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Question About Racing Training

Guest TeddysMom

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Guest TeddysMom

When I walk Spice, she always walks on my right side. If I try to move her over to my left side, she just moves back over to my right. It is not a problem but I am just wondering if greys that go through the race training normally are trained to walk on the trainers right. On a cute note, when we head out for a walk, Teddy is always in front of me and Spice lags behind by a couple of head lengths. As soon as we head back to the house, Spice walks a few head lengths ahead of me. She loves her walks but she really loves going home. :)

Edited by TeddysMom
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I doubt it.


Dogs are typically trained to walk on the LEFT since most people are right handed; the tradition goes way, way back to times when the right hand would in all likelihood be carrying a shotgun!


When they march them down the track in Jacksonville anyway, the dogs are all on the handler's left. I can't imagine why they'd swap sides...


FYI, my George was five when I got him, spent a lot of time at the track--acted like he'd never been on a leash in his life for the first few weeks!!! Good gravy did I have a sore lower back from all the jostling we did with each other trying to impress upon him that he was going to walk on the left!!


Phew! It's all good now!!


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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Guest TheDoggfather

It's enough of a job trying to teach them to simply go for a walk when they're puppies without ripping your arm off. Trying to get them to walk on a certain side? Nah... and besides, most of the time they've got the leads stretched... ain't no sides when they're 6 feet out in front of you.


But, I see what you're saying. When I adopted my first girl, I had the same question (amongst many others). Where they walk is simply a preference thing for them.

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Guest krystolla

I'd always learned it was dogs on the left because the horse was on the right, but that was when I asked why the horse needed to be on the right. Shotgun makes just as much sense for establishing the rule . . .

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If you would like her to walk on the other side, shorten the leash so she can't walk back over to the right. She'll pick it up quickly. I think at most tracks the hounds walk to the starting box on the left side of the handler, I know they do at Southland.

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Guest TeddysMom

If she wants to walk on the right, I have no problem with it. I was just curious where she might have picked it up since it is so ingrained in her. She is so good in every way that I figure I have been blessed to have her in my life.

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The left side is traditional in AKC showing and obedience. I cannot stand for dog to be on my right side! Not happening. Everyone walks on the left side here or slightly in front, on the left.


I WALK the dogs, they do NOT walk me.

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Guest wmlcml6

Hope walks on the side farthest from the street when we go for neighborhood walks, so left side heading out, right side going back home. My silly little thing.


Yeah, we don't teach sides when leash training. As someone else said, it's hard enough to get them to walk at all since they usually behave as if they are being murdered the first few times.

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Guest TeddysMom

Since I am not doing AKC showing or doing formal obedience work and she walks like a dream on the leash, I'm not going to get her screwed up by fighting to get her to walk on the left. She is already a little spooky so it is not worth it. I pick my battles and this isn't one of them. My question was just out of curiosity about their racing training.

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Guest BorzoiMom

Horses came before shotguns. :) :) I wasn't told one thing or the other, but figured the dog was on the left because the horse was on the right.

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It might depend on the track ... in Peterborough they parade the dogs out with them on their right because that way they're on the side where the stands are so the punters can see them properly. But then, they'll swap sides to walk them back on their left.


I'd think it was just the side she prefers for some reason. :dunno


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Guest mcsheltie

Horses came before shotguns. :) :) I wasn't told one thing or the other, but figured the dog was on the left because the horse was on the right.

The tradition of horses being lead on our right side came about during medieval times. A sword was carried on the left. Because you would reach across your body to have enough room to pull it. When you mounted you would be on that side so you could throw your right (sword-less) leg over the horse.


Dogs are lead on the left because right handers carry their gun on their right side.

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Horses came before shotguns. :) :) I wasn't told one thing or the other, but figured the dog was on the left because the horse was on the right.


Yeah, but the person would be ON the horse!


Not sure how common leashes were in the days that horses were primary transportation??


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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