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Swollen Neck Glands And A Huge Wattle!

Guest JsMom

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A few weeks ago, we commented that our 8-year-old grey was looking "jowly." We've been feeding him extra well, and he's gained a few pounds, so I didn't think much of it. Yesterday, he pulled on the leash and screamed in pain. When I checked on him, I noticed his glands seemed a little swollen and they were definitely tender, as any attempt to feel around made him scream. I couldn't slip his martingale off his head without loosening it b/c he'd cry.


My husband said he'd noticed the swelling a couple of days ago, but didn't think much of it. He says it's much more pronounced now. We went off to the vet, who said it could be anything from an infection (his teeth are AWFUL) to allergies to lymphoma. Then she kept say lymphoma. Lymphoma....


Anyone have experience with this? We're waiting for test results.....

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I'll pm devildog, her dog, Roscoe just went through this. Do you have any pics?


Well, her inbox is full. I hope she sees this. It turned out to be more of an infection I think with Roscoe.

~Beth, with a crazy mixed crew of misfits.
~ Forever and Always missing and loving Steak, Carmen, Ivy, Isis, and Madi.
Don't cry because it's ended, Smile because it happened.
Before you judge me, try to keep an open mind, not everyone likes your taste.

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Here is Devildog's thread about Roscoe. The neck issue starts on about page three. Hopefully their is some good info to get you started.



~Beth, with a crazy mixed crew of misfits.
~ Forever and Always missing and loving Steak, Carmen, Ivy, Isis, and Madi.
Don't cry because it's ended, Smile because it happened.
Before you judge me, try to keep an open mind, not everyone likes your taste.

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Did the vet check all the lymph nodes? Are both lymph nodes in the jaw enlarged, or just one? Were any others enlarged in other parts of the body? Local--jaw only--suggests it may be dental or ears (or it could be the beginning of something worse). If others are involved, it more likely something systemic--either a generalized infection, inflammation, or lymphoma.


You can palpate nodes yourself. There are the ones in the lower jaw, then in the front of the chest (sort of where a human's collar bone would be), in the "arm pits" behind the front legs. There are some in the groin, in the tuck; then there are some in the back of the "knees", in the back legs.


Have you noted any other symptoms? Obviously, weight loss hasn't been a problem. Fever, sluggishness, problems breathing or swallowing? (Which could be the case no matter what is causing the jaw nodes to enlarge if they get too big.)


Did the vet give you any meds? Antibiotics or prednisone?

Molly the Border Collie & Poquita the American-born Podenga

Bridge Babies: Daisy (Positive Delta) 8/7/2000 - 4/6/2115, Agnes--angel Sage's baby (Regall Rosario) 11/12/01 - 12/18/13, Lucky the mix (Found, w 10 puppies 8/96-Bridge 7/28/11, app. age 16) & CoCo (Cosmo Comet) 12/28/89-5/4/04

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I was watching a 1 y/o bernese mountain dog at one point and I found a HUGE lump on his neck. I took him to my vet because I wasn't willing to wait from sat to mon. My vet did a needle aspiration and found it be an infection. They put him on anti biotics and the lump went down quickly. I was told if it didn't go down that they would have to drain it, so I'm grateful it went down. My vet thought it was due to a splinter of something he ate going into his gums and getting infected.

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My Rosemary had a lump and lots of swelling about a year ago. Vet gave her antibiotics and a week later, no lump. It was just an infection. I hope it's the same for your baby.

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Guest GreysAndMoreGreys

With Lymphoma the nodes become very hard and swollen. I have never seen a dog react in a painful manner removing a collar even with the swollen nodes from Lymphoma.


In early stages you will normally see local swelling and as the cancer spreads it will become more pronounced in the other nodes through the body.


With swollen glands and a wattle I would think more toward infection or even a salivary gland issue. Most of the times with hound with salivary gland issues they have a big pouch of draining fluid in the lower jaw area.

