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3 weeks ago Robin had several days of diarrhea, waking me up several times with it two nights in a row. :-( After days of chicken and rice and flagyl, he got back to solid. But his stool sample came back positive for hookworms, so we did a round of panacur (though the vet did mention that hookworms shouldn't have caused diahrrea). He has been back to solid poops since.


Until Saturday, when he had loose stools, and yesterday, where he had liquid poop, to last night and today when he had explosive accidents frequently. Called the vet, and he said to go with the leftover flagyl and a bland diet to hold him over till Wednesday, when we have Robin's wellness visit. He's due for another round of panacur in a week, but when I asked if we should retreat him now instead of waiting another week, he said no.


So he was a happy camper tonight as I cooked him chicken and rice, but I can't help but be concerned. The vet said again that he seems to doubt that it's the hookworms, which makes me wonder what else could be going on. Most likely he is just sensitive, and worms caused diarrhea for him where it wouldn't in most dogs. But he also threw up once during the earlier episode and once again this weekend. And I just can't help worrying a bit.


So please give my Robin some good thoughts that this is just the hookworms resurfacing and they will go away soon and easily.


Cathy & Calvin (DOB 9/18/13). Always missing my angel Robin (Abdo Bullard).
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I hope Robin does not have what EZ had


I would ask your vet to check for a bacteria infection like EZ had---EZ is on tylan and bactrim - you can get tylan without a prescription on line I am getting mine from KV Vet Supply but you can also get it through Amazon and a few other places unless you live in California then you need a prescription

Edited by 6greyhounds

It is better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all

Missing my Big Blue eyed Bear

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I wouldn't wait a week either. You could take in a sample of stool to the vet and request that it be sent to a lab for a fecal culture. Best to catch it straight from the dog in a clean container; that way, no confusion about the germs they find being from the ground.


Many vets resist doing this. I had to ask mine three times before it got done for Spencer. Turned out he had a raging Clostridium perfringens infection that could have killed him! I think the vets' reluctance is that many germs, like Spencer's, occur naturally in the GI tract. And in vet school they learned that they had to send the sample to Texas A&M to be analyzed for toxins. However, our local lab counted "way, way, way, way" more of the bacteria than would normally be present. From that it could be assumed with 99.99% certainty that the colony was big enough to be producing toxin. And the sensitivity part of the culture showed precisely which antibiotics would kill it. (There were three, and it took all three to do the job.)


If your vet can't get his/her head around this fast, find an internist with a strong interest in GI stuff. But I think your instincts are on target, that this has gone beyond the point of wait-and-see. I would add that I know of several GH's, Spencer being one, whose intestinal infections were preceded by lengthy hookworm infestations. Hookworms dig channels in the intestinal walls that, I believe, make the intestines more vulnerable to the ravages of bacterial overgrowth. And these dogs end up with IBD if the other stuff is allowed to persist too long. So I think your vet is probably right that what you're seeing isnot just hookworm, but he needs to move on and find out what it is now.

Mary with Jumper Jack (2/17/11) and angels Shane (PA's Busta Rime, 12/10/02 - 10/14/16) and Spencer (Dutch Laser, 11/25/00 - 3/29/13).

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Best of luck to you. Hookworms can be particularly resistant.....and panacur sometimes isn't effective. There are other wormers often given in conjunction. You might want to look into that as well. But I agree with others....don't wait too long.


Best thoughts for Robin.


Robin, EZ (Tribal Track), JJ (What a Story), Dustin (E's Full House) and our beautiful Jack (Mana Black Jack) and Lily (Chip's Little Miss Lily) both at the Bridge
The WFUBCC honors our beautiful friends at the bridge. Godspeed sweet angels.

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Hookworm was the first diagnosis but as the idiots combined the stool sample I brought in for all four pups they did not know which one had hook worms - it only show one dog with hook - so if we knew which one then we probably would not have had to go the route we did to get EZ on the road to recovery

It is better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all

Missing my Big Blue eyed Bear

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3 weeks ago Robin had several days of diarrhea, waking me up several times with it two nights in a row. :-( After days of chicken and rice and flagyl, he got back to solid. But his stool sample came back positive for hookworms, so we did a round of panacur (though the vet did mention that hookworms shouldn't have caused diahrrea). He has been back to solid poops since.


Until Saturday, when he had loose stools, and yesterday, where he had liquid poop, to last night and today when he had explosive accidents frequently. Called the vet, and he said to go with the leftover flagyl and a bland diet to hold him over till Wednesday, when we have Robin's wellness visit. He's due for another round of panacur in a week, but when I asked if we should retreat him now instead of waiting another week, he said no.


So he was a happy camper tonight as I cooked him chicken and rice, but I can't help but be concerned. The vet said again that he seems to doubt that it's the hookworms, which makes me wonder what else could be going on. Most likely he is just sensitive, and worms caused diarrhea for him where it wouldn't in most dogs. But he also threw up once during the earlier episode and once again this weekend. And I just can't help worrying a bit.


So please give my Robin some good thoughts that this is just the hookworms resurfacing and they will go away soon and easily.


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A friend of mine had the same problem with her greyhound . Her dog ended up being allergic to chicken so she gave him beef instead. He has not had any more problems. My dog had explosive diarea and was told he had whipworms.After I got rid of the whipworms he had no more problems. Hope this helps.

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Thank you for all your input! We went to the vet today, and he wants to keep Robin on the flagyl for a solid week, along with amoxicillin and his bland diet. He is thinking that it could be a bacterial infection that didn't all get killed by the first batch of flagyl alone and has resurfaced. That sounds similar to what you all seem to be saying, so maybe this antibiotic will do the trick. If not, then we'll probably have to see WHICH bacterias they are so we can fight them in particular. Until then, it seems I will be doing more cooking for my dog than I normally do for myself. Sigh.


I can't wait til he feels better. Poor guy. :(

Cathy & Calvin (DOB 9/18/13). Always missing my angel Robin (Abdo Bullard).
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This is what EZ has and humans get it too




Flagyl did not help him he is on Bactrim and tylan and it is called SIBO

Edited by 6greyhounds

It is better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all

Missing my Big Blue eyed Bear

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thank you for asking! I'm glad EZ is doing better. Overall, Robin's doing better. He clearly feels better, and we've had no explosive D since. But I'm dealing with slight and occasional loose stools, alternating with stools that are fine. So he's not completely normal yet. Also, I had a couple of instances here and there with slightly loose, yellow poop that smelled bad. But it went away, so I don't know if I should be worried yet. Internet and GT searches make me concerned that he now has SIBO after the rounds of antibiotics, but I don't know. Seems that it would be consistantly yellow and gross, not occasional. I'm going to get some pumpkin today to firm him up and I may look into finding some probiotics to add. But I think if it comes out yellow again, I'm bringing it to the vet immediately. I may also call them this week to get their take on it.


Oh, and he randomly threw up bile one night. Weird.


Hopefully he will get back to normal soon so I can stop worrying. The more I've typed into this reply, the more concerned I am about this. Hmm.... But at least he is happy again!

Edited by Robin1017
Cathy & Calvin (DOB 9/18/13). Always missing my angel Robin (Abdo Bullard).
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That is how EZ was with the exception of the bile - stinky poop and gas - he is just about normal - with formed bm but sometimes soft and he is a double pooper so his second poop is very loose - at least we do not have that brown water big D. He is more alert


If Robin keeps this up insist that they check him for SIBO - or ask about Bactrim and tylan to give him - Penske and Arby had loose stool and put them on Tylan and it got them on the right track

It is better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all

Missing my Big Blue eyed Bear

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