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My Newest Boy Barks

Guest Whistle

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Guest Whistle

So, for the past seven years I've had more hounds pass through my doors than I could ever count. My most recent addition, Duke, is VERY vocal, to me and only me. He basically tells me every time he needs/wants anything, at least I think that's what he's telling me/


I've never had a hound try to talk to me like this. I'll try to post a link to a video. I'm curious, how do you see it? The pinning of the other hound against the wall is actually VERY out of character for him, so try to ignore that.


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So, for the past seven years I've had more hounds pass through my doors than I could ever count. My most recent addition, Duke, is VERY vocal, to me and only me. He basically tells me every time he needs/wants anything, at least I think that's what he's telling me/


I've never had a hound try to talk to me like this. I'll try to post a link to a video. I'm curious, how do you see it? The pinning of the other hound against the wall is actually VERY out of character for him, so try to ignore that.



Sounds like your child knows exactly what's going on with him! lol... :lol


Yep, he's certainly a cute and communicative boy... happily wagging that lovely, long tail. Makes me wonder if that door (to his right) leads to outside walks/play, his food, or maybe even a fun car ride. He makes sure his presence and happy retirement is well known in the household! :P

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He looks like a happy, bossy boy :lol Turbo does the same thing when he wants something, gets up, wags and barks his fool head off :lol

Meredith with Heyokha (HUS Me Teddy) and Crow (Mike Milbury). Missing Turbo (Sendahl Boss), Pancho, JoJo, and "Fat Stacks" Juana, the psycho kitty. Canku wakan kin manipi.

"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities." - Voltaire

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Guest Desonia

Sounds like a happy greyhound :) Since when do you have him? Maybe after a while, he will learn from the other one he doesn't have to bark to have your attention?

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Guest Whistle



Sounds like your child knows exactly what's going on with him! lol... :lol


Yep, he's certainly a cute and communicative boy... happily wagging that lovely, long tail. Makes me wonder if that door (to his right) leads to outside walks/play, his food, or maybe even a fun car ride. He makes sure his presence and happy retirement is well known in the household! :P


Ha! I thought the same thing after she said it :) . And yes, their food is stored in the door on the right.


Sounds like a happy greyhound :) Since when do you have him? Maybe after a while, he will learn from the other one he doesn't have to bark to have your attention?


I've had him since 12/2010, so he is still fairly new. It's just kind of bazaar for me. Like I said, I've never had one that barks like this.

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Guest TBSFlame

He looks normal and happy to me. lol. I once thought greyhounds didn't bark. Heck, Flame has been here 8 years and I have never heard him bark. Then Jeremy came to live with us. He makes lots of different sounds and loud barking is one of them. He is a talker and talk he does. lol. He is loud and it will make your ears ring. My favorite, NOT, is when I am sleeping on my side and he gets about 1 inch from my face and BARKS loudly once. Once is all it takes. :) I am sure having him has damaged our hearing. It's a good thing we are getting old. I would not change it for the world because that is who he is. He needs to live in a home that appreaciates him for being Jeremy. lol. Memmie has now taken up barking also. I no longer tell people at M&G that greys don't bark. :lol

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Guest mbfilby

He looks normal and happy to me. lol. I once thought greyhounds didn't bark. Heck, Flame has been here 8 years and I have never heard him bark. Then Jeremy came to live with us. He makes lots of different sounds and loud barking is one of them. He is a talker and talk he does. lol. He is loud and it will make your ears ring. My favorite, NOT, is when I am sleeping on my side and she gets about 1 inch from my face and BARKS loudly once. Once is all it takes. :) I am sure having him has damaged our hearing. It's a good thing we are getting old. I would not change it for the world because that is who he is. He needs to live in a home that appreaciates him for being Jeremy. lol. Memmie has now taken up barking also. I no longer tell people at M&G that greys don't bark. :lol




The cold nose is startling.. I'd jump out of my skin!!

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Beth is THE barkiest dog in our small group at the dog park (non-greys except for her)! She barks loudly and persistently at other dogs when she wants them to play -- and she barks at me when she's in a playful or aroused attention-seeking mood (like when I'm at the computer and she's decided it's time for her late-afternoon walk or for dinner). :rolleyes: Yes, she is a very confident girl!

