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Puppy Training

Guest Amberm5151

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Guest Amberm5151

I have a 6 month old that only poops on they floor when my husband is watching her. When I watch her she doesnt do it, seems like she poops every two hours for him. She won't whine at the gate.... She also still will pee in her kennel that is not to big for her it is actually a little small. Im afraid to move her up to another one if she can't hold it.

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Guest Lovey_Hounds

I have had a few puppies come through my place in the last 2 years, i can give you a few tips that may help.

- no water or food after a specific time at night, we stop at 8pm and last turn out/potty time is 11pm to make sure nothing is left.

-as soon as your pup is done eating take the pup outside, they do not get to come back in until they potty ( this may take a while)

-when they do potty make a big crazy deal about it, use lots of praise.

-if the pup does poop/pee in the house quietly clean it up and take it outside where the pup is supposed to potty and when they sniff it use praise again.

- if you need to take the pup out every 2 hours durring the day until the idea sinks into their head

- the pup is not to have free run of the house unless being directly supervised, use and X-Pen or teather the pup to your self if you are not able to directly watch the pup.

- many dogs do not whine at the gate/door watch very carefully for your dog to even walk near the door and offer outside time to go potty.

- stop free feeding if you are, start setting specific meal times that way you know when food goes in you are expecting poop and can watch for her signals.



Some puppies and dogs house train very quickly some do not, the best advice i can give is to learn your pups signals no matter how small it is she is giving one. Our youngest Chili was giving very tiny signals when having to go out, she would walk to the back hall way and stand there for 2 seconds a walk away and potty somewhere also when she eats we must get her outside in less than a minute or she will pee this is partly because of us training her to go out right after eating.

We do not offer water all the time, we give water when we are hone to let them out right away, as my girls drink until they are ready to explode.


I hope some of this helps out a bit.... good luck :)

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Guest Amberm5151

We follow all of this and she knows to go outside. Only when my husband is watching her is the issue. She doesn't get any water after 5am and then has to be kenneled for the work day starting at 7am till 1pm. Some days she does really well but then there will be a day that she will pee in it. I do keep her kennel in the living room with the boys I have are out with free roam.

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Guest Lovey_Hounds

some puppies take a while to clue in, it took chili until she was 11 months old to stop peeing in my house and she still made the occasional poo until she was 8 months old, my foster pups all caught on well and had very little issues.

she is at the age where she may have to go back to square one with her house training, this may not be about her wanting to poop in the house she just has very little attention span and doesnt realize she has to go until its too late.


I would also suggest talking to Cathy greytalk name wmlcml6 she knows puupies in and out as she breeds and raises racers for a living she is great lady who knows her stuff.

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Is the peeing in the kennel also just when your husband is watching her, or is that a separate issue?


Since the poop accidents only happen with your husband, I'd have a closer look at their relationship. Is she a little insecure around your husband? Is he as observant of her body language as you are to know when she needs to go out? Is her schedule different on the days when he watches her vs when you are there?

Jennifer &

Willow (Wilma Waggle), Wiki (Wiki Hard Ten), Carter (Let's Get It On),

Ollie (whippet), Gracie (whippet x), & Terra (whippet) + Just Saying + Just Alice


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Guest wmlcml6

some puppies take a while to clue in, it took chili until she was 11 months old to stop peeing in my house and she still made the occasional poo until she was 8 months old, my foster pups all caught on well and had very little issues.

she is at the age where she may have to go back to square one with her house training, this may not be about her wanting to poop in the house she just has very little attention span and doesnt realize she has to go until its too late.


I would also suggest talking to Cathy greytalk name wmlcml6 she knows puupies in and out as she breeds and raises racers for a living she is great lady who knows her stuff.


Thank you, Lovey_Hounds. :) I think you gave very good advice. The only thing extra I would add is to ask if maybe your DH is giving her treats that may be causing her to have to poop more often. My DH is famous for giving them food/treats while I am at work. ;)


Zee and Lightning will be 5 months old in a few days, and they spend most of the day outside now. When it's pouring rain and they are inside for too long, they go very stir crazy! When they are inside, they are usually sleeping (completely worn out from playing so hard outside). In the evenings when we bring them in, we still take them outside for a quick potty break every couple of hours, because they do drink a lot. Also, they WILL pee or poop on their potty pad as soon as they wake up if you don't get them out fast enough. Wake up means "time to potty" ... immediately. You might ask your DH if she is pooping right after a nap, and if so, there's your signal. If it's a different time, he'll just have to start watching for clues or signals that she gives so he becomes aware of what she does just before having an accident.


As has been said already, puppies have a very very small attention span, and all they know is that when they have to go, they have to go. I'm fortunate that at least mine don't go on the carpet. They use their potty pad 90% of the time (the other 10% is on the non-carpeted flooring, which is thankfully easy to clean up) and they never potty in their room (which they stay in when no adults are home to supervise).


Best of luck with your baby.

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when you take your dog out for a potty break is it on lead? leash walking a dog for potty time gives you the opportunity to praise and reward the desired action. it sounds like a schedule needs to be set up and try the umbilicle(sp?) leash trick. keep puppy leashed and with you or dh and then both of you will be able to read the "signs".


yes, you will still be able to play and have all that puppy fun, but both of you will communicate better. when you go out to potty go to one specific area, be it the yard or near the house. walk either in a circle or back and forth and use a word- potty, go pee, hurry-hurry or what ever as the command word. when the pup does it's business, reward w/ a slice of hot dog or cheese and back to the house for playtime. this should take less than a week to accomplish.


i don't start potty training until the pup has lost all of their baby teeth, but your pup is at a perfect age to make this work. this technique has worked beautifully on all of my dogs(young and older rescues) and friend's dogs as well, maybe give it a try.

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