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Rudy Has Begun To Limp...

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Hi all! For the last month or so, Rudy has begun limping randomly during his walks outside. It's always his front left foot... and he'll start to walk on his toes (like right up on his nails). It only lasts for 30 seconds or so, and happens maybe 3 times or so during his walk. We live in Boston and have about 2-3 feet of snow, so I'm not sure if that's contributing to the problem. I can't remember him limping during warmer months, so maybe?


Any opinions/suggestions would be appreciated (we're new at this!). Also, I want to try and put him on a joint supplement - Greyhound-data.com says he raced 101 times which, correct me if I'm wrong, seems like a lot. This might be cause for concern down the road, so I'd like to get him started on some sort of supplement soon (he's 4 years old right now). If you could recommend any types of supplements and/or brands, I'd really appreciate it!

Edited by Brondon530
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When I'm walking any dog and there's ice or snow on the ground and they start limping, I take their paws and rub between the pads. That generally works. They get snow or ice in there and it bothers them so they limp. If that doesn't work it could be corns or something else and should be checked by a vet.

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Guest bigorangedog

Can you try some booties and see if that solves the problem? We're in MN, and my guys will sometimes get some snow packed up in between their pads and then hold up that foot. But do check the pads for corns.

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When is the last time he's seen the vet?


It COULD be the ice/snow (I'm in Boston too). It COULD be a touch of arthritis. Or it COULD be something worse...


If he ONLY limps outside on walks, it's probably either snow irritation or a corn. If he's limping inside, I'd probably take him to the vet. But that's just me.






Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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Guest lizmego

Everyone has really good advice, so I don't need to add. But you mentioned supplements....I have been using two chewable tablets from Springtime Supplements and have had really good success with them (so good that I started taking their human version of Joint Health this week).


Joint Health and Fresh FactorsI feed Dell (12 yo) 2 tablets per meal of each kind (so 4 per day). I break them into quarters and put them into his food. I get the buy two get two free combo sale they have. 2 Fresh Factors 180 tablets and get 2 Joint Health 180 tablets free = $84.00 This supply lasts 45 days.


I also give the Doc's Blend Hair of the Dog Omega 3 and 6 supplement. I give 3 tsp twice a day (mix with his food).

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