And with infection can come swollen glands. So I would think the first course of action would be antibiotics and see if that clears things up.

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Well, we just looked again, and the wattle is getting even bigger. I'm wondering if it's fluid from the aspiration site oozing out?


The vet did check all lymph nodes and didn't find any others to be enlarged. She prescribed Tramadol for the pain, but he's not taking it well. I finally ground the first dose up and put it in his bowl; he may have ingested half of it. Then this afternoon I slipped one pill into some bologna and he ate it, but he really doesn't seem to be in any pain (or as much pain as yesterday morning). I'm going to wait and see how he does tomorrow before I give him more; the seizure thing scares me.


I wonder why they didn't just start antibiotics right away? I know she said that anti-inflammatories would interfere with whatever drugs they'd want to start if it is lymphoma, so maybe that's the case with antibiotics too. I hope to God you all are right and it's an infection!


I'm so grateful for this site, and for Trudy being so quick to help me get back on (password/email acct fiasco) so I could post today! (THANK YOU!!!) My husband is waffling now about taking the dog to the e-vet b/c the wattle is growing, but I'm leaning towards waiting til morning and calling the vet again.

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Yay. I found the pics of Rosemary and the post of when she went to the vet so you can read her symptoms and the treatment.


Last night Bill noticed some swelling on Rosemary's neck after last potty break. I gave her a benedryl just in case she swallowed a bee or something. This morning, it was tripled in size and it's making her cough every now and then. We went to the vet and Dr. Sattison took her temp - 103.8. CBC test - white blood count was 17.9 (normal is 6 to 16.9). Looked down her throat and checked her teeth for abscess (nothing visible). Considered aspirating, but the swelling is hard, so she didn't feel comfortable doing it. She decided to treat with antibiotics for now, due to the temp and slightly elevated wbc. Rosemary got a shot of Dexamethazone to hopefully decrease swelling, and a shot of penicillin (which burned and my girl was not happy about it at all). She sat on her comforter on the floor without a collar or leash and was just the perfectly behaved girl. When I brought her in they all (separately throughout the morning) said "Isn't she our blood donor girl? Yep, that's her. We have oral antibiotics to treat with at home, and we are praying that it's either an infection or an allergic reaction to something. If she isn't better by Tuesday, they will do more extensive tests. She won't even eat a dog bone (rare), but she did eat about 1/4 of my McDonalds chicken biscuit.




Several hours after the shot, the neck got a saggy look to it, but the lump is still there.






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Here is Devildog's thread about Roscoe. The neck issue starts on about page three. Hopefully their is some good info to get you started.



Kamsmom, thank you so much for digging that up for me. What a rollercoaster! I'm in tears, and so relieved that Roscoe is doing better. When I read the post about someone else's dog needing a salivary gland removed, I nearly lost it. I am praying that abx will be all he needs!


ETA: wmlcml6, I guess we cross-posted. Thank you too for sharing Rosemary's story and pics.


Our dog's neck doesn't look as swollen as Rosemary and Roscoe's did. It's more of a rounded pouch hanging down from his jaw, and then his glands are swollen too, but the whole neck isn't swelled up (yet). Thankfully, he's acting completely normal otherwise, and lurking around for extra treats... I'll update when I can -- hopefully not before we get test results!

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Guest GreysAndMoreGreys

If I were you I would call the vet tomorrow and strongly suggest that they give you some antibiotics.

No I just might demand it.

If the wattle is getting bigger something is draining into the area.

Could be a tooth, could be the salivary glands but it's something.

Even if it is a tooth, before a dental can be done the infection needs to be in check.


I am just shocked that the vet would prescribe just pain meds. That is a band-aide for some other issue going on.



As far as the e-vet. Is the swelling to the point of major swelling? Like going to restrict breathing or rupture? If it's getting to that point or swelling that fast then sure e-vet might be the way to go. But I would judge on how quick and the amount of swelling and if you could make it to a morning appointment.

