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Powder Not Himself And Worried

Guest KellyP

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Guest KellyP

Hello all-


Powder is a 6 yr old bundle of love. Last night he came in from his potty run, stumbling and shaky. When he was let in, he came straight to me, still wobbly, and did a face plant into the chair I was sitting in and then he collapsed. His heart was racing like a hummingbirds and he was panting really hard. It took him some time to get it back to normal. We checked him from head to toe, couldn't find any place that seemed sore to touch, but when he lays down he hollers loud, which is just heartbreakin. While sitting on the floor checking him over, I noticed that the chair had blood on it, but upon checking him again, I couldn't find any place where he was bleeding. I'm not sure if he bit his tongue and it had stopped by the time I noticed it or what. My major concern now is that while he still fusses when he lays down, his behavior is just really off. His eyes are empty and he will walk somewhere and just stand and stare. He wouldn't drink at all last night but today I put some milk over his food, which he normally loves when he doesn't feel good, he drank that from the bowl and picked at the food some once the milk was gone. Powder is normally a really laid back guy, but this is just not him at all. Does anyone have any idea on what could be going on with him?


Thank you so much for your time.

Kelly & Powder

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Poor Powder.

Could be anything from overdoing it to a small stroke.

Any heavy panting could indicate pain.

Have you checked his gums? Are they pale? If you press on them to they quickly return to pink?

Has his heartbeat calmed down?

Can you take his temperature?

Is there an emergency vet clinic near you?


Freshy (Droopys Fresh), NoAh the podenco orito, Howie the portuguese podengo maneto
Angels: Rita the podenco maneta, Lila, the podenco, Mr X aka Denali, Lulu the podenco andaluz, Hada the podenco maneta, Georgie Girl (UMR Cordella),  Charlie the iggy,  Mazy (CBR Crazy Girl), Potato, my mystery ibizan girl, Allen (M's Pretty Boy), Percy (Fast But True), Mikey (Doray's Patuti), Pudge le mutt, Tessa the iggy, Possum (Apostle), Gracie (Dusty Lady), Harold (Slatex Harold), "Cousin" Simon our step-iggy, Little Dude the iggy ,Bandit (Bb Blue Jay), Niña the galgo, Wally (Allen Hogg), Thane (Pog Mo Thoine), Oliver (JJ Special Agent), Comet, & Rosie our original mutt.

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Echoing the questions Ducky asked. My concern is the pain when he lays down. I'd have him looked at as soon as possible. Check the gums, if they're not nice and pink, you may be dealing with internal bleeding somewhere.

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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Guest Energy11

Poor Powder.

Could be anything from overdoing it to a small stroke.

Any heavy panting could indicate pain.

Have you checked his gums? Are they pale? If you press on them to they quickly return to pink?

Has his heartbeat calmed down?

Can you take his temperature?

Is there an emergency vet clinic near you?


Everything Ducky has mentioned is important. Yes, could have been a stroke, or seizue. This isn't behavior I'd let go, especially being new.


Stoke and/or seizure is what I am thinking. I'd surely see the vet ASAP. Good luck! Sending lots of prayers!

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Guest KellyP



This happened about midnight last night and because I live in a very rural community, we have no emergency clinics so the plan is to get him into the vet first thing in the morning. Right now I am just pampering him and feeding him anything he will tolerate. He's become a fussy eater literally overnight.


I just checked his temp, its 109.2

His gums are pink and fill back up when I press on them.

His panting subsided about 45 mins after the whole incident and his heart slowed back down again.

I took him out to potty a little bit ago and he got halfway between me and his 'spot' and stopped, like he couldn't remember why he was out there. I told him to go and his response was like "oh yeah, that's why I'm out here' and he went to do his business. Also, he doesn't run back to me like normal, he walks very slowly.


The other thing I remembered from last night was that when he collapsed in front of me, he had this cough/choking thing happen, but I was thinking that maybe it was because his throat landed on the recliner part of the chair, so while it may be the internal bleeding thing, I am really hoping not. We kind of rescued each other and I would be lost without him.


Thank you all for your responses and input and prayers.


Wishing you all a Happy Easter.

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Guest Energy11

..."I just checked his temp, its 109.2" ...

I hope you meant, 101.2 :-)))


Hummmm.... choking, coughing, blood ... could be fluid in the lungs, ... could be a lot of things, BUT, with your saying he can't remember things, I think you are looking at a stroke. There is really nothing they can do for this... EXCEPT monitor him and put him on a low-dose aspirin to prevent possible clots. My Curfew had an episode similar to this in Sept. 2008... they called it a stroke. He was out of it for a while ... still isn't totally "there."


