer (Dutch Laser, 11/25/00 - 3/29/13).

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Deer hunting season is BONANZA time around here for my dogs! I feed kibble, but supplement raw and RMB's.


I have friends that hunt, and after they process their deer - I get the the scraps. I freeze up the bones that are the "junk" with lots of meat attached, and give it to the dogs over the next several months. The LOVE IT! I'll use as a meal, or a supplement, depending on how much meat is still there.


Verison is FINE for dogs, even if you can't get the bones.

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Guest RaznNik

I have fed venison in the past and would again if I could get it! My guys loved it - just gave them a bit each meal and they ate it first before the other meats in their dish. A little variety is good.

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I have an IBD dog and he gets raw venison, as do my others. I do freeze it first for a couple weeks, just to be safe. He doesn't get as much because it can loosen him up - it is rich. They love it and I have never had any issues from it. Even my cats will eat it! We have an over abundance of deer around here and my neighbor hunts for the meat. He usually saves me the thighs. I can get 40 pounds easy that way and they enjoy it for quite a while. Nothing like free food!


Cindy with Miss Fancypants, Paris Bueller, Zeke, and Angus 
Dante (Dg's Boyd), Zoe (In a While), Brady (Devilish Effect), Goose (BG Shotgun), Maverick (BG ShoMe), Maggie (All Trades Jax), Sherman (LNB Herman Bad) and Indy (BYB whippet) forever in my heart
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