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Olive Not Producing Rbcs

Guest oliveoyl

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Guest oliveoyl

Monday I took our greyhound to the vet because her gums looked pale. He started her on an antibiotic and prednisone. Ran a profile for tick diseases and auto immune and it was neither. Our doctor went out of town and olive was getting worse so we took her to the emergency clinic. They did a blood transfusion and later when they checked her levels they said they were not as high as they had expected. Through out the day her levels have continued to drop. They said her body is not making new RBCs. They have given her another medication in case it is parasite. They said to check back with them in 12 hours and we would discuss the possibility of another transfusion. Anybody heard of similar experiences?



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Guest Energy11

First, I am sorry Olive is sick!


I have not had experience in this area with dogs, but with humans.


Has the vet ruled out Leukemia? I am NOT a vet, and NOT saying this is what it is, but the symptoms are similar.


Sending you all the hugs, good luck and prayers we can!!



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Wendy, I'm not a vet and I don't know much. That said, and since everybody else is apparently still watching the Kentucky Derby this afternoon, I'll say it sounds like non-regenerative anemia. You can Google that and get a lot of information about possible causes. (Just put "canine" in front of it to narrow it down.)


The fact that they're considering parasites as a possible cause suggests to me that your dog is perhaps quite young. Can you tell us more about her, her history? The more people on GT know about a situation, the more helpful they can be.


All the best to you and Olive,


Mary with Jumper Jack (2/17/11) and angels Shane (PA's Busta Rime, 12/10/02 - 10/14/16) and Spencer (Dutch Laser, 11/25/00 - 3/29/13).

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Sorry. I don't know. My first grey, Little Girl died of IMHA at age four after. In her case her body was attacking the red blood cells she made, but it was sort of similar. If your Coombs has come back negative then that is not what you are looking at. Don't know what to say but wanted to tell you I've been there and :grouphug

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It sounds as if it might possible be immune-mediated hemolytic anemia. There are certainly other diseases than can cause RBCs to either not be produced by bone marrow, or be destroyed by antibodies which see the RBCs as foreign substances. The vet should be able to make the diagnosis; time is of the essence in either case.


Leukemia or other cancer of blood cells can cause anemia, as could some type of unidentified blood loss. Transfusions may temporize the problem, but finding the cause and treating aggressively is crucial right now.


I hope Olive's problem is identified quickly, so she can be treated and feel better very soon.


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I feel your pain. My girl has been fighting immune mediated pancytopenia since last August. I read that the Dr ran a coombs test--just wanted to mention that you can get a false negative result. Might be time for a bone marrow aspirate. Keep us updated and feel feel to pm me--sadly I know more about this type of disease than I want to.

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Guest Gingergrey

My girl Ginger had IMHA and died of it ay age 5 1/2. The earlier the diagnosis, the better chance of beating this (if this is what it is).

Whatever it turns out to be, get to the bottom of it asap. Hugs to you and your hound Olive.

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Good call on those pale gums, Wendy! You sound like a greyt mom, and welcome to GT. Sorry it's not under better circumstances, but you've come to a good and helpful place.

Mary with Jumper Jack (2/17/11) and angels Shane (PA's Busta Rime, 12/10/02 - 10/14/16) and Spencer (Dutch Laser, 11/25/00 - 3/29/13).

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First, I am sorry Olive is sick!


I have not had experience in this area with dogs, but with humans.


Has the vet ruled out Leukemia? I am NOT a vet, and NOT saying this is what it is, but the symptoms are similar.


Sending you all the hugs, good luck and prayers we can!!





I'm so sorry Olive and you are going through this. My heart goes out to you both. I, myself, have Leukemia and I'm in tears thinking Olive may go through this. Leukemia was my 1st thought too.


Bone Marrow Aspiration is the best way to rule it out...blood tests are 2nd to those. It's a quick procedure, I just hope they sedate Olive. I'm having my 5th this Thursday.


MANY MANY prayers for you guys....you must be a mess :(

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Guest oliveoyl

We just picked Olive up from the vets. I was going over the medications and noticed that one of them was Azathioprine. I read that it can suppress the bone marrow production. Is that correct? Her blood work said that there was no activity in her bone marrow. What could be the reason for using this drug?

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Guest Gingergrey

Oliveoyl, I did not mean to sound morbid or depressing in my previous post, Just wanted you to benefit from the experience of others who have gone through similar

illnesses. What i went through with my Ginger were the worst days of my life. Vicky

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Azathiopine is to suppress the immune system--usually given with pred. Don't worry about the side-effect thing it's what she needs now. Usually you start with 50mgs for 3 days then it's given every other day. Did they do the bone marrow aspirate? Did they tell you what her retic count was? Also how are her platelets?

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We just picked Olive up from the vets. I was going over the medications and noticed that one of them was Azathioprine. I read that it can suppress the bone marrow production. Is that correct? Her blood work said that there was no activity in her bone marrow. What could be the reason for using this drug?


Azathioprine suppresses the immune system. The vet obviously suspects that this is an autoimmune disease, such as Immune-mediate hemolytic anemia, etc. This drug is generally taken long-term. Is Olive also on steroids? Most of the time, steroids are needed for a period of time as their onset is rapid, as opposed to azathioprine or other immunomodulators, which can take weeks to months to take effect.


ETA: If the vet is stating that her bone marrow is not producing cells, I would hope that was proven by bone marrow biopsy, which is the only definitive way of determining that, as well as of determining the cause.


If it's possible for you to do so, try to get Olive seen by an oncologist or internal medicine specialist ASAP, as the diagnosis is needed to determine what type of treatment is indicated.

Edited by greyhndz


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