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Dog Chiropractic

Guest oldNELLIE

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Guest oldNELLIE

Does anyone have any experience with this? A Chiropractor that I know does work on dogs, and did a demo for a business group I am in. I am really excited to see how this effects Nellie. She is 9, and I have noticed that she is a lot slower to lay down or rise these days.


He obviously works with the dog's spine, and I recently read that the reason greyhounds are so fast is that they run by using not only the stregth in their legs, but also the contraction and expansion of their spine, like a cheetah. Nellie ran nearly 250 races (!) over the course of 4 years, so her spine has really had a workout!


If anyone is interested, I'll update tomorrow after her appointment. He comes to our house to do the work, and insisted that it doesn't matter that she knows zero commands like "sit" or "lay down" :lol

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My mini dachshund has had two treatments in his lifetime. He tended to pull muscles with jumping/wrong movements, just like me. I took him when he would be holding his head to the side, crying, etc. Both helped tremendously. I know the last treatment left him hurting as on the way home he would not look at me, would not get out of the car, totally rebuffed me. I assured him that he would feel better in a few hours. Then I left the house. Upon return a few hours later he met me at the door, bouncing around, totally different behavior than before the treatments. A happy dog again.


The doctor is a people chiropractor who does the dog treatments at a local vet office. the dog lays on a blanket on the floor and he gets down and does his thing. He took the canine chiropractic courses as he also has a dachshund who gets herself in trouble. Dachsies are well known for having spinal difficulties.


Good experience and I would not hesitate to take any of my dogs to him.


Keep us posted.

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Summer began going to a chiropractor late last fall. The chiropractor has done wonders and now Summer just goes every couple of months for a small adjustment. In fact, Summer had such fabulous results that *I* started going to the same chiropractor! She works out of a vet's office as well as out of her home (for the animals) and out of her own chiropractor partnership office for humans. Summer turned 6 in April and I'm hoping that the treatments keep her limber. She also ran for a full career and retired close to 5.


Enjoy! You should notice a difference very quickly!


Lisa B.

My beautiful Summer - to her forever home May 1, 2010 Summer

Certified therapy dog team with St. John Ambulance

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Guest DoofBert

Bacchus sees our chiropractor who is a 'people' chiropractor with extra courses in animals. BACCHUS really enjoys the treatments and seems to have bonded with Dr. Brett. When we arrive at the office, Bacchus will look around for Dr. Brett and try to find him in the office ! Bacchus then quiets down, may even lay down and gets his adjustment. Bacchus does not know any commands, either...


Dr. Brett initially petted Bacchus and followed the length of his spine with a gentle touch.... then used this little instrument to work th adjusment. Bacchus did yelp the first few times, but did mve easier after treatment.


(FYI -- he always has to 'water the ground' after treatments)


Good luck!



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Guest avadogner

My mom is the office manager of a Chiropractor, Reiki Specialist, Herbalist and Masage therapist. I started seeing her at 6 to help with gymnastic injuries/strains. Anyway, she is a fabulous Chiropractor but doesn't treat animals. I asked her if she knew any animal chiropractors. Alabama is not an alternative care hotspot so the only one she knows treats horses. Ava has Lumbar Stenosis which is progressing fast. I would love to hear how your visit goes and if it helped Nellie.


ava & augie's mum

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Daisy and Dylan go once a month for an adjustment. Our holistic vet does their chiropractic treatment. They have been going for 6 years and it has defintely been beneficial. One time Dylan was lame on his back right leg for a few days..After his treatment, he came bouncing out on all four! Let us know how Nellie does...I think it's wonderful for our pets.

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DoggieMomma, there is a website for holistic vets. You can enter in which modality would you be interested in and the area of which you are looking for. I will double check but I believe it is www.ahva.org. My own personal opinion is very positive about animal chiropractic.

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Guest oldNELLIE

Hi Everyone! I just wanted to update on how Nellie's treatment went. It was very cool! And she did great.


I think I mentioned in my original post that the Chiropractor was coming to our place. Nellie was her usual excited self to see him, and then went nuts when she realized he had a whole bag of tiny chicken jerky pieces with him. He took a little bit of time with her to feel all over her body, get an overall picture of her and to get her comfortable with him.


Then he had me sit on the couch and she stood in front of me while I fed her pieces of jerky. He manipulated her spine and pointed out a few things. Between her shoulder blades her muscles would spasm when he ran his hand down her spine so he did some deeper work there. I had noticed some muscle twitching there before, but I didn't realize what it was. Throughout the time he worked on her spine she would have these muscle spasms that would go down the whole side of her body like a release. He also pointed out that she is very protective of her back left hip. I had never noticed this during casual contact, but it was very obvious while he was working. He did some deep stretching in her hips and showed me how to do it too.


He started winding down and we could tell Nellie was getting a little tired of it all, so he stood up to leave. He was discribing to me how to stretch her shoulders out while she was laying down and Nellie walked over and flopped right down onto his feet :lol It was really cute.


Over all it seemed like a success! And she seemed to feel really good afterwards.

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I've been bringing my animals to my (animal) chiropractor since 1980 when my horse threw his back out. I had just spent thousands on this fancy thoroughbred and he was busy doing yahoo's in the pasture which had a good slant to it being on a hill when he threw his back out. I had him all of a month when this happened.

After 3 months of vet visits, Hearty being unrideable, I finally decided to try an animal chiro. He was back to jumping within 3 weeks after his first adjustment. When I got my grey, they started seeing the chiro regularly (every other month), and I firmly believe it helped my old lady live to be 15.5.


they still see her every other month.

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