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Is can mackeral ok to give as an extra once in awhile?

"Then God sent the Greyhound to live among man and remember. And when the day comes God will call the Greyhound to give Testament, and God will pass judgment on man."

Persian Proverb

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Guest Cris_M

Not only okay, but a treat here. It is also great to have on hand if you run out of regular food. (We feed raw so it's easy to forget to remove stuff from the freezer.)


I prefer feeding it outside. The smell is pretty strong. I make sure to rinse the can really well for the same reason.

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Guest Swifthounds

It used to be a regular part of the rotation, when it was cheap! I switched to sardines, but I should check the price again. Canned fish and eggs are a great back-up for 'Oh cr*p, I forgot to take something out of the freezer' :lol




Around here the price of salmon went up, then mackerel becomes scarce only to reappear with a higher price, and even the sardines are more. I still feed all three, with the ratio dictated by the comparative costs.

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Guest dwolfe711

My guys get it about once a week - usually when i forget to get something out of the freezer. They love it. Around here it goes on sale every few weeks and I stock up - better than full price! I do salmon sometimes but usually make treats out of salmon and tuna. Sardines are an add-in to their raw occassionally too. It might smell but it sure gets them excited about dinner!!

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Thanks for the tip all! I've given sardines, but hadn't thought about mackerel.


Jane you are quite the sales-pup! :lol

My girls thank you.


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