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Hello, Finally!

Guest breakxdownn

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Guest breakxdownn

Hello, everyone!


My name is Ashley, and I joined Greytalk over a year and a half ago and read it quite a bit before then, even. I've waited this long to post because I don't have a greyhound yet, but will be getting one soon. I have enjoyed reading up on them here and learning about training, diet, etc.


A little about myself (since I can't introduce a beautiful dog yet!)...I am getting married in July to Josh and after we are settled, we plan on adopting a greyhound, which will be our first dog. I expect to have many questions both before and after the adoption and look forward to sharing the journey with the community here!

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Guest breakxdownn

Thank you everyone! Yes, I'm aware about the whole cult-like thing. It's alright, I've been a freak about greyhounds for a while now. Just to name a few...I've had the Celebrating Greyhounds calendar for several years now, I've been to Dewey Beach for Greyhounds Reach the Beach, my keys are always on my "Adopt a Greyhound" key chain, I've bought several collars already (they were on sale, I couldn't pass them up!)...


This being said, I don't think I'll have a problem fitting in :)

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Cult? What cult? lol.gif We are all normal. The rest of the world has "issues."


Welcome to Greytalk.


Camp Broodie. The current home of Mark Kay Mark Jack and Gracie Kiowa Safe Joan.  Always missing my boy Rocket Hi Noon Rocket,  Allie  Phoenix Dynamite, Kate Miss Kate, Starz Under Da Starz, Petunia MW Neptunia, Diva Astar Dashindiva, and LaVida I've Got Life


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AWWWWW! And so it begins....


Now repeat after me


Hi my name is Ashley and I'm a collarholic.



Welcome to GT

The more I see of man, the more I like dogs. ~Mme. de Staël
Missing my Bridge Angels Ryce, Bo, Jim, Miss Millie, Miss Rose, Gustopher P Jones (Pimpmaster G), Miss Isabella and Miss Star

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Guest tinams8

Hi! I don't have a greyhound either. Yet. But I sometimes joke about my invisible greyhound since I talk about them so much. :lol Welcome!!!

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Guest breakxdownn

Cult, collars, invisible greyhounds...hey, I'm into it all!

It's good to know I'm not the only freak out there. It justifies things like...buying collars for your future greyhound years in advance of adopting him/her. Then I can tell people "Oh, so-and-so from Greytalk do the same thing!" And clearly, that makes everything okay :)



Hi! I don't have a greyhound either. Yet. But I sometimes joke about my invisible greyhound since I talk about them so much. :lol Welcome!!!


Do you know when you will be adopting? Until then, we can definitely be invisible greyhound buddies :D

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Guest tinams8

I'm up for an invisible greyhound buddy! I'm trying very hard to hold out until August. Mostly because between now and then we are getting married, and going on two overnight trips. In August it will be back to regular boring life. :lol


I've got my eye on these two and might end up fostering them for a bit between now and then. I need to work on my fiance a little more first. http://forum.greytalk.com/index.php/topic/254646-meet-my-two-senior-fosters/


And this weekend, I'm going to help take care of the three new rescues in the kennel and I promise not to bring them all home. ;)

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Guest breakxdownn

Thanks again for the welcome, everyone!


I'm up for an invisible greyhound buddy! I'm trying very hard to hold out until August. Mostly because between now and then we are getting married, and going on two overnight trips. In August it will be back to regular boring life. :lol


I've got my eye on these two and might end up fostering them for a bit between now and then. I need to work on my fiance a little more first. http://forum.greytalk.com/index.php/topic/254646-meet-my-two-senior-fosters/


And this weekend, I'm going to help take care of the three new rescues in the kennel and I promise not to bring them all home. ;)


Best of luck to all that :) keep us posted on how it goes!

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Guest Samantha

Welcome & congratulations from the UK.


Ok...now you do realise with this being a cult...we make sacrifices to the GreyGod?


Those mostly being..our sofa...or our bed :lol

Edited by Samantha
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Guest Stripeyfan

Welcome & congratulations from the UK.


Ok...now you do realise with this being a cult...we make sacrifices to the GreyGod?


Those mostly being..our sofa...or our bed :lol


Also anything remotely resembling food that we have been stupid kind enough to leave unattended for all of two seconds in the presence of what we thought was a very deeply asleep greyhound... :blink:


Welcome! :colgate

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Guest breakxdownn

Welcome & congratulations from the UK.


Ok...now you do realise with this being a cult...we make sacrifices to the GreyGod?


Those mostly being..our sofa...or our bed :lol


Haha, well my fiance and I just bought a sofa/love seat set today pretty much based entirely on what we thought would be best with the greyhound (fur, drool, comfort, etc...I hope leather was a good choice...haha).

Then he stretched out on the love seat and said something to the effect of "See, perfect for the greyhound!" So we are already starting the "my life revolves around my greyhound"/"sacrifices" type of mindset.

:) Head start, yeah!

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