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Aquitaine Attacked And Bitten Tonight

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Guest LindsaySF

Call AC.


Were you at a regular park, or an off-leash park? If both dogs were leashed, did the other dog come after you guys? If the other owner did not have control over his dog, then he is at fault.


If you were at a dog park, somewhere both dogs are allowed to be loose, you might not be able to get the other owner for vet bills. You would need to prove that his dog was the instigator, and it wasn't "mutual combat". But if the dog bit YOU, that you might have a case for.




I hope Aquitaine feels better soon.



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Guest Energy11

Leashed, or not leashed, THIS DOG BIT YOU and YOUR DOG!


PLEASE REPORT THIS!!! What if, next time, it is a baby in a stroller or a toddler? THEN, the police and AC, would care!


Sending lots of healing love to you and Aquitaine! I HATE this type of thing! Makes my blood boil! angryfire.gif


Much love and many hugs! Dee and The Five



DITTO what ENERGY said. The beast needs to be reported before he hurts or kills another innocent being. My blood more than boils over these incidents-I think it vaporizes completely because I become insanely protective of my hounds and have no compunctions about it or what I might do to the offenders. I have been trained to "neutralize threats" and have learned to arm myself before going for a walkie.


When Energy, Bob and I, used to live on the beach in Florida, and Bob walked Energy, he always carried a walking stick. Not fo his use, but to defend Energy. Energy was attacked by a very vicious Dalmation once, and after that, he became intensly afraid of ALL other dogs! I had to literally kick this Dalmation off us!


We don't take ours around other dogs, just not a good idea, and up here, we have lots of places to walk, uninhibited, thank God! BUT, when we travel next month, my key chain sizes of Critonella based "pepper spray" will be carried. I, like you, will defend my dogs first, self, later.


The dog described here in this thread, is DEFINITELY dangerous, and a huge threat to all in his path. Just my ...twocents.giftwocents.gif

Edited by Energy11
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Guest EmilyandSioux

I would be all over your animal control officers. I don't know what your laws are but the aggressive dog would be in quarantine for 10 days and if not vaccinated then would be sent for rabies testing. I would also get Aquitaine a booster on her vaccinations just to be on the safe side. You will have to wait until she is off antibiotics though.

Thoughts and prayers coming your way.

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Guest Energy11

I would be all over your animal control officers. I don't know what your laws are but the aggressive dog would be in quarantine for 10 days and if not vaccinated then would be sent for rabies testing. I would also get Aquitaine a booster on her vaccinations just to be on the safe side. You will have to wait until she is off antibiotics though.

Thoughts and prayers coming your way.



Ditto on all!

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Guest Energy11

Wow! Racoons and Coyotes in Central Park???????? THAT is nuts!


Glad to hear you are both all right, and, sorry you had to go through this!

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Guest LindsaySF

I hope you heal up soon. :grouphug


If your wound a puncture wound or a slash? Speaking from experience here, put some ice on it. It will help with the bruising and inflammation. I have had dog bites where I didn't ice it and dog bites where I iced it from the start, and the iced ones healed faster and the bruising time was shorter. Feel better soon!

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hi carron. so sorry to read about his horrible attack on aquitane. we are thinking about you here. hope you are both on the mend. hugs to you both.


Tricia with Kyle, our senior mutt dog 
Always missing Murray MaldivesBee Wiseman, River, Hopper, Kaia, and 
Holly Oaks Holly
“You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.“          -Bob Dylan

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I read your update and am glad to know all is well considering! You do need to know about the other dog's vaccination status. The bite to you was accidental because you were "in the way" defending your dog but a fatal disease doesn't care. You have to know or you have to have the prophylaxis, period. Have your walker find out for you, if the owners wont' tell, contact AC. Likely the dog needs to be city licensed and here at least, you have to have current vacs to buy that license. If you haven't gotten that license...well, AC is interested in that, too. ;)

Angie, Pewter, and Storm-puppy

Forever missing Misty-Mousie (9/9/99 - 10/5/15)
Fort Wayne, Indiana

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Guest Greytluv

I know here in California the doctor who attends your wound will call animal control.


You really need some sleep. You will be no help to Aquitaine if you're dead on your feet :grouphug

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Guest bluefawn

Wow, what a scary experience for both of you! I really would press the other dog's owner to pay for both your treatment and Aquitaine's. And be sure to ask for proof of a rabies vaccination for the other dog. Since both dogs were leashed, you may not have much recourse as far as the other owner paying for anything, since no laws were broken. I am so glad it was not worse for you both! Sending healing thoughts and prayers for you two, and for all the furkids and their owners at the evet. Do keep us posted.

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Guest Adrianne

I'm glad you are both okay. Years ago, my oldest son's ear was ripped by a playful young dog. Bear wasn't trying to hurt Joey, but was just jumping up to get Joey to play with him and his tooth latched an ear. It required stitches, and the police showed up at the hospital. We were told that doctors must report all dog bites they treat. I don't know if it's statewide, countywide, or citywide here. But, in my son's case, the police were called by the doctor without our knowledge.

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