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Problem With New Corn Cream

Guest amour

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Guest amour

I've been using the new corn cream as directed for 5 days now.

It's turning his pad white and causes him discomfort when he walks.

I'm I doing something wrong or has anyone experienced this effect.

Thanks :unsure

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I've been using it on my Dalt for 12 days. I only use a pea size amount and rub in so no white on his pads. He was so lame when I started this treatment. He did seem a bit more "tender" at about 7 days. This is when 2 of the corns starting becoming more pronounced. They both came out last night. we have several more corns but I'm so excited about the progress we've made since using this. Send an email to Susan or Erika. They have been great in helping me.



Pam with greys Avril, Dalton & Zeus & Diddy the dachshund & Miss Buzz the kitty

Devotion, Jingle Bells, Rocky, Hans, Harbor, Lennon, NoLa, Scooter, Naomi and Scout at the bridge

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Guest boondog

We've been using the cream for a little over a month now. Boon's pad has not turned white. He is still limping, but the corn looks like it's getting smaller. His corn is quite bad, so I expect any improvement to take a long time. If I were you, I'd contact the pharmacy and talk to them about this.

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Guest brandi1530

Where do you find a corn cream? I've never heard of it, but mine has three corns I regularly drive two hours to have removed.

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Guest goodtimekid

Kid is limping a little more but it's because the corn is really pushing out. I was able to remove one and now waiting on this last one. Definitely call the pharmacy to be sure.

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Guest dmona

The problem I had with the cream, after about 7 days, was the pads next to the one with the corn turned pink and I pulled dead skin off....called the pharmacy and they agreed that's what it was and that the pink meant the pads are now healthy. It has now been about 21 days and Kelsey's foot is much better...I'm not sure if there actually was a corn as she had surgery for mast cell tumor in the midst of the cream applications and the vet also worked on the corn that he had hulled a week or so prior. Anyway, I was able to easily pull something off her pad, skin, I think, and she seems to be putting her foot down more. I think part of her holding it up right now is just habit. I am going to continue with the cream as a preventive measure.

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