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Drooling..large Amounts

Guest tphillips

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Guest tphillips

I was wondering if anyone had any insight or ideas on a drooling issue we seem to be having. Recently I have been noticing about the house (dog beds, human bed, couch, floors etc) heaps of drool from our boy Sascha. It literally covers his face when he wakes up and there are patches 6x6 inches and growing wherever he happened to be at the time not to mention soaking where he was sleeping. Is there anything I can use to help the amount he is putting out, is this just normal or should I worry? I currently brush daily, use petzlife and biotene additive (poor guy has awful teeth but still has them all). Thank you in advance for the advice!

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He's obviously in some discomfort in his mouth.......How's he eating? Is he off his food or does he chew gingerly?


I see already mentioned is an abcess which would need anti biotics, another suggestion maybe he's got cracked a tooth or a blocked saliva gland :dunno


Only advice I have really...is if he were mine I'd be booking a vet appointment to get to the bottom of it.

Run free our beloved Sir Snowy, Pip, Queenie, Sadie, Tess & Rosie until we meet again......I would rather feel the thorn than to never see the rose

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Saving "awful" teeth isn't doing him any favors! I know there are lots of hounds on this board that have very few teeth left, and they do just fine! Drooling like that would be a sign of dental problems. He needs to get to the vet pronto, especially since this is new!


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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Guest greytbookert

Like the others have said, it sounds like a dental problem. Our old girl, Mama Ro, barely had any teeth and she did just fine! She was a lot happier and spunkier once the offending teeth were removed.

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Guest Smiley

When Smiley had an abcess on his tongue he would produce a lot of drool that was very, very thick and sticky. I would have it checked-it may be an issue with a tooth, tongue or something in the mouth.

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Guest Energy11

I'd agree with the others, ... a abcess, bad teeth, ... I, too, would see a vet. If it is an abcess, the vet could get him on antibiotics, and go from there.


Good Luck with this, and hope he feels better soon!

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Guest tphillips

I should have put more info in sorry :( I was just at the vet with him 2 weeks ago, he just had a dental about 7 months ago. The vet said everything looked ok except a couple teeth that he would like to watch (mainly the left incisor). I asked about removing some of the ones that looked icky to me (his bottom front 3 and a back incisor). Once again it was a watch response. I do not want to poor guy to suffer, so perhaps another sterner visit is in order. He is eating very well nothing gingerly well chewed etc. I checked his mouth did not see anything however does not mean it is not there. Thank you all for your responses they are a big help and will provide some guidance when I go back. I just wanted to get other feedback from everyone here since it seems everyone has seen it all. I would rather be armed with too much information then none :)

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You mentioned a Biotene additive, what is that?


I use Biotene to wipe my dog's teeth and gums but would never have them swallow it.


I'm just curious what is in the additive


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



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