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Guest LokisMom

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Guest LokisMom

My dad says his gh has an upset stomach. No big d or vomiting but she isn't eating the past 2 days. Is there anything he can give her that might soothe her tummy until he can get in to see the vet?


I live 12 hours from him so I haven't seen the dog and only have that info currently. Also his grey is a very picky eater normally so we don't know if she's just being super picky for some reason or if its a health problem. Any suggestions?

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What makes him think she has an upset stomach? There are plenty of other reasons a dog might not eat.


If she won't eat ANYTHING, I would not wait myself to get her to the vet.


Is she pooping?


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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Guest LokisMom

Yeah she's acting normal and eating treats like normal. She's running and playing. She licks her bowl and eats grass etc. I'm at work so didn't thoroughly question his theory. I assumed he knows his dog.


She'll eat people food and treats just not dog food. She's always been extremely picky. I know this dog. I'm not panicking bc she often won't eat unless the food has been parmesanned or canned food added etc

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If she is drinking and playing and pooping like normal and not in distress at all I wouldn't be running to the vet, and I'd stop the people food and greatly reduce any treats if he wants her to eat dog food.

Why would I want to eat a packaged meal when I could have candy and filet mingion? She's probably wrapping him around her little paw. She won't starve to death if she doesn't eat for a couple of days while he waits her out -- just like you don't find skeletons of cats that were afraid to come down swaying in trees.

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Guest IrskasMom

He (your Dad ) could give him/her a Pepcid to maybe clear the Tummy. There is nothing lost by doing that. See if that helps . :huh

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