Edited by PrairieProf

With Cocoa (DC Chocolatedrop), missing B for Beth (2006-2015)
And kitties C.J., Klara, Bernadette, John-Boy, & Sinbad

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Guest KennelMom

Quilty barked when she wanted something. OMG, that old gal would tell you off something FIERCE! if she wasn't happy! Lucas, Echo & Hanna bark when they want something. Our foster barks when she needs something (ie, to go outside and potty, so it's actually quite useful). Yep, there are certainly some greyhounds who never got the "greyhounds don't bark" memo... :blink:

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oh, this made me laugh! Rio, Tiana and Willy do not bark at all...and then we got Merlin! :eek Bark bark bark! He does exactly what your pup does...barks at me to tell me what he wants, wagging his tail and playbowing at me! it is so cute, but so surprising at the same time! :blush

Rio aka El Rio (Dec. 4/07) - Home May 16, 2010
Tiana aka CTW Tyra Time (June 7/07 to December 9, 2016) - home July 1, 2010, we miss you terribly, Sweet Girl :weep

Willy aka Starz Predator (Oct. 15/06) - home Aug. 29, 2010
and littermates Merlin aka CTW Excalibur & Mirage aka CTW Mirage (Jan. 1/08) - home Dec. 5, 2010
& June 3, 2012
missing Beagle-Chihuahua, Kasie Lynn (March 15/95-Sept. 13/10)

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Guest FullMetalFrank

Oh, he reminds me of my boy who is at the bridge, Iberia. Iberia decided it was a good idea to bark at momma when he thought it was about time for lunch or dinner. He had a remarkable internal clock, and if I was late with the chow, I'd hear about it! He also did not like it if a stranger came to the door. Or an unfamiliar vehicle drove near the house. He could tell by the sound of your footsteps if he knew you or not. Best guard dog, ever...

Oh, how I miss that boy...

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:) i loved the bit where you say 'you don't tell me what to do' and the little voice in the background says 'yes he does'. :D


Wayne Kroncke

Vegetarians: My food poops on your food.

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Aladdin knows exactly what time we usually walk and if we start to run late he will start to howl and then it becomes a bark and he will start to run from one side of the house to the other.... He does the same thing for meals, and time to go to bed. He runs this place or at least he thinks he does.... :blush I think your daughter has it right... By the way I watched the next video at least I think that was her singing and dancing.... That was ADORABLE!!!!!!! :wub: :wub:

Darlene Mom to: Aladdin, Sophie ,Pongo, Jasmine, Relic Forever in our Hearts Champ at the Rainbow Bridge.

Let a greyhound race into your heart Adopt

Bay Area Greyhound Adoptions INC. Naples/ Fort Myers Chapter

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Guest iconsmum

My cowdoggie talks his way through his whole day...We call him Echo's Escort Service because he walks us through our daily routine, and gives us pep talks if he thinks we're running behind. He hurls himself at the front door barking hard and showing his teeth at knockers and roos like mad if he knows who it is. His tail spins in circles and he squeals when he's happy...oh,man, best dog ever.:)))

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Guest Whistle

Oh, he reminds me of my boy who is at the bridge, Iberia. Iberia decided it was a good idea to bark at momma when he thought it was about time for lunch or dinner. He had a remarkable internal clock, and if I was late with the chow, I'd hear about it! He also did not like it if a stranger came to the door. Or an unfamiliar vehicle drove near the house. He could tell by the sound of your footsteps if he knew you or not. Best guard dog, ever...

Oh, how I miss that boy...


This is EXACTLY what Duke does in every aspect. Hugs to you missing Iberia.



:) i loved the bit where you say 'you don't tell me what to do' and the little voice in the background says 'yes he does'. :D


She knows! Yes, he at least tries to tell me what to do many times a day :).


there is only room for one Duke on this forum :rolleyes:


Well, Duke has technically been "mine," at least in my heart, since 11/7/2009, the day I met him while he was still running at SL. But, if your Duke is anything like mine, there may not be room for two of them here:).


Aladdin knows exactly what time we usually walk and if we start to run late he will start to howl and then it becomes a bark and he will start to run from one side of the house to the other.... He does the same thing for meals, and time to go to bed. He runs this place or at least he thinks he does.... :blush I think your daughter has it right... By the way I watched the next video at least I think that was her singing and dancing.... That was ADORABLE!!!!!!! :wub: :wub:


That was her in the next one (in the only "no hound zone" in the house) - thank you :).


My cowdoggie talks his way through his whole day...We call him Echo's Escort Service because he walks us through our daily routine, and gives us pep talks if he thinks we're running behind. He hurls himself at the front door barking hard and showing his teeth at knockers and roos like mad if he knows who it is. His tail spins in circles and he squeals when he's happy...oh,man, best dog ever.:)))


That's Duke too.


He'll teach the others to bark, too :lol


He already has! My girl Vroom is the "old lady" in the house and now she's started to do it too!


The oddest thing is is he sounds complete ferocious, which you can't really tell in the video. He'll look right at me and bark and bark and make the biggest noises I've ever heard from a GH. However, if I look at him, he will usually stop, like he did in the video. I think he's just very vocal about saying "hey lady, I need something over here!!!" If we could only know what they are thinking!

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