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A Chew That Will Last

Guest BlackandTan

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Guest GreyGary91806

I have giving my big guy a few different items to chew on, some of which I wish I did more research on before I had done so.

Anyways the only thing that I have given him that he didnt eat in 5 minutes was a Ham Bone but from what I have read it seems people dont suggest them. I tried and edible Nylabone-gone in 10 minutes, another bone that said long lasting 15 minutes. I need to find something safe and healthy for him otherwise he chews on the first thing he sees.... HELP PLEASE LOL :crazy

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They are safe. They are like any other toy or chew tho and should be looked at occasionally to be sure they aren't splitting. I use them for my Lab who is a big chewer. I only give it to him at certain times, for example, we had a birthday party for my daughter and I knew there was going to be lots of activity so I gave him the antler about an hour before hand to tire him out.

When I take them up I put them in a ziplock and freeze them until the next time. I have multiple dogs so I have to be careful about what is left out.


I haven't ever tried the himalayan treats.

~Beth, with a crazy mixed crew of misfits.
~ Forever and Always missing and loving Steak, Carmen, Ivy, Isis, and Madi.
Don't cry because it's ended, Smile because it happened.
Before you judge me, try to keep an open mind, not everyone likes your taste.

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Guest Wasserbuffel

She chews on a new one for about 1/2 hour straight then it sits around and gets chewed on when she feels like it for the rest of the time. By the end of a couple days it's a nub.


ETA: She can tear through one of the edible Nylabones in under 10 minutes.

Edited by Jayne
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Another vote for antlers here! And bully sticks. How long have you had your boy? When we got Kevin he chewed on everything to see how it tasted and/or to destroy it. If it was a treat/a toy it was dead. Just seconds and he destroyed it. Amazing but upsetting. We were going through toys and chews/ chew bones like crazy. Finally we got him bully sticks and antlers. The bully sticks are the thick 12" ones (from bestbullysticks.com). They are expensive. But it seemed to help him get out his chewing. One most nights. He inhaled them but chewed less on inappropriate things. Then with the antlers it became the go to chew. It's always on the floor in case he wants to chew. And we would trade out the inappropriate things for the antler. He got it. And now if he wants to chew he chews the antlers (can't even tell they've been chewed on- they are tough!). He has stopped killing his toys. He also takes a couple days now to finish a bully (used to take 1/2-1hour). He doesn't chew on inappropriate things anymore. It took a few months for this transformation, but like you I was beside myself with the lack of anything for him to chew that could withstand him.


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We just tried these thanks to the lady we board Garnet with. She has an all greyhound boarding facility. Garnet it likes it so much she sent it home with her! She said they are great for their teeth too.



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Guest giantsfan

I have one very aggressive chewer and another so-so. I give them both the 12" jumbo bully sticks (we get them from happy dog place). The aggressive chewer can get up to a solid hour from one of these, the other dog can get a couple hours out of it. These are the only things that we've had any luck with - they had no interest in antlers and they loved marrow bones, but we had a broken tooth from that. Soooo...it's jumbo bully sticks for us.

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Carl plowed through a Himalayan within about 20 minutes. I was completely shocked, I thought it would last for days. My boy has a real set of choppers on him! He really likes Nylabones that smell like they have marrow inside, and his very very favorite are Nylabone Dinosaurs! He chews and chews, never has destroyed one and they are good for his teeth, too!


The Stegosaurus is Carl's absolute favorite!

Edited by seeh2o

Sunsands Doodles: Doodles aka Claire, Bella Run Softly: Softy aka Bowie (the Diamond Dog)

Missing my beautiful boy Sunsands Carl 2.25.2003 - 4.1.2014

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I've never seen a Nylabone splinter ever, maybe the rubber ones, but the super hard ones, never. I was at the veterinary dentist office and asked her about nylabones, she felt they were ok so long as the dog is supervised when chewing. As Carl wears a muzzle when I'm not at home, I'm always present when he chews them.

Sunsands Doodles: Doodles aka Claire, Bella Run Softly: Softy aka Bowie (the Diamond Dog)

Missing my beautiful boy Sunsands Carl 2.25.2003 - 4.1.2014

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Guest Greyt_dog_lover

If you have only had him a month, expect some growling when you try to take an antler away (if he really enjoys it). If he does really enjoy the antler, when it is time to take it from him, "trade up". Another option would be to give raw bones (femur). Those are great for cleaning teeth at the same time being something nearly every greyhound enjoys. If you do give raw bone, be sure to only let them chew for about 30 minutes or so, then freeze. You do not have to thaw out when you give it to them, but it needs to be frozen between sessions as bacteria can grow on the bone. The bacteria is not harmful to hounds, but it is to humans.



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If you have only had him a month, expect some growling when you try to take an antler away (if he really enjoys it). If he does really enjoy the antler, when it is time to take it from him, "trade up".



:nod :nod :nod

Great point! I learned that the hard way with Carl at first.

Sunsands Doodles: Doodles aka Claire, Bella Run Softly: Softy aka Bowie (the Diamond Dog)

Missing my beautiful boy Sunsands Carl 2.25.2003 - 4.1.2014

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Hes pretty good when i take stuff away from him. Thanks for the heads up though


Joe seemed just fine, for weeks, when I took stuff away from him. Could reach right in and take anything away. Then, one evening he let me know with a great big growl that he was KNOT done with his chewy yet -- didn't care that his gums were bleeding all over it, it was his! We started practicing trading up that night, and he got it fast. They really need to know they can give you stuff and get something better. Trust is all-important.

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Guest GreyGary91806

I got an extra large bully stick from petco hes been going to town on it for a few hours now and hes only gone through maybe 3 inches. I think i may have found a winner

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Guest Wasserbuffel

Awesome! I will suggest, however, that if bully sticks are the winner you buy them online. A pack of 2 12" bully sticks at a pet store will cost about $15. The same size sticks will cost only about $2.50 each if you buy them online (that includes shipping). Like many others here, I use http://www.bestbullysticks.com/home/bbs/smartlist_154/dental_dog_treats_and_chews.html

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Guest GreyGary91806

Yah I am definently going to order from the web site. I think i got a 24 inch and it was like 13 bucks or something outrageous. He still has about 5 inches left though. They are awesome!

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