I'm not a vet so this is just all MHO ;)

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Tramadol is the generic of Ultram, which is also used for humans. From everything I can gather, it tastes HORRIBLE. You've really got to disguise it. I've had luck lately enclosing it in a little ball of cream cheese. It's not an NSAID, so if your pup needed prednisone, there wouldn't be a delay. I assume the vet is waiting to identify the bacteria before giving an antibiotic.


Other than the "wattle" getting bigger, are there any other symptoms? Any drainage? Drainage would actually probably be good, because it would reduce the mass. It also makes it much more likely that it's not lymphoma. Maybe you could call the evet and see what they say by phone?


Q to everyone--Is it good to put a warm compress on the neck? Would it help an inflamed/infected area? Would it be a problem if it isn't an infection?


Hope this is something minor that passes quickly,



Molly the Border Collie & Poquita the American-born Podenga

Bridge Babies: Daisy (Positive Delta) 8/7/2000 - 4/6/2115, Agnes--angel Sage's baby (Regall Rosario) 11/12/01 - 12/18/13, Lucky the mix (Found, w 10 puppies 8/96-Bridge 7/28/11, app. age 16) & CoCo (Cosmo Comet) 12/28/89-5/4/04

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If I were you I would call the vet tomorrow and strongly suggest that they give you some antibiotics.

No I just might demand it.

If the wattle is getting bigger something is draining into the area.

Could be a tooth, could be the salivary glands but it's something.

Even if it is a tooth, before a dental can be done the infection needs to be in check.


I am just shocked that the vet would prescribe just pain meds. That is a band-aide for some other issue going on.



As far as the e-vet. Is the swelling to the point of major swelling? Like going to restrict breathing or rupture? If it's getting to that point or swelling that fast then sure e-vet might be the way to go. But I would judge on how quick and the amount of swelling and if you could make it to a morning appointment.

I'm not a vet so this is just all MHO ;)

This is what we're struggling with. I'm an alarmist, and trying not to be. I am definitely planning to call our vet tomorrow morning if it's not smaller in any way. The e-vet is the big question, b/c we have no clue how to judge whether the swelling is going to interfere with breathing or cause something to rupture. It seems to be a bit more localized than the swellings that Roscoe and Rosemary had in their pics, and he hasn't been having any breathing issues thus far. I guess I'll check on him before bed and unless it's alarmingly different from now we'll wait with fingers crossed. I hate having to make these decisions.


Good Lord, I keep x-posting with everyone being so helpful! DD, I doubt he'd tolerate a warm compress, but that's a great question. No other symptoms, other than a growing wattle, which could be the nodes draining into a cavity. I didn't feel his nodes b/c he cried so much when I tried, but the wattle started out soft and is feeling... fuller. Not hard, but more solid, although that's what happens when a balloon gets filled too, so it's not clear whether there's a mass forming (and if there is, I guess we're screwed) or if it's the skin being pulled taut b/c of all the fluid in there. Ugh.

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Could be a torn salivary gland. My grey just had surgery for one. Torn salivary glands can appear on the outside or the inside. My guys was on the inside and was blocking 1/3 of his airway but it's more common to appear on the outside. Definitely keep us updated.

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My first thought would have been an abcessed tooth, since you say his teeth are horrible, but I guess the vet would have checked

that and I would think that he would't be lurking for treats if it was a tooth.


Hope it's something easily fixable. Prayers for the painful boy & stength for you. :bighug

Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog.

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REgarding the horrible teeth comment, I got my first grey when she was 7 and her teeth were also horrible. Even with yearly dentals, by age 10, she had gaps between the tooth and gumline that would collect food particles. I bought a cordless Water Pik and started doing her teeth twice a day. I know she felt better even though she hated the blasts of water, and her breath smelled better. I also think it increased her lifespan. She was almost 13 when we lost her. I highly advise this for any dog with chronically bad teeth.

