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Heart Diease

Guest Rach1323

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Guest Rach1323

Tonight Bow had an increased pulse rate while resting about 140-145 and labored breathing. We took her to the Emergency Vet ...they did a ECG, ultrasound, and radiographs. They said she has heart diease...an enlarged heart with arrthymias. They said we should go to a cardiologist for her and that they will be able to tell us more and give her medications to slow the progression but eventually she will probably have congestive heart failure...We are going to try to get ahold of the cardiologist tomorrow and hopefully get an appointment. This stinks...has anyone had experience with this ......Thanks

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No personal experience, but I work at a vet clinic & we have many patients on heart drugs (enalapril or Vetmedin) that have lived many happy

years. Hopefully your Bow will do the same.


Let us know what the cardiologist says. Thinking of you.

Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog.

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Guest Grhndad

My 11.5 yr old Pansy was diagnosed with CHF about 2 yrs ago. She is on enalapril, 7.5 mg twice a day and reglan,15 mg, twice a day. She's doing fine. In fact we just got home from Mountain Hounds last Sunday. You can't tell she has a problem.

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Guest avadogner

My only experience is with babies in NICU but I want to send you happy, healing thoughts.


Just in case your vet didn't explain the medical jargon here is my nursing school review of PVC's and LVH/cardiomegally. I hope this helps make it easier to understand and helps you figure out what questions you have. PVC's are pre ventricular contractions. In medical speak it means that the lower chamber of the heart is contracting before it has a chance to fill up. This causes the heart to become less effective. It is a blood pumping machine. To meet the decreased oxygen levels in the body, the heart increases it's beats/pumps per minute to try to keep the oxygen levels the body needs. The left ventrical which pumps oxygenated returning from the lungs out to the body will enlarge if the the heart is working too hard or blood pressure is high for various reasons. The PVCs can be caused by abnormal electrolyte levels especially potassium. Abnormal electrical conduction of the heart can cause it to pump prematurely too. Early diagnosis and meds can make it very managable. The cardiologist will be able to get to the root of it and get you on the right treatment.


Please keep us posted! Blessings to you and Bow.

-ava & augie's mum

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Guest saltwaterron

sorry to hear. my riley has been diagnosed with dilated cardiomyopathy...heart failure. not an easy time. wiash you the beat

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They have done wonders with canine heart problems. So keep thinking positive. My Pearl was diagnosed with heart disease (valuvular disease) at age 5, and hypertension age 7. She passed away at age 12 from CANCER.


She saw her cardiologist regularly and we kept on top of any issues with her heart or BP.


Good luck.

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Guest Rach1323

Thank you all so much! We have an appointment scheduled with the cardiologist for this coming tuesday...fingers crossed... I'll keep you updated. I appreciate the advice and kind words so very much

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Guest HHHounds

Candyman was diagnosed with an enlarged heart this past fall - he was 10 at the time. He went on lasix, enalapril and vetmedin. He also had complications from an autoimmune condition - we sent him to the bridge 2 weeks ago. The meds worked well until near the end.

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