PLEASE DO NOT give him any aspirin or other meds, until you see the vet, though. Just write down everything, or print out your post here on Greytalk, so you remember to tell the vet. I know, I tend to forget when I am at the vet, so I just write down everything before-hand, and hand it to her.


Sending hugs, good luck and prayers for your baby!


Dee and The Five

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How worrysome for both you and Powder.

You've received some good advice here already, but no-one has mentioned the possibility of a bite by a snake or a spider have they? If you can't rule that out I think I'd go to the vets sooner even if it was 100 miles away.

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Guest KellyP

Woops....yes, big mistake on the temp. It was 101.9. :)


Its just heart breaking to see him this way. Did Curfew ever get back to happy again...like tail wagging and stuff? Powder is normally a waggy guy when you talk to him, nothing now but the blank stare.


He is crying out in his sleep and then licking his lips a lot afterward, but when I look I can't see anything that would be causing pain inside his mouth. Maybe the vet can find something in there that I'm missing.


And thank you for the writing suggestion. I have my own disabilities so due to med issues, I forget a lot of short term stuff so will print this out before we go in the morning. I want to make sure the vet gets everything.


Thank you all again...we're so very glad that you all are here and have so much great information.


Kelly & Powder

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Guest BellesDad

Sure sounds like a stroke. Prayers for your boy Powder. My bridge angel Belle had a stroke, but recovered completely and was put on an aspirin regimen. Never happened again.

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Guest Energy11

Curfew was diagnosed with a stroke ... (*clot type). While he has come back about 80%, he isn't the same boy. He has also had about five "episodes" since Sept 2008 ... they remain, undiagnosed, because I just cannot afford an MRI for a definative diagnosis. Two vets say he is getting seizures. One, Dr. Couto from OSU, THE BEST ... mini strokes. As a retired Paramedic and vet tech, I lean toward strokes. No matter ... I just have to take one day at a time with Curfew.


Curfew whimpers in his sleep, ... he whines at night ... no one knows why. NIGHTS are his worst, and we have to "lure" him outiside sometimes, because he doesn't seem to know what he wants. Again, this is AT NIGHT ONLY! EXTREMELY baffling! Is he the same dog? No, he is not. He was never aggressive at all toward me, but now, if I touch his feet, or try to do something he doesn't like ... he snaps. ... I am attributing all of this to brain damage.


Is he still my "little boy ...?" ... you BET he is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! With him, I take it day by day, and I am grateful for everyday I have. Curfew will be 8 next week.


I would definitely see your vet ASAP, and write down, or print out all the things you have told us here, and go from there.


Sending you love, hugs and prayers from the N. Georgia Mountains! Dee and The Five

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Guest Energy11

..."He is crying out in his sleep and then licking his lips a lot afterward,"....


Also, licking the lips and nose, CAN BE SIGNS HE IS NAUEATED (sick to his stomach).

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Guest KellyP

Thank you Dee....I can't imagine everything you and Curfew have been through. My thoughts and prayers are with you both.


As soon as we are back from the vet, I'll send an update and let you all know what the outcome is.


He is eating a little more than he was earlier but still can't get him to take water. Not gonna give up on that though. He is a fighter and whatever this is, we will get through it together. I wouldn't trade him for the world and even if he doesn't come back like he was, he's still my little man.


I also have a husky that is playing mother hen to him and keeping within eyesight of Powder. Both are great little guys, but Powder is my heart. From the day I first saw him and heard what kind of abuse he had been put through, it belonged to him. We have come such a long way and he's worked so hard.


Thank you all.....truly.


K & P

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Guest Energy11

Thank you Dee....I can't imagine everything you and Curfew have been through. My thoughts and prayers are with you both.


As soon as we are back from the vet, I'll send an update and let you all know what the outcome is.


He is eating a little more than he was earlier but still can't get him to take water. Not gonna give up on that though. He is a fighter and whatever this is, we will get through it together. I wouldn't trade him for the world and even if he doesn't come back like he was, he's still my little man.


I also have a husky that is playing mother hen to him and keeping within eyesight of Powder. Both are great little guys, but Powder is my heart. From the day I first saw him and heard what kind of abuse he had been put through, it belonged to him. We have come such a long way and he's worked so hard.


Thank you all.....truly.


K & P

If he is eating ... I would add water to his food, so he drinks. You don't want him getting dehyrated. Good luck this evening, and at the vets! Dee

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