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Change In Coat

Guest Greyt_dog_lover

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Guest Greyt_dog_lover

I am hoping that I have placed this thread in the wrong area, but who knows.


I have had my sweet girl Olive for nearly two years now, she just turned 5 about 2 months ago. She has always had very soft fur. In the last 2 weeks I have noticed that her coat along her back and especially on the top of her rump has gone from soft to coarse. We have not had a food change in over a year, still give 1500mg of Salmon Oil every day, as well as Gluco daily. I didnt notice a change in coat last summer, so I am not convinced it is that either. As far as other changes around the house, other than a new foster we got in, nothing really.


I am thinking of scheduling a vet visit, unless someone can give me a reason not to? Any ideas?



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One of ours grows in super-thick bunny fur during the winter but in the summer, sheds out to a light, but coarse coat. Perhaps that is all you're seeing?


In light of any other health issues, I wouldn't worry too much about it :)

Jennifer and Beamish (an unnamed Irish-born Racer) DOB: October 30, 2011


Forever and always missing my "Vowels", Icarus, Atlas, Orion, Uber, and Miss Echo, and Mojito.

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Guest Greyt_dog_lover

I did forget to mention that she is shedding LIKE CRAZY!! None of my other hounds have this issue, so that is why I was thinking maybe something more to worry about other than "summer coat".



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Guest Energy11

Curfew's coat went from soft to course too. ALL of mine are shedding profusely, too! We groom twice a week, and the left-over hair looks like we could "build" five more dogs!


Usually, once they blow their coats, the texture of the coats return to normal. If her coat doesn't come around, then the next move would be testing the thyroid functions.


Good luck! More than likely, it is like all the others ... the time of year, extreme heat, and blowing coats.

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Gee's coat was horribly coarse and her skin was very dry causing her to itch. I finally found what the problem was and she was allergic to grains. Switched her to a grain free kibble and her fur is very soft now and no more dry skin. You could try giving her a different oil to see if something else works better for her.


The other thing that comes to mind is having her thyroid checked.


All of mine are shedding like crazy right now because of the heat.

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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Guest kydie

Hair loss here, as others stated, is in full BLOOM :lol I don't have dust bunnies, I have dust pigs :lol No matter how much I brush, my grey has periods of time where his skin get dry and I too have tried all the add-in oils, but what works for his dry coat is a topical application of oil, helps the dry skin, just like putting cream to your dry spots :colgate

As for coat changes, I have never been able to figure him out, yes, he has the soft bunny hair, :blink: most of the time, :blink: then he will blow a coat and the coarse hair arrives, but it doesn't last as long as the soft hair, then dry skin, and all over again, if you feel a vet visit is in order, and you will feel much better if you have your pup checked, I too would do so, when I questioned my vet on this same thing, he discussed thyroid signs and symptoms, and felt he was not suffereing from this, he also said, different blood lines in ALL dogs, even though they are the same breed, determines the coat and it's issues. Good Luck :)

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My Diamond had one of the most luxurious winter coats and sleekest summer coats I have ever seen on a dog.

But in the spring, it was the absolute worst, ugly, scraggly, coarse coat. It even changed from black to brown. I just figured it was her shedding. If I waited long enough, she would finally shed out and her beautiful sleek summer coat would emerge.

God I miss her.

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Another thing to consider is a thyroid problem - our 10 year old JRT has thyroid issues and her coat is very thick and has become coarse too. She also sheds terribly. Our other JRT had a slick shiny tight coat and had no shedding to the same extent. Also an older horse we have has the same issue and when his levels are out of whack, his mane turns white and his coat, normally as slick as a mirror becomes very rough.

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