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Well, his whole jaw seems to be filling with fluid. Our neighbor commented that he's starting to resemble Winston Churchill.... The good news is that it doesn't seem to bother him any more than it did the other day, and he ran a bit in the yard this morning. We're off to the vet in an hour to hopefully get some antibiotics and get him some relief.

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Just seeing this (and I emptied my in box!). Sorry you're going through this- it sucks to say the least. Since you read my thread about Roscoe I guess there's nothing more I can say.. we never did find the exact reason for his swelling. Doc figured it was an infected salivary glad. Once he started a newer, stronger round of AB, he immediately started to get better.


Good luck!! :)


Lisa with Finnegan (Nina's Fire Fly) and Sage (Gil's Selma). Always missing Roscoe
www.popdogdesigns.net pop art prints, custom portraits and collars

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Guest ChasesMum

I dunno but poor pupper! that looks uncomfy,


we lost my heartdog Chase to lymphoma (or some infiltrative cancer...) and she had horrible swelling around her head, and neck, but she had swelling other places (her leg/s and a wattle down her belly too) and they removed over a liter of fluid from around her heart 8 days before she passed.

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Thanks, Lisa. We started clindamycin today and took some blood to see if anything more conclusive would come up. The initial cytology showed mostly infection of some sort, but had indications of "something else atypical" which could still be lymphoma but hopefully not.


Karen, so sorry about Chase. I'm terrified that the fluid will just keep building and spreading that way, and am hoping the antibiotics start working.


The vet started out saying it was mostly good news, but then kept on talking about "if it's lymphoma..." so I don't know what to think at this point. I'm glad she's covering all bases and preparing for the worst, but it's either a long shot or it's not! This is why I avoid vets and doctors...

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I just realized I never asked my question that came out of today's vet visit.... Is Rimadyl really necessary? They prescribed it and he's been on it before with not-so-great results. He's not in pain, and I was thinking that if he needs an anti-inflammatory he can just have aspirin here and there. As it is, it looks like things are starting to improve with the antibiotics, or it could just be that he's been resting since we got back this morning. (It seems to be worse after he's been up and around.) He seems to have a sensitive system and I'm a minimalist when it comes to drugs to begin with, so I'd prefer not to give him anything I don't need to rather than throwing a bunch of pills at him and seeing if anything works.

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I'm just the opposite....if there is something wrong, & there's a pill for it,.,,,GIVE IT TO ME. The Rimadyl will certainly help

with the inflammation, not just pain. But that's your decision. You know your hound better than we do. If he doesn't tolerate it well, that's a concern. I personally use Metacam for Desi. It's another anti-inflammatory. He has pain in his front feet, and the

Metacam makes a world of difference in the way he walks.


Good luck, I hope the antibiotic kick it out quickly.

Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog.

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Rimadyl is an NSAID. If prednisone is needed, it will have to be delayed to wash the NSAID out of the system. Additionally, any NSAID can cause organ damage to SOME dogs. If it's used for more than a couple of weeks there is supposed to be blood work done to insure that liver damage (kidney also, IIRC) isn't occurring.


That said, it is an anti-inflammatory. Perhaps it will help the antibiotic reduce inflammation?


I tend to like to try one drug at a time to see if it is working, but I'm not a vet.

Molly the Border Collie & Poquita the American-born Podenga

Bridge Babies: Daisy (Positive Delta) 8/7/2000 - 4/6/2115, Agnes--angel Sage's baby (Regall Rosario) 11/12/01 - 12/18/13, Lucky the mix (Found, w 10 puppies 8/96-Bridge 7/28/11, app. age 16) & CoCo (Cosmo Comet) 12/28/89-5/4/04

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Guest Greyglo

...With swollen glands and a wattle I would think more toward infection or even a salivary gland issue. Most of the times with hound with salivary gland issues they have a big pouch of draining fluid in the lower jaw area. ...


That's what I was thinking. Hope he's doing better soon -

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