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Q For Peeps Using Melatonin

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Carl is shedding (seasonally, albeit a bit late) and is looking very straggly. All the beautiful fur that grew in on his neck is staying put, but he's lost a lot of what he had gained on his thighs. His thighs are very patchy, but the fur is not nearly as thin as it was on the sides of his thighs. He has lost most of what he gained on his chest, too. For those of you using Melatonin, what are you seeing in terms of fur loss in dogs that had gained fur with the use of Melatonin?


Edited to add, what fur he has is still very shiny and healthy.

Edited by seeh2o

Sunsands Doodles: Doodles aka Claire, Bella Run Softly: Softy aka Bowie (the Diamond Dog)

Missing my beautiful boy Sunsands Carl 2.25.2003 - 4.1.2014

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Hoping some people will share their experiences Connie. I was using it for the boys for their fear of the thunder, but stopped because it wasn't doing a thing for them, so we wern't using it long enough to answer your question.


Wayne sends a big hey to his bro Carl


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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I've used Melatonin for Clark off and on (for anxiety and thunderstorms) for over a year. Have never really noticed any difference in his coat, though. Of course, Clark has always had a completely bald chest and a bald butt. :)

Melanie, Clark, Ringo, and Ricardo

(Missing Runner at The Bridge)

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Guest mcsheltie

Both Breeze and Roo had bald butts and bellies. After 1 1/2 months on Melatonin their hair has completely grown in. Roo has gotten quite furry all over. Both are blowing coat big time right now. But are shedding equally all over. The bald patches are not shedding back out.

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Guest FastDogsOwnMe

SOphia is blowing coat, and her coat is all around thinner all over than it has been, but I don't see baldness coming back. I will have to ask Zephyrs Mommy how his looks. I will not be seeing him again until coursing and NOTRA start back up.


PS no one else is shedding and/or never had bald areas to begin with

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Guest cheltzey

Lando is blowing his coat big time. He's only been on the melatonin for a few months though, so I think it may just be his kennel coat that he's losing. But what's growing in is fabulous and shiny.

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Guest KansasGrey

All three of ours are shedding and only one is on melatonin. His bald butt is slowly growing in and the insides of his thighs are getting fuzzy too.

It doesn't seem to have any effect on his fear of thunder though. The fireworks don't seem to bother him as much. He is nervous but he's not trembling.

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